当前课程知识点:Lacquer > Chapter 5 Varied-bodied lacquer ware making > 5.3 leather lacquer ware > leather lacquer ware 3
-1.1 Lacquer, tree and people
-1.2 Where urushi comes from
-1.3 Traditional lacquer reaping method
--Traditional lacquer reaping method
-1.4 Time for lacquer reaping
-1.5 Examine the Lacquer
-The Lacquer
-2.1 Roles of urushi in ancient society
--Roles of urushi in ancient society
-Exercises on the function of lacquer in ancient society
-3.1 Bodiless lacquer making technique Step 1
--Bodiless lacquer making technique Step 1
-3.2 Bodiless lacquer making technique Step 2
--Bodiless lacquer making technique Step 2
-3.3 Bodiless lacquer making technique Step 3
--Bodiless lacquer making technique Step 3
-3.4 Bodiless lacquer making technique Step 4
--Bodiless lacquer making technique Step 4
-3.5 Bodiless lacquer making technique Step 5
--Bodiless lacquer making technique Step 5
-3.6 Bodiless lacquer making technique Step 6
--Bodiless lacquer making technique Step 6
-3.7 Bodiless lacquer making technique Step 7
--Bodiless lacquer making technique Step 7
-Exercises about bodiless lacquer making
-4.1 Make brushes with a knife
-4.2 Starch paste preparation
-4.3 Zhang Zhigang and Lacquer
-4.4 Urushi Workshop
-4.5 The inheritance of urushi
-5.1 Lacquering technology of wooden bowl
--Lacquering technology of wooden bowl
-5.2 Porcelain lacquer ware
-5.3 leather lacquer ware
-Exercises about varied-bodied lacquer ware making