Social Welfare Theories and Practice

You may have heard of "social welfare", but do you understand it? This course will take you into the history of social welfare development and give you an in-depth understanding of its origin, development, and evolution. This course also invites a professor from a different discipline to provide special sessions from a practical perspective. We integrate multiple disciplines from both theory and practice and draw you a comprehensive picture of social welfare from multiple perspectives. Come to join us!


Social Welfare Theories and Practice课程:前往报名学习

Social Welfare Theories and Practice视频慕课课程简介:

You may have heard of "social welfare", but do you understand it? This course will take you into the history of social welfare development and give you an in-depth understanding of its origin, development, and evolution. This course also invites a professor from a different discipline to provide special sessions from a practical perspective. We integrate multiple disciplines from both theory and practice and draw you a comprehensive picture of social welfare from multiple perspectives. Come to join us!


Social Welfare Theories and Practice课程列表:


Unit 1 Course Introduction and Basic Concepts

-1. Course introduction and basic concepts

-Unit 1 Disuss

Unit 2 Social Welfare Before the 20th Centuray

-1. The Elizabethan Poor Law

--The Elizabethan Poor Law

--Unit 2.1 Discuss

-2. Speenhamland System

--Speenhamland system

--Unit 2.2 Discuss

-3. American Revolution

--American revolution

--Unit 2.3 Discuss

-4. The Enlightenment

--The Enlightenment

--Unit 2.4 Discuss

-5. The Great Wakening

--The Great Wakening

--Unit 2.5 Discuss

-6. Workhouse

--Work House

--Unit 2.6 Discuss

-7. Indoor Relief VS Outdoor Relief

--Indoor Relief VS Outdoor Relief

--Unit 2.7 Discuss

-8. Sanitary Commission

--Sanitary Commission

--Unit 2.8 Discuss

-9. Freedmen’s Bureau

--Freedmen’s Bureau

--Unit 2.9 Discuss

-10. Scientific Charity

--Scientific Charity

--Unit 2.10 Discuss

-11. The Settlement House Movement

--The Settlement House Movement

--Unit 2.11 Discuss

Unit 3 Social Welfare in the 20th Centuray

-1. Social Welfare in 1920

--Social Welfare in 1920

--Unit 3.1 Discuss

-2. Renaissance of Public Welfare

--Renaissance of Public Welfare

--Unit 3.2 Discuss

-3. The Great Depression

--The Great Depression

--Unit 3.3 Discuss

-4. The New Deal

--The New Deal

--Unit 3.4 Discuss

-5. From World War to Great Society

--From World War to Great Society

--Unit 3.5 Discuss

-6. War on the Welfare State

--War on the Welfare State

--Unit 3.6 Discuss

Unit 4 Social Work

-1. Introduction to Social Work

--Introduction to Social Work

--Unit 4.1 Discuss

-2. Professionalization of Social Work

--Professionalization of Social Work

--Unit 4.2 Discuss

Unit 5 Child Welfare

-1. Child Welfare

--Child Welfare

--Unit 5.1 Discuss

-2. Attachment Theory

--Attachment Theory

--Unit 5.2 Discuss

-3. Freud's Theory

--Freud's Theory

--Unit 5.3 Discuss

-4. 3 Dominating Ideas in Child Welfare

--3 Dominating Ideas in Child Welfare

--Unit 5.4 Discuss

-5. Child Protection Procedure

--Child Protection Procedure

--Unit 5.5 Discuss

Unit 6 Shadow Education

-6.1 Shadow Education

-6.2 Shadow Education

-6.3 Shadow Education

-6.4 Shadow Education

-Unit6 1.Discuss

-Unit6 2.Discuss

Unit 7 Public Health

-1. Public Health Golden Time

--Public Health Golden Time

--Unit 7.1 Discuss

-2. Public Health and Social Welfare

--Public Health and Social Welfare

--Unit 7.2 Discuss

-3. The Impact of COVID-19 on Social Welfare Systems

--The Impact of Covid-19 on Social Welfare Systems

--Unit 7.3 Discuss

-4. Public Health and COVID-19

--Public Health and Covid-19

--Unit 7.4 Discuss

Social Welfare Theories and Practice开设学校:东北财经大学

Social Welfare Theories and Practice授课教师:


杨帆博士,硕导,于2018年在美国阿拉巴马大学(全美专业排名42名)获得社会工作博士,主要研究领域为儿童福利、行为健康、公共医疗。以第一作者/通讯作者发表SCI/SSCI论文近十篇,其中JCR一区文章三篇,以联合作者身份著有英文专著一部,在跨学科国际会议上发表学术报告三十余次。承担美国州级基金课题两项(结项)和辽宁省省级课题一项。荣获美国公共医疗学会突出研究荣誉奖,美国阿拉巴马州社区合作理事会马丁路德金纪念奖青年拔尖人才等多个美国国家级和州级荣誉,辽宁省百千万人才工程万层次人才,大连市引进重点产业紧缺人才高级人才等众多荣誉。同时,长期担任Journal of Medical Internet Research等多个国际期刊的特约审稿人。承担本科和研究生双语课,指导研究生方向:社会保障;社会政策与社会事务管理;行政管理;教育管理;MPA。


  1. Social Welfare Theories and Practice(Round 2)

  2. Chinese Literature(Round 2)

  3. Watercolor Painting Hall(Round 2)

  4. Geology and Geomorphology(Round 2)

  5. 微积分应用(Applications of Calculus I )(2021秋)

  6. 消化系统疾病(2021秋)

  7. Introduction to Natural Science(Round 2)

  8. 工程制图(上)(2021秋)

  9. Functional Experiments(Round 2)

  10. Energy-oriented Business Administration(Round 3)

  11. 民族手工艺术——走进生活(2021秋)

  12. 液压传动(2021秋)

  13. 英语词汇记忆奥秘(2021秋)

  14. 药理学(2021秋)

  15. Linux系统管理(2021秋)

  16. 数字电路与逻辑设计实验(2021秋)

  17. 学前教育学(2021秋)

  18. 日语交际功能语法(2021秋)

  19. 大学物理(低学时)(2021秋)

  20. 互联网企业估值(2021秋)
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