Signal and Linear System

The signal and linear system course team has good ethics, high academic attainment, and strong teaching ability.


Signal and Linear System课程:前往报名学习

Signal and Linear System视频慕课课程简介:

The signal and linear system course team has good ethics, high academic attainment, and strong teaching ability.


Signal and Linear System课程列表:


Instructor team and Course Introduction

-Instructor team introduction


1. Signal and System Basic Knowledge Module

-1-1 Basic concepts of signals and systems

--1.1 Video


-1-2 Classification of signals

--1.2 Video


-1-3 Several typical deterministic signals

--1.3 Video


-1-4 Signal decomposition

--1.4 Video

--1-4 Reference

-1-5 Basic operations of signals

--1.5 Video


-1-6 Step signal and its characteristics

--1.6 Video


-1-7 Impulse signal and its characteristics

--1.7 Video


-1-8 System model and its classification

--1.8 Video


-1-9 Linear time invariant system

--1.9 Video


-1-10 Causal and non-causal systems, stable and unstable systems

--1.10 Video


-Test of the first module

--test 1

2. Time-domain analysis method of LTI continuous system

-2-0 Content summary

--2.0 Video

-2-1 Time-domain solution of LTI continuous system

--2.1 Video

-2-2 The initial state and initial value of the system

--2.2 Video

-2-3 Classification of system response

--2.3 Video

-2-4 Zero input response and zero state response

--2.4 Video

-2-5 Impulse response and step response

--2.5 Video

-2-6 Convolution integral

--2.6 Video

-2-7 Using Convolution integral to solve system zero state response

--2.7 Video

-Test of the second module

--test 2

3. Frequency domain analysis method module of LTI continuous system

-3-1Teaching content and requirements

--3.1 Video

-3-2 The orthogonal function decomposition of signals

--3.2 Video

-3-3 Spectrum analysis of periodic signals

--3.3 Video

-3-4 Spectral characteristics of typical periodic signals

--3.4 Video

-3-5 Spectrum analysis of aperiodic signals

--3.5 Video

-3-6 Spectral characteristics of typical aperiodic signals

--3.6 Video

-3-7 Spectral characteristics of singular signals

--3.7 Video

-3-8 The nature of Fourier transform and its engineering application

--3.8.1 Video

--3.8.2 Video

-3-9 Energy spectrum and power spectrum

--3.9 Video

-3-10 Fourier transform of periodic signal

--3.10 Video

-3-11 Frequency domain analysis of LTI system

--3.11 Video

-3-12 Distortion-free transmission of signals

--3.12 Video

-3-13 Ideal low-pass filter

--3.13 Video

-3-14 Signal sampling

--3.14 Video

-3-15 Sampling theorem and its application

--3.15 Video

- Test of the third module

--test 3

4. S-domain analysis method module of LTI continuous system

-4-1 Laplace transform


-4-2 Convergence domain of Laplace transform




-4-4 The main properties of Laplace transform


-4-5 Laplace inverse transform


-4-6 System function


-4-7 S-domain analysis and application of LTI system


-Fourth module test

--Fourth module test

5. Time-domain analysis method module of LTI discrete system

-5-0 introduction


-5-1 Teaching content and requirements


-5-2 Mathematical model of discrete time system


-5-3 Classical solution of difference equation


-5-4 Zero input response and zero state response of discrete systems


-5-5 Unit sequence response of discrete LTI systems


-5-6 Definition and Solution of Convolution Sum


-5-7 The nature and application of convolution sum


-The fifth module test

--test 5

6. Z-domain analysis method of LTI discrete system

-6-0 introduction


-6-1 Teaching content and requirements


-6-2 Definition of Z transform and z transform of typical sequence


-6-3 Convergence domain of Z transform


-6-4 The properties of the Z transform




-6-5 Inverse Z transform,Power series expansion method


-6-6 Inverse Z transform, partial fraction expansion method


-6-7 Z domain analysis


-The sixth module test

--The sixth module test

7. System function and system characteristic module

-7-1 System functions and time domain characteristics


-7-2 System functions and frequency domain characteristics


-7-3 System functions and their causality and stability


-7-4 Signal flow diagram and its properties


-7-5 Simplification of signal flow diagram


-7-6 System simulation


-The seventh module test

--The seventh module test

Course discussion

-Course Thinking


-Experiment 1 Time-domain response test and analysis of LTI continuous system

--Experiment 1

-Experiment 2 Continuous system frequency domain analysis

-- Experiment 2

-Experiment 3 Transform domain analysis of continuous system

--Experiment 3

-Experiment 4 Time-domain and transform-domain analysis of discrete systems

--Experiment 4

-Experiment 5 Comprehensive experiment

--Experiment 5

Signal and Linear System开设学校:河北工业大学

Signal and Linear System授课教师:
















  1. 会计学(2021秋)

  2. The Chemistry Of Traditional Chinese Medicine(Round 2)

  3. Shadow Play—Seeking the Lost Shadow of China(皮影戏)(Round 2)

  4. Introduction to World's Famous Spirits(Round 2)

  5. 工程科技类英语读写译知识点拾遗(2021秋)

  6. How to Give Babies a Healthy Start in Life(Round 2)

  7. Academic English Writing and Communication(Round 2)

  8. Anatomy and Life(Round 2)

  9. 企业战略管理(2021秋)

  10. Taiji Starts From Scratch(Bilingual Vertion)(Round 1)

  11. Signal and Linear System(Round 2)

  12. Materials for Road Engineering(Round 2)

  13. 人力资源管理(2021秋)

  14. 蓝色地球(2021秋)

  15. 环境毒理学(2021秋)

  16. Statistics(Round 2)

  17. 固体废物处理与处置(2021秋)

  18. 非洲法语国家概况(2021秋)

  19. Visual-audio Language(Round 2)

  20. 教学设计(2021秋)
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