








Chapter One Paragraph Writing

-1.1 Parts of a Paragraph

--1.1 Parts of a Paragraph

-1.2 Four Steps in Writing

--1.2.1 Step 1- Begin with a point

--1.2.2 Step 2: Support the Point with Specific Evidence

--1.2.3 The Third and Fourth Steps in Writing

- Exercises

Chapter Two Essay Writing

-2.1 Structure of an Essay

--2.1 Structure of an Essay

-2.2 Four Steps in Essay Writing

--2.2.1 The First Step in Writing an Essay: Begin with a Point or Thesis

--2.2.2 The Second Step: Support the Thesis with Specific Evidence

--2.2.3 The Third Step: Organize and Connect the Specific Evidence

--2.2.4 Common Methods of Writing an Introduction Paragraph

--2.2.5 Common Methods of Writing Body Paragraphs

--2.2.6 Common Methods of Writing Conclusion

--2.2.7 Titles

--2.2.8 The Fourth Step in Essay Writing: Write Clear, Error-free Sentences

-2.3 Patterns of Essay Development

-- 2.3.1 Introduction to Essay Development

--2.3.2 Developing an Essay with Emphasis on Narration

--2.3.3 Developing an Essay with Emphasis on Description

--2.3.4 Developing an Essay with Emphasis on Exemplification

--2.3.5 Developing an Essay with Emphasis on Process

--2.3.6 Developing an Essay with Emphasis on Cause and/ or Effect

--2.3.7 Developing an Essay with Emphasis on Comparison and/ or Contrast

--2.3.8 Developing an Essay with Emphasis on Definition

--2.3.9 Developing an Essay with Emphasis on Division and Classification

--2.3.10 Developing an Essay with Emphasis on Argumentation

- Exercises

Chapter Three Practical Writing

-3.1 Introduction

--3.1 Introduction

-3.2 Letters

--3.2 Letters

-3.3 Resumes

--3.3 Resumes

-3.4 Personal Statements

--3.4 Personal Statements

-3.5 Book and Article Reports

--3.5 Book and Article Reports

-3.6 Summaries

--3.6 Summaries

-3.7 Notes and Notices

--3.7 Notes and Notices

-3.8 Memos

--3.8 Memos

-3.9 Emails

--3.9 Emails

-3.10 Social Media

--3.10 Social Media

-3.11 Business Cards and Calling Cards

--3.11 Business Cards and Calling Cards


Chapter Four Tables and Graphs Writing

-4.1 Vocabulary, Sentence Patterns & Table Writing

--4.1 Vocabulary, Sentence Patterns & Table Writing

-4.2 Graph Writing

--4.2.1 Line Graph

--4.2.2 Pie Chart

--4.2.3 Bar Chart


-4.1 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3

Chapter Five Research Paper Writing

-5.1 Getting Started

--5.1.1 Coming Up with a Research Topic

--5.1.2 How to Find Academic Library Resources in English at NWPU

-5.2 Writing Reseach Paper

--5.2.1 The Introduction

--5.2.2 Avoiding Plagiarism

--5.2.3 Quoting

--5.2.4 APA Manuscript Format

--5.2.5 APA In-text citations

--5.2.6 How to Write Reference Page Citations in APA Style

--5.2.7 How to Write an Abstracct

--5.2.8 The Body of the Research Paper






James Purnell-教授-西北工业大学-

James Purnell,西北工业大学外籍教师。Brigham Young University(美国杨伯翰大学)的法学博士,主要从事法律和经济管理类工作并热爱英语教学工作。曾在2013-2014学年在山东师范大学任教,主要讲授的课程为:英语写作、英语口语和文学课。主讲本在线课程的第三和第四部分:应用文和图表作文写作。

Beth Gulley-副教授-西北工业大学-

Beth Gulley,博士,西北工业大学外籍教师,美国Johnson County Community College (JCCC)副教授。美国University of Missouri的文学硕士和University of Kansas的教育学博士学位。在核心期刊上发表文学和写作方面的论文20多篇。自1998年以来在JCCC任教,讲授英语写作和文学等课程。Beth还在JCCC担任聘用教师和新入职教师的辅导和培训工作,是美国中西部“两年制大学英语教学协会(TYCA)”和堪萨斯州“英语教师协会”的会员。主要研究方向:语言学、文学、教育学。主讲课程的第五部分:学术论文写作课。


  1. 财务分析(双语课)(2021秋)

  2. 小动物传染病学(2021秋)

  3. 社会创新与创业(从0-1解决社会问题)(2021暑假班)

  4. Access数据库技术及应用(2021秋)

  5. 现代设计方法(2021秋)

  6. 中国文化概论(2021暑假班)

  7. 消费者行为学(2021暑假班)

  8. 生物技术在纺织品加工中的应用(2021秋)

  9. 化工原理(2021秋)

  10. 环境科学(2021秋)

  11. 高级英语写作(2021秋)

  12. 水处理工程-生化技术(2021秋)

  13. 影视制作流程(双语)(2021秋)

  14. 水力学(2021秋)

  15. 管理会计学(2021秋)

  16. 光电仪器设计(2021秋)

  17. 食品营养与卫生学(2021秋)

  18. 金融英语(2021秋)

  19. 运动训练学(2021秋)

  20. 概率论与数理统计(2021秋)
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