International Finance

Under the new international financial structure, which currency standard will eventually take a lead? How to hedge against the unpredictable exchange exposure? How to diversify international investment and financing? If you’re interested in these issues, welcome to Xu Dai’s MOOC class. The newly designed modules and CFA-oriented explanations will support you to become an international financial elite.The join of professor John Nofsinger will provide you with the true essence of international investment.


International Finance课程:前往报名学习

International Finance视频慕课课程简介:

Under the new international financial structure, which currency standard will eventually take a lead? How to hedge against the unpredictable exchange exposure? How to diversify international investment and financing? If you’re interested in these issues, welcome to Xu Dai’s MOOC class. The newly designed modules and CFA-oriented explanations will support you to become an international financial elite.The join of professor John Nofsinger will provide you with the true essence of international investment.


International Finance课程列表:




-Introduction-discussion (1)

-Introduction - discussion (2)

-Introduction - assignment


Chapter One Management of Balance of Payments

-Chapter One Management of Balance of Payments

-1.1.1 International Transaction Statements

--International Transaction Statements

-1.1.2 Bookkeeping of International Transactions: Double-entry Bookkeeping Principle

--Bookkeeping of International Transactions: Double-entry Bookkeeping Principle

-1.1.3 Bookkeeping of International Transactions: Record-keeping Examples

--Bookkeeping of International Transactions: Record-keeping Examples

-1.2.1 Six Types of Payments Balance

--Six Types of Payments Balance

-1.2.2 Macromeanings of Current Account Balance

--Macromeanings of Current Account Balance

-1.2.3 Macromeanings of Official Settlements Balance and Payments Imbalance

--Macromeanings of Official Settlements Balance and Payments Imbalance

-1.3.1 Elasticity Approach to Balance of Payments

--Elasticity Approach to Balance of Payments

-1.3.2 Multiplier Approach to Balance of Payments

--Multiplier Approach to Balance of Payments

-1.3.3 Absorption Approach to Balance of Payments

--Absorption Approach to Balance of Payments

-1.3.4 Monetary Approach to Balance of Payments

--Monetary Approach to Balance of Payments

-Chapter One - discussion (1)

-Chapter One - discussion (2)

-Chapter One - assignment

Chapter Two International Monetary Management

-Chapter Two International Monetary Management

-2.1.1 Bimetallism Standard

--Bimetallism Standard

-2.1.2 Classical Gold Standard and International Monetary System during Inter-war Period

--Classical Gold Standard and International Monetary System during Inter-war Period

-2.1.3 Bretton Woods System (1)

--Bretton Woods System (1)

-2.1.4 Bretton Woods System (2)

--Bretton Woods System (2)

-2.1.5 Floating Exchange Rate Regime and Emerging Market and Regime Choices

--Floating Exchange Rate Regime and Emerging Market and Regime Choices

-2.1.6 Reform of International Monetary System (1)

--Reform of International Monetary System (1)

-2.1.7 Reform of International Monetary System (2)

--Reform of International Monetary System (2)

-2.2.1 International Price of Currency: Exchange Rate(1)

--International Price of Currency: Exchange Rate(1)

-2.2.2 International Price of Currency: Exchange Rate(2)

--International Price of Currency: Exchange Rate(2)

-2.2.3 International Price Quotation of Currency

--International Price Quotation of Currency

-2.2.4 International Exchange Rate Arrangement (1) Categories of Exchange Rate Regime

--International Exchange Rate Arrangement (1) Categories of Exchange Rate Regime

-2.2.5 International Exchange Rate Arrangement (2) Regime Choices & Impossible Trinity

--International Exchange Rate Arrangement (2) Regime Choices & Impossible Trinity

-2.2.6 Traditional Classical Theories of Exchange Rate Determination

--Traditional Classical Theories of Exchange Rate Determination

-2.2.7 Modern Classical Theory: Asset Market Approach to Exchange Rate

--Modern Classical Theory: Asset Market Approach to Exchange Rate

-2.2.8 Modern Classical Theory: Monetary Approach to Exchange Rate (1)

--Modern Classical Theory: Monetary Approach to Exchange Rate (1)

-2.2.9 Modern Classical Theory: Monetary Approach to Exchange Rate (2)

--Modern Classical Theory: Monetary Approach to Exchange Rate (2)

-2.3.1 International Reserve vs Foreign Reserve

--International Reserve vs Foreign Reserve

-2.3.2 Management of International Reserve Size

--Management of International Reserve Size

-2.3.3 Management of International Reserve Structure(1)

--Management of International Reserve Structure(1)

-2.3.4 Management of International Reserve Structure(2)

--management of internatioanl reserve structure (2)

-Chapter Two - discussion (1)

-Chapter Two - discussion (2)

-Chapter Two - assignment

Chapter Three Management of Internal and External Balance

-Chapter Three Management of Internal and External Balance

-3.1.1 Domestic Product Market (1)Equilibrium GDP

--Domestic Product Market (1)Equilibrium GDP

-3.1.2 Domestic Product Market (2)Spending Multiplier Effect

--Domestic Product Market (2)Spending Multiplier Effect

-3.1.3 Domestic Money Market

--Domestic Money Market

-3.1.4 Foreign Exchange Market

--Foreign Exchange Market

-3.2.1 Official Intervention with Automatic Adjustment and Sterilization

--Official Intervention with Automatic Adjustment and Sterilization

-3.2.2 Internal and External Balance and Domestic Monetary Shock

--Internal and External Balance and Domestic Monetary Shock

-3.2.3 Internal and External Balance and Domestic Spending Shock

--Internal and External Balance and Domestic Spending Shock

-3.2.4 Internal and External Balance and International Capital Flow Shock

--Internal and External Balance and International Capital Flow Shock

-3.2.5 Internal and External Balance and International Trade Shock

--Internal and External Balance and International Trade Shock

-3.3.1 Internal and External Balance and Domestic Monetary Shock

--Internal and External Balance and Domestic Monetary Shock

-3.3.2 Internal and External Balance and Domestic Spending Shock

--Internal and External Balance and Domestic Spending Shock

-3.3.3 Internal and External Balance and International Capital Flow Shock

--Internal and External Balance and International Capital Flow Shock

-3.3.4 Internal and External Balance and International Trade Shock

--Internal and External Balance and International Trade Shock

-Chapter Three - discussion (1)

-Chapter Three - discussion (2)

-Chapter Three - assignment

Chapter Four Foreign Exchange Exposure Management

-Chapter Four Foreign Exchange Exposure Management

-4.1 Categories of Foreign Exposure

--Categories of Foreign Exposure

-4.2.1 Overview of Forward Operation

--Overview of Forward Operation

-4.2.2 Forward Hedging and Speculating

--Forward Hedging and Speculating

-4.2.3 Interest Arbitrage: Covered Interest Arbitrage

--Interest Arbitrage: Covered Interest Arbitrage

-4.2.4 Interest Arbitrage: Uncovered Interest Arbitrage

--Interest Arbitrage: Uncovered Interest Arbitrage

-4.2.5 Interest Rate Swap

--Interest Rate Swap

-4.2.6 Currency Swap and Currency Futures

--Currency Swap and Currency Futures

-4.2.7 Currency Option:Categories and Transaction

--Currency Option:Categories and Transaction

-4.2.8 Currency Option:Graphical Analysis

--Currency Option:Graphical Analysis

-4.3.1 Financial Transactions to Manage Ordinary Transaction Exposure (1) AR Case

--Financial Transactions to Manage Ordinary Transaction Exposure (1) AR Case

-4.3.2 Financial Transactions to Manage Ordinary Transaction Exposure (2) AP Case

--Financial Transactions to Manage Ordinary Transaction Exposure (2) AP Case

-4.3.3 Financial Transactions to Manage Special Transaction Exposure

--Financial Transactions to Manage Special Transaction Exposure

-4.3.4 Operational Techniques to Manage Transaction Exposure

--Operational Techniques to Manage Transaction Exposure

-4.4 Strategic and Proactive Management of Operating Exposure

--Strategic and Proactive Management of Operating Exposure

-4.5 Forward and Balance Sheet Hedge to Manage Accounting / Translation Exposure

--Forward and Balance Sheet Hedge to Manage Accounting / Translation Exposure

-Chapter Four - discussion (1)

-Chapter Four - discussion (2)

-Chapter Four - assignment

Chapter Five International Investment Management

-Chapter Five International Investment Management

-5.1.1 Optimal International Portfolio

--Optimal International Portfolio

-5.1.2 International Portfolio Risk

--International Portfolio Risk

-5.1.3 Benefits of International Diversification

--Benefits of International Diversification

-5.2.1 Two-fold Perspectives of International Capital Budgeting

--Two-fold Perspectives of International Capital Budgeting

-5.2.2 International Capital Budgeting Risk

--5.2.2 International Capital Budgeting Risk

-Chapter Five - discussion (1)

-Chapter Five - discussion (2)

-Chapter Five - assignment

Chapter Six International Financing Management

-Chapter Six International Financing Management

-6.1.1 International Trade Finance- Facilities in connection with L/C

--International Trade Finance- Facilities in connection with L/C

-6.1.2 International Trade Finance-A.R.Financing and Forfaiting

--6.1.2 International Trade Finance-A.R.Financing and Forfaiting

-6.1.3 International Project Finance-BOT

--International Project Finance-BOT

-6.1.4 International Securities Finance

--International Securities Finance

-6.2.1 International Weighted Average Cost of Capital (1) Basic Model

--International Weighted Average Cost of Capital (1) Basic Model

-6.2.2 International Weighted Average Cost of Capital (2) Determinants and Riddle

--International Weighted Average Cost of Capital (2) Determinants and Riddle

-6.2.3 Optimal International Financial Structure

--Optimal International Financial Structure

-Chapter Six - discussion (1)

-Chapter Six - discussion (2)

-Chapter Six - assignment

International Finance开设学校:吉林财经大学

International Finance授课教师:


吉林大学经济学博士,吉林财经大学金融学院副教授。1993年至2001年在中国工商银行从事国际业务及风险审计工作,入选中国工商银行“百千万人才工程”人才库。2000年因全国金融专业英语中级证书考试中的法律科目考取全国第四名,被中国人民银行总行选派到香港银行学会进行培训。2007年被聘为金融专业英语证书考试委员会专家。 戴序老师自2001年至今是吉林财经大学首批双语课程任课教师,主要承担国际金融、公司金融、财务管理、投资学和理财规划等金融双语课程的教学工作。主要研究国际金融、公司金融、农村金融、金融人才培养与双语教学。曾先后在澳大利亚Charles Sturt University 和美国University of Alaska Anchorage做访问学者。 2017年10月和2019年7月分别获得ISW和FDW资质国际认证并获得ISW引导员资格,是吉林财经大学首批教学引导员。曾荣获“首届吉林省本科高校智慧课堂教学创新大赛一等奖”、“首届吉林财经大学智慧课堂教学创新大赛一等奖”。


约翰·诺夫辛格教授美国华盛顿大学金融学博士,曾先后在马凯特大学和华盛顿大学任教,现在是阿拉斯加大学安克雷奇分校商务与公共政策学院临时院长及金融学教授,并担任威廉·H·苏厄德国际金融主席。 他是公认的投资者心理和行为金融学方面的世界一流专家。他的观点经常被《华尔街日报》、《财富》、《商业周刊》、《彭博财经》、CNBC电视台、华盛顿邮报和有线网络公司等财经媒体引用。他独著的学术专业著作有《疯狂投资》和《投资失误》等书,合著的作品有《传染性贪婪》。他撰写的教材主要有《公司金融》和《投资心理学》等,而且被翻译成包括中文在内的多国文字,广泛应用于财经高校的金融教学中。诺夫辛格博士已经在一流的学术和专业杂志上发表了50多篇文章,他的研究成果曾在财务管理协会、芝加哥数量联盟和亚太资本市场研究中心会议上获得过多项奖励。他还为纽约股票交易所和投资管理协会做一些前沿性研究工作。 诺夫辛格博士不仅学术精湛,而且还是一位崇尚教学改革的教授,在课堂信息传递及网络教学方面极有建树。


  1. International Finance(Round 2)

  2. 科学素养测评(2021暑假班)

  3. 消防心理工作教程(2021秋)

  4. Introduction of New Structural Regional Economics(Round 2)

  5. 三维造型渲染与赏析(2021秋)

  6. 虚拟仪器技术项目实践(2021秋)

  7. 会计学原理(2021秋)

  8. 走进电世界(2021秋)

  9. 核反应堆热工分析(2021秋)

  10. 房屋建筑学(2021秋)

  11. 高等生物化学(2021秋)

  12. 马克思主义基本原理概论(2021秋)

  13. University English for Academic Purposes(Round 2)

  14. 数学物理方程及其应用(2021秋)

  15. 包装材料学B(2021秋)

  16. 仪器分析(2021秋)

  17. 网络安全技术(2021秋)

  18. 肿瘤治疗学(2021秋)

  19. 工笔画基础(2021秋)

  20. 太极拳文化及传统杨氏太极拳教学(2021秋)
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