The Prevention and Management of COVID-19

During the unprecedented period of COVID-19 epidemic, global solidarity is more significant than ever, especially for us as healthcare professionals. We hope those experiences shared in the course can help you fight against COVID-19and strengthen the protection.This is a battle for all of us. The more we learn, the more lives we can save, and the sooner we can emerge triumph and restore a brand-new daily normality.Join us. One world, one fight!


The Prevention and Management of COVID-19课程:前往报名学习

The Prevention and Management of COVID-19视频慕课课程简介:

During the unprecedented period of COVID-19 epidemic, global solidarity is more significant than ever, especially for us as healthcare professionals. We hope those experiences shared in the course can help you fight against COVID-19and strengthen the protection.This is a battle for all of us. The more we learn, the more lives we can save, and the sooner we can emerge triumph and restore a brand-new daily normality.Join us. One world, one fight!


The Prevention and Management of COVID-19课程列表:


Chapter 1 Overview of COVID-19

-Section 1 Preface

-Section 2 Overview of COVID-19

-Section 3 Pathogen and transmission of COVID-19

-Section 4 Characteristics of COVID-19

-Section 5 How should we response to COVID-19?

-Exercise 1

-Discussion topic:How to effectively inactivate novel coronavirus?

Chapter 2 Diagnosis and Treatment of COVID-19

-Section 1 Diagnosis of COVID-19

-Section 2 Radiology of COVID-19

-Section 3 Diagnosis and clinical classification of COVID-19

-Section 4 Case report of COVID-19

-Exercise 1

-Section 5 How to determine the treatment setting by patient condition

-Section 6 The early warning sign and supportive treatment of severe and critical types of COVID-19

-Section 7 Other treatments for severe and critically ill cases

-Section 8 How to prevent patients of COVID-19 from complications and (when) to end quarantine

-Exercise 2

-Discussion topic:What are the epidemiological characteristics of COVID-19?

Chapter 3 Prevention and Control Measures of COVID-19

-Section 1 Overview of SARS-COV-2

-Section 2 Transmission and susceptible host of SARS-COV-2

-Section 3 Preventive measures of SARS-COV-2

-Section 4 How to protect susceptible population

-Section 5 How do we protect medical professionals

-Exercise 1

-Discussion topic: How do medical staff protect themselves?

Chapter 4 Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

-Section 1 Prevention and treatment of infectious diseases with traditional Chinese medicine

-Section 2 Evidence-based medicine researches for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases with TCM

-Section 3 TCM hot topics on the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases

-Exercise 1

-Discussion topic: How does traditional Chinese medicine play a role in preventing COVID-19?

Chapter 5 Humanistic Care for Prevention and Control of COVID-19

-Section 1 Challenges of COVID-19 pandemic

-Section 2 Humanistic care for the pandemic prevention and control of COVID-19

-Section 3 Methods of psychological crisis intervention and humanistic care

-Exercise 1

-Discussion topic: How should medical staff relieve the emotional stress of themselves and patients?

Chapter 6 Research Updating and Enlightenment of COVID-19

-Section 1 Updated basic medical research progress of COVID-19

-Section 2 Updated clinical research progress of COVID-19

-Section 3 Aspects of clinical practice and scientific research

-Exercise 1

-Discussion topic: The necessity of scientific research in the epidemic situation



The Prevention and Management of COVID-19开设学校:广州医科大学

The Prevention and Management of COVID-19授课教师:




中国工程院院士,现任国家呼吸系统疾病临床医学研究中心主任、国家卫健委高级别专家组组长、 国家健康科普专家。 钟南山长期从事呼吸内科的医疗、教学、科研工作。重点开展哮喘,慢阻肺疾病,呼吸衰竭和呼吸系统常见疾病的规范化诊疗、疑难病、少见病和呼吸危重症监护与救治等方面的研究。












  1. Organic Chemistry(Round 2)

  2. 商业数据思维与实战(2021秋)

  3. Interpreting China: A Dialogue between Tradition and Innovation(Round 2)

  4. Appreciation of Symphonic Music(Round 2)

  5. 学术英语素养与思辨能力培养(2021秋)

  6. 中国民间图形艺术(Chinese Folk Motif Arts)(2021秋)

  7. Nuclear Reactor Engineering(Round 2)

  8. Diagnostic Ultrasonography(Round 2)

  9. 因为它,爱上家——居住区规划原理(2021秋)

  10. Creative Writing(Round 2)

  11. The Prevention and Management of COVID-19(Round 2)

  12. 妇幼健康教育理论与实践(2021秋)

  13. 石油化工工艺学(2021秋)

  14. 儿童口腔医学(2021秋)

  15. 旅游英语(2021秋)

  16. 以案说法(2021秋)

  17. 儿童生长与营养性疾病(2021秋)

  18. 网络安全技术(上海高校精品课程)(2021秋)

  19. 计算机网络(2021暑假班)

  20. 综合英语(2021秋)
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