College Physics II

As an important compulsory basic course for science and engineering undergraduate students, the basic concepts, laws are the basis for learning other natural sciences and engineering sciences. With the trend of internationalization of higher education, the ability to learn with English can significantly increase the international competitiveness of university students in global technological innovation.


College Physics II课程:前往报名学习

College Physics II视频慕课课程简介:

As an important compulsory basic course for science and engineering undergraduate students, the basic concepts, laws are the basis for learning other natural sciences and engineering sciences. With the trend of internationalization of higher education, the ability to learn with English can significantly increase the international competitiveness of university students in global technological innovation.


College Physics II课程列表:



-Knowledge Map

--2021 Summer Schedule

Electrostatic Field


--Introduction to Electromagnetism

-Coulomb Law

--Coulomb Law

--Homework 1.1 Coloumb law

-Electric Field

--Electric field

--Calculation of Electric Field

--Homework Electric field calculation

-Gauss Law

--The Gauss Law

--Application of Gauss Law

--Homework 1.5 Gauss law

-Electric Potential

--Electric Potential Energy

--Potential Energy due to Point Charges

--The electric potential

--Electric Potential calculation

--Relation between V and E

--Homework Electric Potential

Conductors and Capacitors

-Electrostatic Induction

--Electrostatic induction

--Charge distribution in electrostatic equilibrium

--Homework Electrostatic Induction



--Calculation of Capacitance

--Capacitor combination

--Energy Stored in Capacitor

--Homework capacitor and capacitance

Steady Magnetic Field

-Magnetic field and flux

--Magnetic flux

--Magnetic force on moving charges

--Homework Magnetic force on charges

-Application of Lorentz force, The Hall Effect

--Application of Lorentz force

--The Hall Effect

--Application of Hall Effect

-Magnetic force on currents

--Magnetic force on Current

--Force and torque on current loop

--Homework Magnetic field

-Biot-Savart Law

--Biot-Savart Law

--Application of Biot-Savart Law

--Homework Biot-Savart Law

-Ampere's Law

--Ampere's Law and application

--Homework Ampere's law

Electromagnetic Induction

-Faraday law of induction

--Faraday’s Law of Induction

--Lenz Law

--Motional EMF

--Induced EMF

--Homework Faraday law of induction


--Self Inductance

--Mutual Induction

--Energy Stored in Magnetic Field

--Homework Electromagnetic Induction




-Simple Harmonic Motions (SHM)

--Simple Harmonic Motions

--Energy of Simple Harmonic Motion

-Energy of SHM, Physical pendulum, damped and forced oscillation

--Dynamical Methods of SHM

--Damped Oscillation

--Forced Oscillation

-Superposition of SHM

--Superposition of SHM of the same frequency

--Superposition of SHM with different frequencies


-Simple Harmonic Waves

--Simple Harmonic Waves

--Characteristic quantities of waves

-Energy, and Interference of Waves

--Energy, Power and Intensity of a Wave

--Interference of Waves

-Doppler Effect

--The Doppler Effect

--The Doppler Effect II

--Homework Doppler Effect

Interference of Light

-Youngs Double Slit Interference



--Young’s Double-slit Interference

--Homework Youngs Double Slit Interference

-Thin-film interference

--Thin film interference

--Wedge-shaped film

--Homework Thin-film interference

-Newton's Ring, Michelson Interferometer

--Newton’s Ring

--Michelson Interferometer

Diffraction and Polarization


--Single slit diffraction

--Fringe locations of diffraction

--Homework Diffraction

-Diffraction Gratings and X-ray Diffraction

--Diffraction Grating

--X-ray diffraction

--Homework Diffraction Gratings

-Polarization of Light

--Polarization of Light

--Generation of Polarized Light

Final Exam

-Final Exam

College Physics II开设学校:重庆大学

College Physics II授课教师:




  1. College Physics II(Round 1)

  2. Introduction to Political Philosophy(Round 1)

  3. 石文化与宝玉石鉴赏(2021秋)

  4. The Secrets of Medicine(Round 1)

  5. 管理沟通(2021秋)

  6. 中国文化英文谈(2021秋)

  7. Principles of Food Technology(Round 2)

  8. Технолигия по производству хлопки(棉花生产技术)(Round 2)

  9. Microbiology(Round 1)

  10. 金融工程(2021秋)

  11. 临床思维与人际沟通(2021秋)

  12. 服装大师的设计历程(2021秋)

  13. 渗流力学(2021秋)

  14. 内科护理学(2021秋)

  15. 物理化学(上)(2021秋)

  16. 数据化企业(2021暑假班)

  17. 电子商务概论(2021秋)

  18. 毒理学基础(2021秋)

  19. 医疗机构临床合理用药(2021秋)

  20. 灭火战术(2021秋)
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