Frontier Comprehensive Transportation & Logistics

Modern theory and technologies in comprehensive transportation and logistics have changed the whole world, which helps the enterprises concentrate on their core business, improve their business process, and decrease costs, finally to sharpen and enhance their competitiveness. We sincerely hope all the friends will learn some frontier theoretical methods and practical technologies in this area. Now let’s start the exciting journey of exploration with us!


Frontier Comprehensive Transportation & Logistics课程:前往报名学习

Frontier Comprehensive Transportation & Logistics视频慕课课程简介:

Modern theory and technologies in comprehensive transportation and logistics have changed the whole world, which helps the enterprises concentrate on their core business, improve their business process, and decrease costs, finally to sharpen and enhance their competitiveness. We sincerely hope all the friends will learn some frontier theoretical methods and practical technologies in this area. Now let’s start the exciting journey of exploration with us!


Frontier Comprehensive Transportation & Logistics课程列表:


Chapter 1 Overview of comprehensive transportation and modern logistics

-1.1 What is comprehensive transportation?

--What is comprehensive transportation?

-1.2 Modern logistics frontier technology

--Modern logistics frontier technology

-Chapter 1 ppt

Chapter 2 Comprehensive transportation organization and management

-2.1 Overview of comprehensive transportation system

--Overview of comprehensive transportation system

-2.2 Transportation management mode

--Transportation management mode

-2.3 Countermeasures for coordinated transportation development

--Countermeasures for coordinated transportation development

-Chapter 2 ppt

Chapter 3 Transportation and Logistics Cooperation of the Belt and Road

-3.1 What is the Belt and Road?

--What is the Belt and Road?

-3.2 The construction of modern comprehensive transportation

--The construction of modern comprehensive transportation

-3.3 Landmark achievements of “ the Belt and Road”

--Landmark achievements of “ the Belt and Road”

-Chapter 3 ppt

Chapter 4 New technology of modern road transportation safety

-4.1 Analysis of relevant factors of road transportation

--Analysis of relevant factors of road transportation

-4.2 Transportation safety status

--Transportation safety status

-4.3 Speed limit and light highway

--Speed limit and light highway

-4.4 Application of modern information technology

--Application of modern information technology

-Chapter 4 ppt

Chapter 5 Intelligent Transportation System

-5.1 Motivation of ITS

--Motivation of ITS

-5.2 What is ITS

--What is ITS

-5.3 Main application of ITS

--Main application of ITS

-Chapter 5 ppt

Chapter 6 Big data analytics in logistics

-6.1 Understanding big data

--Understanding big data

-6.2 Logistics and big data are perfect match

--Logistics and big data are perfect match

-6.3 Big data in logistics

--Big data in logistics

-Chapter 6 ppt

Chapter 7 Demand forecast

-7.1 Why forecast?- Two SC strategies

--Why forecast?- Two SC strategies

-7.2 Forecast principles and Time series methods

--Forecast principles and Time series methods

-7.3 Moving average and exponential smoothing methods

--Moving average and exponential smoothing methods

-Chapter 7 ppt

Chapter 8 Application of artificial intelligence (AI) in logistics

-8.1 Introduction to AI

--Introduction to AI

-8.2 Application of AI in logistics

--Application of AI in logistics

-Chapter 8 ppt

Chapter 9 Logistics facilities location & distribution optimization

-9.1 Motivation and problem description

--Motivation and problem description

-9.2 Modeling


-9.3 Exact algorithms for distribution optimization

--Exact algorithms for distribution optimization

-9.4 Heuristic algorithms for distribution optimization

--Heuristic algorithms for distribution optimization

-9.5 Overview of solving methods for facility location

--Overview of solving methods for facility location

-9.6 Mathematical programming approach

--Mathematical programming approach

-9.7 Heuristic algorithms for facility location

--Heuristic algorithms for facility location

-Chapter 9(1) ppt

-Chapter 9(2) ppt

-Chapter 9(3) ppt

Chapter 10 Application of Self-driving in Logistics

-10.1 Introduction of self-driving and VICS

--Introduction of self-driving and VICS

-10.2 Application of self-driving and VICS in logistics

--Application of self-driving and VICS in logistics

-Chapter 10 ppt

Chapter 11 Supply Chain Management

-11.1 What is supply chain?

--What is supply chain?

-11.2 Two SCM framework and SC optimization

--Two SCM framework and SC optimization

-11.3 Logistics, transportation and SCM

--Logistics, transportation and SCM

-11.4 Case of SCM: Hair

--Case of SCM: Hair

-Chapter 11 ppt

Chapter 12 Blockchain in Logistics

-12.1 What is blockchain and how its technology works?

--What is blockchain and how its technology works?

-12.2 Application of the blockchain in logistics

--Application of the blockchain in logistics

-Chapter 12 ppt

Chapter 13 Multimode transport system

-13.1 Combined transport and multimodal transport

--Combined transport and multimodal transport

-13.2 International multimodal transport

--International multimodal transport

-Chapter 13.1 ppt

-Chapter 13.2 ppt

Frontier Comprehensive Transportation & Logistics开设学校:长安大学

Frontier Comprehensive Transportation & Logistics授课教师:


胡卉教授的研究方向是物流系统规划与优化、应急物资调度和供应链管理。目前担任中国物流学会会员,WTC“客运规划与联程运输”技术委员会委员。近5年主持完成国家科技支撑计划项目、陕西省自然科学基础研究计划面上项目、西安市社科重大课题等纵向课题;发表高水平学术论文20余篇,其中SCI 4篇,EI 10余篇。全国大学生物流设计大赛一等奖、陕西省“挑战杯”一等奖指导教师。长安大学国家一流专业骨干,参与制定交通运输部行业标准1项,参编论著3本。


肖梅教授的研究领域是 ITS和城市交通系统建模与仿真。






徐婷教授的主要研究领域为交通安全与智能交通。 目前担任WTC交通安全与环境学术委员会委员,交通运输工程学报、IEEE Access等期刊评审专家。国内外学术期刊上公开发表学术论文40余篇,SCI/SSCI/EI检索20余篇。主持20余项包括:国家自然科学基金青年项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家重点研发计划子课题、西部交通建设科技项目、西安市科技厅项目、福建省科技厅项目、宁波市交通局科技项目等。发表实用新型专利及发明专利10余项。




  1. Frontier Comprehensive Transportation & Logistics(Round 2)

  2. Rock Mechanics in Petroleum Engineering(Round 2)

  3. 建筑工程概预算(2021秋)

  4. Molecules that Changed the World(Round 2)

  5. 高等代数(2021秋)

  6. Advanced Skating Course(Round 2)

  7. 输油管道设计与管理(2021秋)

  8. Hospitality English(Round 2)

  9. 发展与教育心理学(2021秋)

  10. Marketing in the Mobile Internet Era(Round 2)

  11. 过程控制系统(2021秋)

  12. 探秘身边的材料——材料与社会(2021秋)

  13. 运动解剖学(2021秋)

  14. 信号与线性系统(2021秋)

  15. 大学物理实验(2021秋)

  16. Paracraft创意动画设计(2021秋)

  17. 舞蹈艺术作品欣赏与分析(2021秋)

  18. 常用法律案例分析(2021秋)

  19. 中国现代文学史(2021秋)

  20. 中医内科学(2021秋)
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