International Economics 国际经济学

We have witnessed an unprecedented trend of trade liberalization and globalization in the past decades, while at the same time, experienced a recent rise of trade frictions and protectionism. In this course we will introduce the principles and laws in international trade and finance, and the tools for analyzing current economic issues between different countries and assessing their policy implications. Welcome to join us and start your journey of the course in International Economics.


International Economics 国际经济学课程:前往报名学习

International Economics 国际经济学视频慕课课程简介:

We have witnessed an unprecedented trend of trade liberalization and globalization in the past decades, while at the same time, experienced a recent rise of trade frictions and protectionism. In this course we will introduce the principles and laws in international trade and finance, and the tools for analyzing current economic issues between different countries and assessing their policy implications. Welcome to join us and start your journey of the course in International Economics.


International Economics 国际经济学课程列表:


Course Overview

-Course Overview

1. The Law of Comparative Advantage

-1.1 The Law of Comparative Advantage 1

--Mercantilism, Absolute Advantage, and Comparative Advantage Theories

-1.2 The Law of Comparative Advantage 2

--The Law of Comparative Advantage: the Ricardian Model



2.The Standard Theory of International Trade

-2.1 The Standard Theory of International Trade and Terms of Trade

--The Standard Theory of International Trade and Terms of Trade

-2.2 Basis for and Gains from Trade-Terms of Trade

--Basis for and Gains from Trade, Terms of Trade



3. Factor Endowments and the Heckscher–Ohlin Theory

-3.1 Assumptions of the Theory

--Assumptions and preliminaries

-3.2 Factor Endowments and the Heckscher–Ohlin Theorem (H-O Theorem)

--Factor Endowments and the Heckscher–Ohlin Theorem (H-O Theorem)

-3.3 Factor–Price Equalization Theorem (H-O-S Theorem)

--Factor–Price Equalization Theorem (H-O-S Theorem)

-3.4 Income Distribution within Each Nation

--Income Distribution within Each Nation

-3.5 The Leontief Paradox

--The Leontief Paradox



4.Economies of Scale, Imperfect Competition, and International Trade

-4.1 Economies of Scale and International Trade

--Economies of Scale and International Trade

-4.2 Internal and External Economies of Scale

--Internal and External Economies of Scale

-4.3 Internal Economies of Scale, Monopolistic Competition and Trade

--Internal Economies of Scale, Monopolistic Competition and Trade

-4.4 External Economies of Scale and Trade

--External Economies of Scale and Trade



5.Trade Restrictions: Tariffs

-5.1 Tariffs


-5.2 Tariff Structure

--Tariff Structure



6.Nontariff Trade Barriers and the New Protectionism

-6.1 Import Quota

--Import Quota

-6.2 Volumtary Export Restraint

--Voluntary Export Restraint

-6.3 Export Subsidy

--Export Subsidy

-6.4 The Political Economy of Trade Protectionism

--The Political Economy of Trade Protectionism

-6.5 The Infant-Industry and Strategic Trade Policies

--The Infant-Industry and Strategic Trade Policies



7. Economic Integration: Customs Unions and Free Trade Areas

-7.1 Typology of Regional Economic Integration

--Typology of Regional Economic Integration

-7.2 Trade Creation

--Trade Creation

-7.3 Trade Diversion

--Trade Diversion



8.International Trade and Economic Development

-8.1 Economic Growth in a Trading World

--Economic Growth in a Trading World

-8.2 Development and Trade Strategies

--Development and Trade Strategies



9. International Movement of Factors

-9.1 International Movement of Capital

--International Movement of Capital

-9.2 International Movement of Labor

--International Movement of Labor



Mid-Term Examination

-Mid-Term Examination

10. Balance of Payments

-10.1 Meaning of Balance of Payments

--Meaning of Balance of Payments

-10.2 Equiliebrium and Diseuilibrium of Balance of Payments

--Equilibrium and Disequilibrium of Balance of Payments



11. Foreign Exchange Markets and Exchange Rates

-11.1 Foreign Exchange Market and Exchange Rate

--Foreign Exchange Markets and Exchange Rates

-11.2 Flexible and Fixed Exchange Rate

--Flexible versus Fixed Exchange Rate



12. Exchange Rate Determination

-12.1 Purchasing-Power Parity Theory

--Purchasing-Power Parity Theory

-12.2 Monetary Approach to Exchange Rates Determination

--Monetary Approach to Exchange Rates Determination

-12.3 Asset Market Model and Exchange Rates

--Asset Market Model and Exchange Rates



13. The Price Adjustment Mechanism with Flexible and Fixed Exchange Rates

-13.1 The Price Adjustment Mechanism with Flexible and Fixed Exchange Rates

--The Price Adjustment Mechanism with Flexible and Fixed Exchange Rates

-13.2 Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on Domestic Prices and Terms of Trade, Stability of Foreign Exchange Market

--Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on Domestic Prices and Terms of Trade, Stability of Foreign Exchange Market

-13.3 Elasticities in the Real World

--Elasticities in the Real World

-13.4 Adjustment Under the Gold System

--Adjustment Under the Gold System



14. The Income Adjustment Mechanism and Synthesis of Automatic Adjustments

-14.1 Income Determination in a Closed Economy

--Income Determination in a Closed Economy

-14.2 Income Determination in a Small Open Economy and Foreign Repercussions

--Income Determination in a Small Open Economy and Foreign Repercussions

-14.3 Absorption Approach and Monetary Adjustments and Synthesis of the Automatic Adjustments

--Absorption Approach and Monetary Adjustments and Synthesis of the Automatic Adjustments



15. Open-Economy Macroeconomics

-15.1 Internal & External Balance and Swan Diagram

--Internal & External Balance and Swan Diagram

-15.2 IS-LM-BP Model

--IS-LM-BP Model

-15.3 Fiscal and Monetary Policy with Fixed and Flexible Exchange Rate

--Fiscal and Monetary Policy with Fixed and Flexible Exchange Rate



Final Examination

-Final Examination

International Economics 国际经济学开设学校:上海对外经贸大学

International Economics 国际经济学授课教师:










汤燦老师为中国人民大学经济学博士,美国达特茅斯学院访问学者。研究方向为发展经济学和劳动经济学。曾于 Journal of Population Economics等期刊发表文章。主要教授课程为国际经济学。






杨希燕老师为复旦大学经济学博士。具有多年教授国际贸易和国际经济学的经验。曾于众多学术期刊,包括Journal of World Business.等著名国际期刊发表多篇学术文章。


郑晓理老师为加拿大卡尔加里大学经济学博士。他的研究方向为环境和能源经济学。曾于OPEC Energy Review, Canadian Public Policy,Energy Journal等期刊发表文章。教授课程为国际经济学(本科生)和环境和能源经济学(研究生)。


  1. Simplified Acupuncture and Moxibustion(Round 2)

  2. Fundamentals of Inorganic Materials Science(Round 2)

  3. 跨文化交际学(2021秋)

  4. The intangible cultural heritage textile -- let the world understand the beauty of China(Round 2)

  5. 园林规划设计(2021秋)

  6. 插花艺术(2021秋)

  7. Discover Yourself Through Chinese Traditional Culture(Round 2)

  8. 大学生创新创业基础(2021秋)

  9. 临床肿瘤学(2021秋)

  10. Botany(Round 2)

  11. International Economics(Round 2)

  12. VR Experience and Panoramic Video Creation(Round 2)

  13. 走近徐志摩(2021秋)

  14. MySQL Database Programming(Round 2)

  15. 急诊医学(2021秋)

  16. 走进中国传统造物的审美世界(2021秋)

  17. 消防救援技术训练(2021秋)

  18. 大学物理(一)(2021暑假班)

  19. 塑料模具设计与制造(2021秋)

  20. Communication of Chinese Costume Art(Round 2)
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