Chinese Waterprint Woodcut

Printmaking is an important discipline of the plastic art. It motivates students to acquaint themselves with the history of printmaking; appreciate masterpieces; deepen students’ feelings for Chinese prints by making the techniques accessible to them; directly experience Chinese printmaking by themselves. The course will shape students' artistic and humanistic qualities and enhance their love for Chinese art after building a basic understanding of traditional Chinese print art.


Chinese Waterprint Woodcut课程:前往报名学习

Chinese Waterprint Woodcut视频慕课课程简介:

Printmaking is an important discipline of the plastic art. It motivates students to acquaint themselves with the history of printmaking; appreciate masterpieces; deepen students’ feelings for Chinese prints by making the techniques accessible to them; directly experience Chinese printmaking by themselves. The course will shape students' artistic and humanistic qualities and enhance their love for Chinese art after building a basic understanding of traditional Chinese print art.


Chinese Waterprint Woodcut课程列表:


第一章 绪论 Introduction

-1.1 课程概况 Course overview

--课件 The courseware

-绪论 Introduction

-课后习题 Exercise

-作品赏析 Appreciation of works

第二章 中国水印版画简史 A Brief History of Chinese Waterprint Woodcut

-2.1 中国水印版画简史1 A brief history of Chinese Waterprint Woodcut 1

--课件 The courseware

--中国水印版画简史 1 A brief history of Chinese Waterprint Woodcut 1

-2.2 中国水印版画简史2 A brief history of Chinese Waterprint Woodcut 2

--课件 The courseware

--中国水印版画简史2 A brief history of Chinese Waterprint Woodcut 2

-2.3 中国水印版画简史3 A brief history of Chinese Waterprint Woodcut 3

--课件 The courseware

--中国水印版画简史3 A brief history of Chinese Waterprint Woodcut 3

-课后习题 Exercise

-作品赏析 Appreciation of works

第三章 明清文人版画艺术 Ming and Qing Literati Print Art

-3.1 山水园林版画 Landscape garden prints

--课件 The courseware

--山水园林版画 Landscape garden prints

-3.2 古代戏曲插图 Ancient Opera Illustration

--课件 The courseware

--古代戏曲插图 Ancient Opera Illustration

-课后习题 Exercise

-作品赏析 Appreciation of works

第四章 民间版画艺术 Folk Print Art

-4.1 民间版画分类和地域 Classification and region of folk prints

--课件 The courseware

--民间版画的分类和地域 Classification and region of folk prints

-4.2 民间版画门神的故事 The story of the door god in the folk print

--课件 The courseware

--民间版画门神的故事 The story of the door god in the folk print

-课后习题 Exercise

-作品赏析 Appreciation of works

第五章 历代名作赏析 Appreciation and Analysis of Famous Works of the Past Dynasties

-5.1 中国古代版画赏析1 Appreciation and Analysis of Ancient Chinese Prints 1

--课件 The courseware

--中国古代版画赏析 1 Appreciation and Analysis of Ancient Chinese Prints 1

-5.2 中国古代版画赏析2 Appreciation and Analysis of Ancient Chinese Prints 2

--课件 The courseware

--中国古代版画赏析2 Appreciation and Analysis of Ancient Chinese Prints 2

-5.3 中国古代版画赏析3 Appreciation and Analysis of Ancient Chinese Prints 3

--课件 The courseware

--中国古代版画赏析3 Appreciation and Analysis of Ancient Chinese Prints 3

-5.4 中国古代版画赏析4 Appreciation and Analysis of Ancient Chinese Prints 4

--课件 The courseware

--中国古代版画赏析4 Appreciation and Analysis of Ancient Chinese Prints 4

-5.5 中国现代水印版画赏析 Appreciation and analysis of modern Chinese waterprint Woodcut

--课件 The courseware

--中国现代水印版画赏析 Appreciation and analysis of modern Chinese waterprint Woodcut

-5.6 民间版画赏析 Appreciation and analysis of folk prints

--课件 The courseware

--民间版画赏析 Appreciation and analysis of folk prints

-课后习题 Exercise

-作品赏析 Appreciation of works

第六章 饾版水印 Douban Printing

-6.1 饾版水印的渊源 The origin of the Douban Printing

--课件 The courseware

--饾版水印的渊源 The origin of the Douban Printing

-6.2 饾版水印的工具和材料1 Tools and Materials of Douban Printing 1

--课件 The courseware

--饾版水印的工具和材料1 Tools and Materials of Douban Printing 1

-6.3 饾版水印的工具和材料2 Tools and Materials of Douban Printing 2

--课件 The courseware

--饾版水印的工具和材料2 Tools and Materials of Douban Printing 2

-课后习题 Exercise

-作品赏析 Appreciation of works

第七章 饾版水印的制作 Demonstration of Douban Printing

-7.1 饾版水印的制作1 Demonstration of Douban Printing 1

--课件 The courseware

--饾版水印的制作1 Demonstration of Douban Printing 1

-7.2 饾版水印的制作2 Demonstration of Douban Printing 2

--课件 The courseware

--饾版水印的制作2 Demonstration of Douban Printing 2

-课后习题 Exercise

-作品赏析 Appreciation of works

第八章 民间版画的制作 The Making of Folk Prints

-8.1 民间版画的制作1 The making of Folk Prints 1

--课件 The courseware

--民间版画的制作1 The making of Folk Prints 1

-8.2 民间版画的制作2 The making of Folk Prints 2

--课件 The courseware

--民间版画的制作2 The making of Folk Prints 2

-8.3 民间版画的制作3 The making of Folk Prints 3

--课件 The courseware

--民间版画的制作3 The making of Folk Prints 3

-课后习题 Exercise

-作品赏析 Appreciation of works

第九章 水印版画的语言研究 A Study on the Language of Watermark Prints

-9.1 水印版画的材料1 The material of watermark prints 1

--课件 The courseware

--水印版画的材料1 The material of watermark prints 1

-9.2 水印版画的材料2 The material of watermark prints 2

--课件 The courseware

--水印版画的材料2 The material of watermark prints 2

-9.3 宣纸的变化 Changes of Xuan Paper

--课件 The courseware

--宣纸的变化 Changes of Xuan Paper

-课后习题 Exercise

-作品赏析 Appreciation of works

第十章 水印版画的制作 The Production of Watermark Prints

-10.1 水印版画的制作1 The production of watermark prints 1

--课件 The courseware

--水印版画的制作1 The production of watermark prints 1

-10.2 水印版画的制作2 The production of watermark prints 2

--课件 The courseware

--水印版画的制作2 The production of watermark prints 2

-10.3 水印版画的制作3 The production of watermark prints 3

--课件 The courseware

--水印版画的制作3 The production of watermark prints 3

-课后习题 Exercise

-作品赏析 Appreciation of works

期末考试 The Final Exam

-期末考试 The Final Exam

Chinese Waterprint Woodcut开设学校:中国美术学院

Chinese Waterprint Woodcut授课教师:


1964年11月生于浙江衢州。1999年毕业于中国美术学院版画系并获硕士学位;同年留校任教。 现为中国美术学院绘画艺术学院副院长;中国美术学院版画系教授; 中国美术家协会会员;1999年获中国版画家协会颁发的“鲁迅版画奖”; 作品多次参加全国和国际版画展并获奖。 主要收藏: 作品主要收藏于英国木版基金会、上海美术馆、神州版画博物馆、江苏美术馆、深圳美术馆、 广州美术馆、 牛津大学阿什莫林博物馆、浙江美术馆等。




张晓锋 1976年出生浙江乐清 1997年毕业于中国美术学院附中 2001年毕业于中国美术学院版画系获学士学位 2008年毕业于中国美术学院版画系获文学硕士学位 2001年至今任教于中国美术学院绘画艺术学院版画系




1987年 出生于河北保定。 2013年 中国美术学院版画系本科毕业。 2016年 中国美术学院版画系研究生毕业。 2019年 起任职于中国美术学院。


  1. Chinese Waterprint Woodcut(Round1)

  2. Introduction to New Structure Resource and Environmental Economics(Round 2)

  3. General Chemistry(Round 2)

  4. Mechanics of Materials(Round 2)

  5. Adult Health Nursing(Round 2)

  6. 英美小说阅读(English Novel Reading)(2021秋)

  7. Ophthalmology(Round 2)

  8. 先进制造技术以工程应用概论课程(2021秋)

  9. Smart Media Communication(Round 2)

  10. 工程测量学(2021秋)

  11. Diagnostic Ultrasonography(Round 2)

  12. 因为它,爱上家——居住区规划原理(2021秋)

  13. Creative Writing(Round 2)

  14. Dancing with the Graver-Appreciation and Application of Yunnan Irreproducible Woodcut Prints(Round 2)

  15. Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions(Round 2)

  16. 概率论与数理统计(2021秋)

  17. Plants Design:Accessing to East Asian Art(Round 2)

  18. Descriptive Geometry & Civil Engineering Drawing(Round 2)

  19. 计量地理学与实验(2021秋)

  20. 采矿制图(2021秋)
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