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中国手语国际版 International Edition of Chinese Sign Language课程列表:

手语概述 Overview of Sign Language

-手语传递 Sign Language Delivery

-聊聊“中国手语” Talk about "Chinese Sign Language"

--情怀 Sentiment

--手指舞 Finger Dance

--Classification of Sign Language 手语的分类

-手语的分类 Classification of Sign Language

--International Sign Language Femal国际手势“女”

--American Sign Language Female美国手势“女”

--Chinese Sign Language Female中国手势“女”

--Japanese Sign Language Female日本手势“女”

--手语的分类 Classification of Sign Language

--Classification of Sign Language 手语的分类(微课)

-手语学习的意义和方法 Significance and Methods of Learning Sign Language

--我们生活中的手语 Sign Language in our Life

--酷炫的手势 Cool Signs

--手语学习的意义和方法 Significance and Methods of Learning Sign Language

-学习手语的好处有哪些? What are the Benefits of Learning Sign Language?

-学习手语的好处有哪些?What are the Benefits of Learning Sign Language?

-我随便看看(I just take a look)

-今明两天天气怎样What's the weather like today and tomorrow

-你对我的作业满意吗 Are you satisfied with my homework

-遇到困难别放弃Don't give up whenever in difficulty.

-The Concept about Gesture Language手语的概念(微课)

-Classification of Sign Language 手语的分类(作业)

-Learning Guide for International Edition of Chinese Sign Language学习指南

手指语 Finger Language

-中国手语的“汉语拼音”Chinese Phonetic Alphabet in Chinese Sign Language

--32 Finger Signs

-指语的“学”与“练”"Learning" and "Practice" of sign language

--Go in one ear and out the other.左耳进右耳出

--I’m a good person.我是一个好人

--I wish you every success.一帆风顺

--It doesn’t matter.无所谓

--Many heroes are youngsters since ancient times.自古英雄出少年

--We learn the oceans.我们学习海洋

--Finger Language Study and Practice 手指语的学习与训练(微课)

-和美式字母手势的异同Similarities and differences with American alphabet gestures

-32个指式32 kinds of sign language gestures

-国际手语指式(A-Z)Finger type of international sign language

-Finger Language 手指语(微课)

-Finger Language 手指语(作业)

食品类手语 Sign Language for Food

-我的食物 My Food


--fast food 快餐




--western food 西餐

--Zongzi 粽子

--Sign Language for Food 1食品类用语手语1 (微课)

-食品零食 Food and Snacks




--boxed bean豆腐

--soybean milk豆浆

--soy sauce酱油




--Sign Language for Food 2食品类用语手语2 (微课)

-Take towels and clothes for a trip.外出时记得带上毛巾和衣服。

-Please wear school uniforms and bring your own food (bread, drinks) for tomorrow's activities.明天的活动请穿校服,带上食物(面包,饮料)。

-There is a cafe near my house.我们家附近有一家咖啡馆。

-极为常见必不可少的食物、食品 Very Ordinary and Necessary Food

-北方人过年有吃饺子的习惯 The northerners have the habit of eating dumplings during the New Year

-端午节,我们要吃粽子 We are going to eat rice dumplings on Dragon Boat Festival.

-反季节蔬菜要贵得多 Off-season vegetables are much more expensive.

-遇到困难别放弃Don't give up whenever in difficulty.

-一把椅子.One chair

-Sign Language for Food食品类用语手语(作业)

-Sign Language for Food 食品类用语手语

日用类手语 Sign Language for Daily Use




--electric car电动车


--sailing ship轮船



--barge pole蒿

--public bus公交车







--motorized wheelchair轮椅




--three-wheeled car三轮车


--Sign Language for Daily Life 1日常生活类用语1(微课)

-日常所用Daily use







--washing machine洗衣机



--registered letter挂号信



--woollen sweater毛衣


--overseas remittance侨汇

--fashionable clothes时装









--Sign Language for Daily Life 2日常生活类用语2(微课)

-日常生活中的事物Things in daily life

-工作很忙时,我们就吃快餐。(When the work is busy, we eat fast food.)

-经常吃汉堡包没有营养(It is not nutritious to eat hamburgers often )。

-浪费粮食可耻(It's shameful to waste food)

-我们是同学,也是朋友We are classmates and friends

-我是爸爸的女儿 I am the daughter of my father

-你学的什么专业我学的是计算机专业What's your major. My major is computer.

-预祝你成功谢谢你再见Wish you success. Thank you, Bye!

-Sign Language for Daily Life日常生活类用语(作业)

-Sign Language for Daily Life 日常生活类用语

水果蔬菜农作物类手语 Sign Language for Fruit and Vegetable

-水果世界 Fruit World


--Hami melon哈密瓜













--Sign Language for Fruit and Vegetables 1水果蔬菜类手语 1 (微课)

-蔬菜农作物 Vegetable and Crops


--sweet potato白薯


--荸荠water chestnut

--冬瓜 wax gourd

--甘蔗 sweet cane

--高粱 sorghum




--菱角water caltrop

--麻 hemp



--藕 lotus root


--芹菜 celery

--青稞 Highland barley

--蔬菜 vegetable

--莴苣 lettuce

--银耳 tremella

--玉米 corn

--芝麻 sesame

--Sign Language for Fruit and Vegetables 2水果蔬菜类手语 2(微课)

-你穿多大号的?(What size do you wear)

-你家人喜欢吃什么点心(What kind of snacks do your family like to eat)

-你妈妈常常去菜场(Your mother often goes to the Vegetable market )

-笛子、吹笛子,钢琴、弹钢琴bamboo flute, play the bamboo flute; piano, play the piano

-欢迎新同学Welcome new students

-我们的友情淡如水Our friendship is as weak as water

-Sign Language for Fruit and Vegetables PPT

-Sign Language for Fruit and Vegetables水果蔬菜类手语(作业)

飞禽鱼类手语 Sign Language for Birds and Fish

-天上飞的 Flying in the Sky

--鸽 pigeon

--鹅 goose

--鸡 chicken

--家禽 poultry

--蜜蜂 bee

--鸭 duck

--Sign Language for Birds & Fish 1飞禽鱼类手语1(微课)

-陆上跑的 Running on Land

--骡子 mule

--驴 donkey

--马 horse

--牛 cattle

--羊 sheep

--猪 pig

--Sign Language for Birds & Fish PPT

-水里游的 Swimming in the Water

--贝壳 shell

--蛤 clam

--海参 sea cucumber

--海蜇 jellyfish

--蚶 bloody clam

--鲫 crucian carp

--甲鱼 soft-shelled turtle

--鲤 carp

--螺 snail

--鳝鱼 eel

--乌贼 cuttlefish

--虾 lobster

--蟹 crab

--鱼 fish

--鱼叉 fishgig

--鱼钩 fishhook

--鱼钩 fishhook

--渔 fishing

--渔网 fishing net

--Sign Language for Birds & Fish 2飞禽鱼类手语2(微课)

-你想买什么 What do you want to buy?

-请拿一件短装 Please take a short dress.

-食品加工厂 Food processing factory

-你想买什么What do you want to buy

-你的理想是什么What is your ideal

-大河宽,小河窄The big river is wide and the small is narrow

-Sign Language for Birds & Fish PPT

-Sign Language for Birds & Fish飞禽鱼类手语(作业)

家庭生活类手语 Sign Language for Family Life

-家庭处处 Family Life

--差 bad

--摧毁 destroy

--繁杂 complicated

--方便 convenient

--防止 prevent

--分明 obvious

--腐烂 decay

--吉祥 auspicious

--舒服 comfortable

--爽快 straightforward

--醒 wake

--悠久 long-standing

--英俊 handsome

--崭新 new

--Sign Language for Daily Life 1日常生活类用语1(微课)

-生活环境 Living Environment

--矮 short

--凹 concave

--碧绿 green

--橙色 orange

--炽热 redhot

--粗糙 rough

--催 urge

--陡峭 steep

--短 short

--肥沃 fertile

--分明 obvious

--腐烂 decay

--高 tall

--光滑 smooth

--Sign Language for Daily Life 2日常生活类用语2 (微课)

-周围世界 Surroundings

--褐色 tan

--洪亮 resonant

--灰 ash

--宽 wide

--落 drop

--胖 fat

--浅 shallow

--臊 shy

--瘦 thin

--特点 characteristic

--特征 feature

--弯 bend

--凶恶 cruel

--悠扬 melodious

--窄 narrow

--长 long

--涨 rise

--阴暗 gloomy

--浑浊 muddy

--滑稽 funny

--Sign Language for Family Life Terms PPT

-我和邻居叔叔阿姨喝咖啡(I drink coffee with uncle and aunt in neighbor)

-昨天星期一,前天星期日Yesterday, Monday; the day before yesterday, Sunday.

-洗衣服Washing clothes

-残疾人事业是崇高的事业The cause of the disabled is a noble cause

-穿高跟鞋很累Tired in high- heeled shoes

-他的具体工作就是为残疾人服务His specific job was to serve the disabled

-Sign Language for Family Life Terms家庭生活用语手语(测试)

-Sign Language for Family Life Terms PPT

-Sign Language for Family Life Terms家庭生活用语手语(作业)

社交类手语 Sign Language for Social Life

-职业职务 Profession and Title

--常委(members of Standing Committee)

--处长(Division Chief)











--科长(section chief)




--厅长(head of a department )


--校长(school master)


--职称(job title)





--Sign Language for Social Terms 1社交用语手语 1(微课)

-人际关系 Interpersonal Relationship

--残疾人(Disabled persons)

--弟弟(younger brother)



--哥哥(elder brother)

--家属(Family members)

--健全人(able-bodied people)

--姐姐(elder sister)



--妹妹(younger sisiter)







--群众(the masses)


--弱智人(mentally retarded person)




--肢残人(Physically disabled person)

--Sign Language for Social Terms 2社交用语手语 2 (微课)

-你好大家好(Hello everyone)

-她妹妹的职业是医生(Her sister's occupation is doctor)

-我家里有爸爸、妈妈和我(My family has father,mother and me)

-麻烦你了,谢谢(sorry to bother you, thank you)

-你叫什么名字(What is your name)

-你今年多大了(How old are you)

-我喜欢喝茶(I like drinking tea)

-Sign Language for Social Terms PPT

-Sign Language for Social Terms PPT

-Sign Language for Social Terms社交用语手语(作业)

时空类手语 Sign Language for Time and Space

-时间旅行 For Time




--除夕(New year's Eve)

--春分(Vernal equinox)

--春节(Spring festival)

--妇女节(Women's day)

--公历(Gregorian calendar)




--立春(Beginning-of-Spring Day)

--聋人节(Deaf festival)




--清明节(Tomb-sweeping Day

--夏至(Summer solstice)



--一星期(one weeek)


--中秋节(Mid-autumn festival)

--重阳节(Double ninth festival)


--Sign Language for time and space 1时间与空间手语1(微课)

-物理空间 For Space


--当时(at that time)

--当天(on the day)






--过期(past due)


--经过(go through)

--年限(age limit)

--迄今(so far)



--时差(time difference)



--随时(at any time

--提前(in advance)




--Sign Language for time and space 2时间与空间手语2(微课)

-我有饭前饭后喝茶的习惯(I have the habit of drinking tea before and after meals.)。

-今天是几月几日?星期几What day is it today

-时间来得及,你就慢慢考虑 Time permits so you can think carefully

-下课时请老师先走Please let the teacher first leave after class

-今明两天天气怎样What's the weather like today and tomorrow

-Sign Language for time and space PPT

-Sign Language for time and space 时间与空间手语(作业)

中国语文类手语 Sign Language for Chinese Language

-中国语文 Chinese Language









--点名(Roll call)





--汉语拼音(Chinese Phonetic Alphabet)




--手语(Sign language)





--造句(Make a sentence)


--讲课(Give Lectures)

--Sign language of Chinese language terms(一)1语文类用语手语(一)1 (微课)

-语文课上 In Chinese Class




--好(good )























--Sign language of Chinese language terms(二)1语文类用语手语(二)1(微课)

-吸烟有害健康(Smoking is harmful to health)

-祝愿我们的友谊天长地久May our friendship last forever.

-遇到困难别放弃Don't give up whenever in difficulty.

-爱护公物,遵纪守法Take care of public property and obey the law

-毕业后,你准备做什么工作What are you going to do after graduation

-不打人、骂人、说脏话No beating, abusing, and swearing

-Sign language of Chinese language terms PPT

-Sign language of Chinese language terms语文类用语手语(作业)

体育运动类手语 Sign Language for Sports




--单杠(Horizontal bar)


--高低杠(uneven bars)







--金牌(Gold medal)

--竞走(Race walking)


--乒乓球(Table tennis)

--平衡木(Balance beam)

--铅球(Shot put)

--Sign language of Sports terms1体育运动类手语1 (微课)






--双杠(Parallel bars)



--田径(Track and field)

--跳高(High jump)

--跳远(Long jump)








--Sign language of Sports terms2体育运动类手语2(微课)

-夏季吃冷饮很舒服。(It is very comfortable to have cold drinks in summer.)

-友谊第一,比赛第二Friendship first, competition second

-现在自由活动Now for free activities

-胜负难说It's hard to predict success or failure

-可以试试 You can try

-现在自由活动Now for free activities

-Sign language of Sports terms PPT

-Sign language of Sports terms体育运动类手语(作业)

数学数字类手语 Sign Language for Maths and Figures

-我爱数学 I Love Maths








--对顶角(vertex angle)










--Sign language of Mathematical terms (一)1 数学用语手语(一)1(微课)

-数学王国Maths Kingdom



--曲线(curve line)

--锐角(acute angle)







--相向(face each other)





--直线(straight line)


--Sign language of Mathematical terms (二)1数学用语手语(二)1(微课)

-先给你们上点茶 First make some tea for you.

-数学包括代数和几何Mathematics includes algebra and geometry

-四舍五入可以约等于 It is rounded approximately to

-班里共有多少学生How many students are there in the class

-Sign language of Mathematical terms PPT

-Sign language of Mathematical terms数学用语手语(作业)

动物类手语 Sign Language for Animals

-人类的朋友 Friends to Humans















--猫头鹰(owl )

--梅花鹿(Sika deer)


--企鹅(penguin )

--Sign language of animal terms 1 动物类手语1(微课)

-我的宠物 My Pets












--燕子(swallow )


--益虫(beneficial insects)


--鸳鸯(mandarin duck)



--Sign language of animal terms 2 动物类手语2 (微课)

-一年四季家里新(The house is new all year round.)。

-在这些动物中,谁是庄稼的好朋友Who, among these animals, is a good friend of the crops.

-Sign language of animal terms PPT

-Sign language of animal terms 动物类手语(作业)

植物类手语 Sign Language for Plants

-地球外衣 The Earth "Coat"










--终于(At last)

--最后(at last )


--Sign language of Plant terms1植物类手语1(微课)

-我的绿植 My Green Plants






--樟树(Camphor tree)



--Sign language of Plant terms2植物类手语2(微课)

-反季节蔬菜要贵得多(Off-season vegetables are much more expensive)

-庄稼地里哪些是害虫?哪些是益虫 In the fields what are the pests, and what are the beneficial insects.

-Sign language of Plant terms PPT

-Sign language of Plant terms 植物类手语(作业)

期末考试final exam

-final exam 课程学习期末考试


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