Energy-oriented Business Administration

The energy transition from fossil sources to renewables is a megatrend impacting many disciplines and fields of work. You want to contribute as a professional, lecturer, student, or in an administrative body? Solving problems and advancing your career at the same time? If so, please take a look into this interdisciplinary online course. Together, let us go ahead with courage!


Energy-oriented Business Administration课程:前往报名学习

Energy-oriented Business Administration视频慕课课程简介:

The energy transition from fossil sources to renewables is a megatrend impacting many disciplines and fields of work. You want to contribute as a professional, lecturer, student, or in an administrative body? Solving problems and advancing your career at the same time? If so, please take a look into this interdisciplinary online course. Together, let us go ahead with courage!


Energy-oriented Business Administration课程列表:


Chapter 1: Overview

-1-1 Overview in two Charts

--1-1 Overview in two Charts

--1-1 Exercsie

-1-2 Target Group of this MOOC

--1-2 Target Group of this MOOC

--1-2 Exercise

Chapter 2: Megatrends as Challenges and Chances

-2-1 Global Warming

--2-1Climate Change

--2-1 Exercise

-2-2 Energy Turnaround

--2-2-1 Internalization Tax

--2-2-2-1 Control of Behavior

--2-2-2-2 Emission Certificate Trade

--2-2-3-1 Next Industrial Revolution

--2-2-3-2 Green Energy Supply

--2-2-4-1 New Energy Markets(1)

--2-2-4-2 New Energy Markets(2)

--2-2 Exercise

-2-3 Digitalization

--2-3-1 Digitalization(1)

--2-3-2 Digitalization(2)

--2-3 Exercise

Chapter 3: Sustainability, Environment,Energy and Carbon

-3-1 from Sustainability to Environment to Energy to Carbon

--3-1-1 from Sustainability to Environment to Energy to Carbon(1)

--3-1-2 from Sustainability to Environment to Energy to Carbon(2)

--3-1-3 from Sustainability to Environment to Energy to Carbon(3)

--3-1 Exercise

-3-2 Energy for Non-Engineers

--3-2-1 Energy and Wattage

--3-2-2 Energy Content and Efficiency

--3-2 Exercise

-3-3 Accounting and Life-cycle Assessment

--3-3-1 Cost-Type and Centers

--3-3-2-1 Calculation and LCA(1)

--3-3-2-2 Calculation and LCA(2)

--3-3 Exercise

-3-4 Management Accounting and Indicators

--3-4 Management Accounting and Indicators

--3-4 Exercise

Chapter 4: Management of business functions and domains

-4-1 Facility Management

--4-1-1 Facility Management(1)

--4-1-2 Facility Management(2)

--4-1-3 Facility Management(3)

--4-1 Exercise

-4-2 Logistics

--4-2-1 Logistics(1)

--4-2-2 Logistics(2)

--4-2 Exercise

-4-3 Procurement of energy

--4-3-1 Procurement of energy-1

--4-3-2 Procurement of energy-2

--4-3 Exercise

-4-4 Procurement other than Energy

--4-4 Procurement other than Energy

--4-4 Exercise

-4-5 Production Planning and Operations

--4-5-1 Production Planning and Operations-1

--4-5-2 Production Planning and Operations-2

--4-5 Exercise

-4-6 Maintenance

--4-6 Maintenance

--4-6 Exercise

-4-7 Green IT

--4-7 Green IT english

--4-7 Exercise

Chapter 5: Specific, Energy-related methods

-5-1 Profitability and Investment Appraisal

--5-1-1 Profitability and Investment Appraisal-1

--5-1-2 Profitability and Investment Appraisal-2

--5-1-3 Profitability and Investment Appraisal-3

--5-1 Exercise

-5-2 Corporate Strategy

--5-2-1 Corporate Strategy-1

--5-2-2 Corporate Strategy-2

--5-2-3 Corporate Strategy-3

--5-2 Exercise

-5-3 Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

--5-3-1 Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility -1

--5-3-2 Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility -2

--5-3 Exercise

Chapter 6: Organizational Implementation

-6-1 Organisation ISO 50000-1

--6-1 Organisation ISO 50000-1

--6-1 Exercise

-6-2 Organisation ISO 50000-2

--6-2 Organisation ISO 50000-2

--6-2 Exercise

-6-3 Organisation ISO 50000-3

--6-3 Organisation ISO 50000-3

--6-3 Exercise

Energy-oriented Business Administration开设学校:北京师范大学

Energy-oriented Business Administration授课教师:


徐琳瑜,北京师范大学环境学院副院长、教授、博士生导师,北京市高等学校青年教学名师,教育部新世纪优秀人才。中国高等教育学会生态文明教育研究分会副秘书长,中国管理科学学会环境管理专业委员会委员,北京市环境科学学会理事、环境教育分会主任、环球中国环境专家协会(PACE)理事,《环境经济研究》、《环境教育》等杂志编委。主要从事城市生态、环境经济、环境规划评价与管理等领域的研究,连续多年主讲《环境规划学》、《城市生态规划学》等课程,授课内容和方法受到学生广泛好评,多次在优秀课程评选中获奖。在Nature Communications, Energy Policy等期刊发表论文百余篇,出版国家精品教材2部,专著7部,获软件著作权6件。曾获国家科技进步二等奖1项,省部级教学科研奖励6项,北京师范大学青年教师教学基本功大赛一等奖,最佳语言奖,校研究生优质课程特等奖及优秀本科生课程奖等。

Johannes Kals-Professor-路德维希港经济应用科学大学-

Johannes拥有亚琛工业大学的工商管理学位。 他曾在杜伊斯堡-埃森大学工作,并在柏林工业大学获得博士学位。 在他的职业生涯中,他对加利福尼亚和马萨诸塞州进行了研究访问,并在科隆的Gerling Consulting Group担任顾问,专门研究环境管理。 自1995年以来,他一直在路德维希港大学任教,任职副校长一届。 目前,Johannes是企业管理教授,尤其是可持续性和能源管理。


  1. Energy-oriented Business Administration(Round 3)

  2. Concise Circuits(Round 2)

  3. Frontier Comprehensive Transportation & Logistics(Round 2)

  4. Rock Mechanics in Petroleum Engineering(Round 2)

  5. 建筑工程概预算(2021秋)

  6. Molecules that Changed the World(Round 2)

  7. 高等代数(2021秋)

  8. Advanced Skating Course(Round 2)

  9. 输油管道设计与管理(2021秋)

  10. Hospitality English(Round 2)

  11. 跆拳道(2021秋)

  12. 水彩画风景(2021秋)

  13. 医药市场营销(2021秋)

  14. 经济学(2021秋)

  15. 环境规划(2021秋)

  16. 区块链原理与技术(2021暑假班)

  17. C语言程序设计(2021秋)

  18. 铁路路基施工与维护(2021秋)

  19. 暖通空调(2021秋)

  20. 护理心理伦理学(2021秋)
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