Environmental Accounting and Management

This is emergy theory course authorized by International Society for the Advancement of Emergy Research (ISAER)


Environmental Accounting and Management课程:前往报名学习

Environmental Accounting and Management视频慕课课程简介:

This is emergy theory course authorized by International Society for the Advancement of Emergy Research (ISAER)


Environmental Accounting and Management课程列表:


Chapter 0 - Introduction

-Chapter 0 - Introduction

--Chapter 0 - Introduction


Chapter 1 - Integrating Biophysical & Economic Values: The Emerging Discipline of Emergy Analysis

-Chapter 1 - Integrating Biophysical & Economic Values: The Emerging Discipline of Emergy Analysis

--Chapter 1 - Integrating Biophysical & Economic Values: The Emerging Discipline of Emergy Analysis

Chapter 2.1 - Systems Perspective: Drivers, Components, and Processes

-Chapter 2.1 - Systems Perspective: Drivers, Components, and Processes

--Chapter 2.1 - Systems Perspective: Drivers, Components, and Processes

Chapter 2.2 Systems Language-A picture is worth a thousand words

-Chapter 2.2 A Systems Language-A picture is worth a thousand words

--Chapter 2.2 A Systems Language-A picture is worth a thousand words


Chapter 3.1 - Energy, Exergy and Thermodynamics: Thermodynamics, Maximum power, Hierarchies, and Mat

-Chapter 3.1 - Energy, Exergy and Thermodynamics: Thermodynamics, Maximum power, Hierarchies, and Mat

--Chapter 3.1 - Energy, Exergy and Thermodynamics: Thermodynamics, Maximum power, Hierarchies, and Mat

Chapter 3.2 - Calculating Exergy of Materials & Energy Sources: Available energy using Gibbs Free E

-Chapter 3.2 - Calculating Exergy of Materials & Energy Sources: Available energy using Gibbs Free E

--Chapter 3.2 - Calculating Exergy of Materials & Energy Sources: Available energy using Gibbs Free E

Chapter 4.1 - Emergy and Environmental Accounting: The Geobiosphere Emergy Baseline (GEB), Solar equ

-Chapter 4.1 - Emergy and Environmental Accounting: The Geobiosphere Emergy Baseline (GEB), Solar equ

--Chapter 4.1 - Emergy and Environmental Accounting: The Geobiosphere Emergy Baseline (GEB), Solar equ

Chapter 4.2 - Emergy of Renewable Secondary and Tertiary Global Sources: Computation of primary, sec

-Chapter 4.2 - Emergy of Renewable Secondary and Tertiary Global Sources: Computation of primary, sec

--Chapter 4.2 - Emergy of Renewable Secondary and Tertiary Global Sources: Computation of primary, sec


Chapter 5 - Emergy of Materials,Energy,and Finished Products: UEVs of non-renewable fossil fuels; UE

-Chapter 5 - Emergy of Materials,Energy,and Finished Products: UEVs of non-renewable fossil fuels; UE

--Chapter 5 - Emergy of Materials,Energy,and Finished Products: UEVs of non-renewable fossil fuels; UE

Chapter 6 - Static Emergy Accounting: Emergy algebra, Emergy evaluation procedure , Static calculati

-Chapter 6 - Static Emergy Accounting: Emergy algebra, Emergy evaluation procedure , Static calculati

--Chapter 6 - Static Emergy Accounting: Emergy algebra, Emergy evaluation procedure , Static calculati


Chapter 7 - Dynamic Emergy Accounting: Simulation of emergy and transformity, network analysis of em

-Chapter 7 - Dynamic Emergy Accounting: Simulation of emergy and transformity, network analysis of em

--Chapter 7 - Dynamic Emergy Accounting: Simulation of emergy and transformity, network analysis of em

Chapter 8 - Emergy Evaluating Procedure: systems diagram, evaluation table, footnotes, summary diagr

-Chapter 8 - Emergy Evaluating Procedure: systems diagram, evaluation table, footnotes, summary diagr

--Chapter 8 - Emergy Evaluating Procedure: systems diagram, evaluation table, footnotes, summary diagr


Chapter 9 - Emergy and the Economy: Emergy Money Ratio, “Value Added”, international trade, emergy

-Chapter 9 - Emergy and the Economy: Emergy Money Ratio, “Value Added”, international trade, emergy

--Chapter 9 - Emergy and the Economy: Emergy Money Ratio, “Value Added”, international trade, emergy

Chatper 10 - Emergy Evaluation of Nations

-Chatper 10 - Emergy Evaluation of Nations

--Chatper 10 - Emergy Evaluation of Nations


Chapter 11 - Emergy & Nations

-Chapter 11 - Emergy & Nations

--Chapter 11 - Emergy & Nations

Chapter 12 - Emergy and Urban Systems: Understanding urban systems; Settlement location; Urban Hiera

-Chapter 12 - Emergy and Urban Systems: Understanding urban systems; Settlement location; Urban Hiera

--Chapter 12 - Emergy and Urban Systems: Understanding urban systems; Settlement location; Urban Hiera

Chapter 13 - Emergy Evaluation of Ecosystems: What is a ecosystem? GPP & NPP; Succession; Emergy of

-Chapter 13 - Emergy Evaluation of Ecosystems: What is a ecosystem? GPP & NPP; Succession; Emergy of

--Chapter 13 - Emergy Evaluation of Ecosystems: What is a ecosystem? GPP & NPP; Succession; Emergy of

Chapter 14 - Natural Capital and Environmental Services: What are ecosystem services? What is natura

-Chapter 14 - Natural Capital and Environmental Services: What are ecosystem services? What is natura

--Chapter 14 - Natural Capital and Environmental Services: What are ecosystem services? What is natura


Chapter 15 - Emergy and Landscape Development Intensity

-Chapter 15 - Emergy and Landscape Development Intensity

--Chapter 15 - Emergy and Landscape Development Intensity

Chapter 16 - Environmental Impact Assessment: Strip mining, power plants cooling, Everglades resto

-Chapter 16 - Environmental Impact Assessment: Strip mining, power plants cooling, Everglades resto

--Chapter 16 - Environmental Impact Assessment: Strip mining, power plants cooling, Everglades resto


Chapter 17 - Environmental Impact Assessment: Evaluating impacts of oil spills

-Chapter 17 - Environmental Impact Assessment: Evaluating impacts of oil spills

--Chapter 17 - Environmental Impact Assessment: Evaluating impacts of oil spills

Chapter 18 - Emergy Evaluation of Energy Alternatives: Net Emergy, Emergy Yield Ratio, Energy Return

-Chapter 18 - Emergy Evaluation of Energy Alternatives: Net Emergy, Emergy Yield Ratio, Energy Return

--Chapter 18 - Emergy Evaluation of Energy Alternatives: Net Emergy, Emergy Yield Ratio, Energy Return


Chapter 19 - Wastes and Recycling

-Chapter 19 - Wastes and Recycling

--Chapter 19 - Wastes and Recycling

Chapter 20 - Models of Economic Interface: Theory, models, and simulation of economic interfaces, ec

-Chapter 20 - Models of Economic Interface: Theory, models, and simulation of economic interfaces, ec

--Chapter 20 - Models of Economic Interface: Theory, models, and simulation of economic interfaces, ec


Epilogue: Environmental Accounting and Management in Future

-Epilogue: Environmental Accounting and Management in Future

--Epilogue: Environmental Accounting and Management in Future

Environmental Accounting and Management开设学校:北京师范大学

Environmental Accounting and Management授课教师:


副教授,博士生导师。城市与区域生态研究所所长,欧盟能源项目外籍专家,发改委碳核查专家,北京市科协青年托举人才,国际能值协会(International Society for the Advancement Emergy Research)中国分会秘书长、国际清洁生产网络(Advances in Cleaner Production Network)亚太区主席等。 长期致力于城市生态规划与管理、城市资源能源精细核算、流域内城市和城市群系统模拟与优化方面的研究,主持多项相关课题研究,发表相关领域SCI论文100余篇,获得教育部科学技术进步奖1等奖,自然科学2等奖。担任ESCI期刊Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management管理编辑,Frontiers Sustainable Cities副主编,多个期刊编委。

Mark T. Brown-教授-北京师范大学-

Mark Brown教授,佛罗里达大学湿地与环境政策研究中心主任,北京师范大学高等学校学科创新引智基地(111计划)学术大师。师从系统生态学创始人H.T. Odum,主要研究领域为能源与环境政策、生态系统服务评估、湿地生态修复等方面,已发表和出版国际期刊文章和著作140余篇/部,文章引用5600余次(Google Scholar),H指数35。国际能值协会创始人,曾担任美国生态工业协会主席。

Sergio Ulgiati-教授-北京师范大学-

Sergio Ulgiati, 中国外专局高端外籍人才,北师大特聘教授,国际能值协会前主席,美国富布莱特奖获得者。2007年至今长期致力于链接中-意两国科研力量,共同研发城市循环经济理论、“零”排放技术并运用到管理实践之中。持续7年在北京师范大学开设环境核算与管理课程,参与学者来自五大洲12个国家。基于其长期的科研与教学工作,2016年获全球2.5%最高分研究者,同年获Odum环境政策研究中心的杰出科学家奖。


  1. Environmental Accounting and Management(Round 2)

  2. Artificial Neural Networks Theory and Its Applications(Round 2)

  3. Science-based Food Safety Supervision(Round 2)

  4. Histology and Embryology(Round 2)

  5. Ecological Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development(Round 2)

  6. 水政与水资源管理(2021秋)

  7. 商务俄语(一)(2021秋)

  8. CFD数值模拟技术及其工程应用(2021秋)

  9. 环境工程设计与管理(2021秋)

  10. 铁路路基施工及维修(2021秋)

  11. 药事管理学(2021秋)

  12. 环境类专业野外实习与实践(2021秋)

  13. 中国传统文化英译技巧(2021秋)

  14. 创业私董会(2021秋)

  15. Lecture Series for Preventing and Controlling COVID-19(Round 2)

  16. 海商法(2021秋)

  17. 版式设计(2021秋)

  18. 力学(2021秋)

  19. 自然科学概要(2021秋)

  20. 运动健康生物化学(2021秋)
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