The course has elaborately designed the contents of four topics, such as "drug - the art of delivering molecules into the human body" , "drug discovery" , "drug design" , "drug and life" , etc. , and is suitable for people who are interested in medical science and health.
The course has elaborately designed the contents of four topics, such as "drug - the art of delivering molecules into the human body" , "drug discovery" , "drug design" , "drug and life" , etc. , and is suitable for people who are interested in medical science and health.
-1.1 What's a drug?
--What's a drug
-2.1 Tu Youyou and Artemisinin
-2.2 A gift of nature
--A gift of nature
-2.3 Pleasant surprise
-3.1 Rational drug design
--Rational drug design
-3.2 Computer Aided Drug Design
--Computer Aided Drug Design
-3.3 Wonderful use of drug metabolism
--Wonderful use of drug metabolism
-4.1 Anti-gastric ulcer drugs
-4.2 Anti-Cancer Pioneer
-4.3 Give me a glass of soothing water
--Give me a glass of soothing water
--Give me a glass of soothing water
-4.4 Rapamycin--A legend from Easter Island
--Rapamycin--A legend from Easter Island
--Rapamycin--A legend from Easter Island
-Online Exam - the Secrets of Medicine
罗华军,男,1974年-,博士,教授,湖北省战略新兴产业人才培养计划(制药工程)项目负责人,湖北省精品资源共享课《药物化学》课程责任教师,主持教育部产学合作协同育人计划项目2项、湖北省教学研究项目1项,编写教材2部,获得2019年高校在线开放课程联盟联席会混合式教学优秀案例二等奖,2018年全国高校生命科学微课教学比赛教学风采奖,获得三峡大学教学名师、三峡大学优秀教师称号。主要研究方向为计算机辅助药物设计及酶的结构与功能研究,获得湖北省科技进步一等奖、二等奖各1项,在《Journal of Computer- aided Molecular Design》、《PLOS ONE》等杂志上发表SCI、EI检索论文30余篇。