Chemistry from Microscopic Perspective

To master modern chemistry knowledge, we must be familiar with and gradually get used to the microscopic thinking mode with the characteristics of chemistry, and understand the movement law and expression mode of microscopic particles and the relationship between microscopic particle movement and macroscopic chemical phenomena from a microscopic perspective.


Chemistry from Microscopic Perspective课程:前往报名学习

Chemistry from Microscopic Perspective视频慕课课程简介:

To master modern chemistry knowledge, we must be familiar with and gradually get used to the microscopic thinking mode with the characteristics of chemistry, and understand the movement law and expression mode of microscopic particles and the relationship between microscopic particle movement and macroscopic chemical phenomena from a microscopic perspective.


Chemistry from Microscopic Perspective课程列表:


-0.1 Course Objective and Orientation


Chap. 1 How to Reflect the Subject Guidance Function of Chemical Microscopic Perspective

-1.1 The Development Level of Chemical Microcosm

-1.2 Interactions between Chemical Particles under Scale Microcosmic

-1.3 Interaction between Chemical Particles under Essence Microcosmic

-1.4 The Status and Function of Microscopic Theory in Chemistry

-Chap. 1 How to Reflect the Subject Guidance Function of Chemical Microscopic Perspective


-Discussion topic

Chap.2 How to Describe the Discontinuity of Microcosm with Energy Quantization

-2.1 A New Beginning of Quantitative Understanding of Microcosm —Quantization of Energy

-2.2 A New Starting Point for Understanding Material Structure— Quantization of Electron Energy

-2.3 Quantitative Description of Discontinuity of Microcosm — Quantization

-2.4 The Fusion of Microscopic Quantization and Macroscopic Continuity

-Chap.2 How to Describe the Discontinuity of Microcosm with Energy Quantization


-Discussion topic

Chap.3 How to Describe the Uncertainty of Microcosm with Probability

-3.1 The Establishment of Wave-Particle Duality of Physical Particles

-3.2 The Development of the Connotation of “Wave Property" of Micro Particles

-3.3 Probability Meaning of Electron Wave Function

-3.4 Operator Representation of Physical Quantity in Microscopic Measurement

-3.5 Probability Causality in Microcosm

-3.6 Quantitative Description of Uncertainty of Microcosm

-Chap.3 How to Describe the Uncertainty of Microcosm with Probability


-Discussion topic

Chap.4 How to Describe the Microscopic Picture of Chemical Particles Based on Orbital Thought

-4.1 Chemical Meanings of Atomic Orbitals and Their Contours

-4.2 Pauli Exclusion Principle and the Atomic Stability

-4.3 Element Periodic Rules and Its Microscopic Nature

-4.4 Atomic Parameters and Their Characterization on Chemical Reactivity

-4.5 The Defects of Orbital Hybridization Theory

-4.6 The Principles of Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals

-4.7 The Interpretation on O2 Paramagnet and O3 Polarity

-4.8 Crystal Orbitals Described by Sharing the States of Electronic Motion

-Chapt.4 How to Describe the Microscopic Picture of Chemical Particles Based on Orbital Thought


-Discussion topic

Chap5:How to Understand the Language and Behavior of Molecules from Molecular Spectra

-5.1 Differentiation between Nuclear Motion and Electronic Motion in Molecules

-5.2 Quantization Energy Level of Molecular Rotation and Rotation Spectrum

-5.3 Quantization Energy Level of Molecular Vibration and Infrared Spectrum

-5.4 Quantization Energy Level of Molecular Electrons and Ultraviolet-Visible Spectrum

-5.5 Scattering Effect of Molecules on Light and Raman Spectrum

-5.6 Photoelectric Effect and Photoelectron Energy Spectrum

-5.7 Nuclear Spin Energy Level and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrum

-Chapter5:How to Understand the Language and Behavior of Molecules from Molecular Spectra


-Discussion topic

Chemistry from Microscopic Perspective开设学校:东北师范大学

Chemistry from Microscopic Perspective授课教师:






  1. Chemistry from Microscopic Perspective(Round 2)

  2. University Physics - Electricity and Magnetism(Round 2)

  3. An Introduction for Life Science(Round 2)

  4. Automation Control Theory/Fundamental of Control Engineering(Round 2)

  5. 个性思维艺术表达(2021秋)

  6. 新型生物脱氮理论与技术(2021秋)

  7. Approaching Nobel Prize in Chemistry(Round 2)

  8. 材料与化工伦理(2021秋)

  9. IT行业英语(软件工程师英语)(2021秋)

  10. 中国现当代女性文学作品研读(2021秋)

  11. 反应器操作与控制(2021秋)

  12. Finance & Contemporary China(Round2)

  13. Fundamentals of Piano Performance(Round 2)

  14. 运筹学(2021秋)

  15. COVID-19: The Medical Fundamentals(Round 2)

  16. Pharmacology(Round 2)

  17. 商业银行柜台业务(2021秋)

  18. Scientific Fitness Method--Chan Si Gong(Round 2)

  19. 护理伦理学(2021秋)

  20. 统计方法(SAS、SPSS和R统计软件应用)(2021秋)
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