A unique way to observe the human body in microscopic perspective! A delicate aspect to explore the structures and functions of tissues and organs! Discovering great things from small, Illuminating the mystery of how life originate! Think carefully, discern clearly, and seek constantly ! Welcome to learn Histology and Embryology!
A unique way to observe the human body in microscopic perspective! A delicate aspect to explore the structures and functions of tissues and organs! Discovering great things from small, Illuminating the mystery of how life originate! Think carefully, discern clearly, and seek constantly ! Welcome to learn Histology and Embryology!
-1.1 Tissue Collection and Fixation
--Tissue Collection and Fixation
-1.2 Tissue Preparation Part I
-1.3 Tissue Preparation Part II
-1.4 Histological Staining and Mounting
--Histological Staining and Mounting
-1.5 Frequently Used Histochemical Staining Method
--Frequently Used Histochemical Staining Methods
-PPT for Chapter I: Introduction of Histology
-Test for Chapter I Introduction of Histology
-2.1 Glandular Epithelium and Glands
--Glandular Epithelium and Glands
-2.2 Cell Junctions
-PPT for Chapter II: Epithelial Tissue
-Test for Chapter II Epithelial Tissue
-3.1 Cells of the Loose Connective Tissue
--Cells of Loose Connective Tissue
-3.2 Ground Substance of Loose Connective Tissue
--Ground substance of Loose Connective Tissue
-PPT for Chapter III: Connective Tissue Proper
-Test for Chapter III Connective Tissue Proper
-4.1 Structures and Functions of Red Blood Cells
--Structures and Functions of Red Blood Cells
-4.2 Structures and Functions of White Blood Cells
--Structures and Functions of White Blood Cells
-PPT for Chapter IV: Blood and Lymph
-Test for Chapter Ⅳ Blood and Lymph
-5.1 Cartilage
-5.2 ECM of Bone Tissue
-5.3 Cells of Bone Tissue
-PPT for Chapter V: Cartilage and Bone
-Test for Chapter Ⅴ Cartilage and Bone
-6.1 Histological Features of Skeletal Muscle Fiber in LM
--Histological Features of Skeletal Muscle Fiber in LM
-6.2 Ultrastructure Features of Skeletal Muscle Fiber
--Ultrastructure Features of Skeletal Muscle Fiber
-PPT for Chapter VI:Muscular Tissue
-Test for Chapter VI Muscular Tissue
-7.1 Neuron
-7.2 Neuroglia
-7.3 Structures and Functions of Synapse
--Structures and Functions of Synapse
-PPT for Chapter VII:Nervous Tissue
-Discussion of the General Histology
-Test for Chapter VII Nervous Tissue
-8.1 General Structure of Blood Vessle
--General Structure of Blood Vessle
-8.2 Capillary
-PPT for Chapter VIII:Circulatory System
-Test for Chapter VIII Circulatory System
-9.1 Histological Features of Lymph node and Spleen
--Histological Features of Lymph node and Spleen
-PPT for Chapter IX: Immune System
-Discussion of the Immune System
-Test for Chapter IX Immune System
-11.1 Histological Structures and Functions of Thyroid
--Histological Structures and Functions of Thyroid
-11.2 Structures and Functions of Pituitary Glands
--Structures and Functions of Pituitary Glands
-PPT for Chapter XI: Endocrine System
-Test for Chapter XI Endocrine System
-12.1 Histological Features and Functions of Stomach
--Histological Features and Functions of Stomach
-12.2 Histological Features and Functions of Small intestine
--Histological Features and Functions of Small intestine
-PPT for Chapter XII: Digestive Tract
-Test for Chapter XII Digestive Tract
-13.1 Histological Features of Endocrine Portion
--Histological Features of Endocrine Portion
-13.2 Histological Features of Exocrine Portion
--Histological Features of Exocrine Portion
-13.3 Histological Features of Liver Part I
--Histological Features of Liver Part I
-13.4 Histological Features of Liver Part II
--Histological Features of Liver Part II
-PPT for Chapter XIII: Digestive Glands
-Test for Chapter XIII Digestive Glands
-14.1 Histological Features of lung Conducting portion
--Histological Features of lung Conducting portion
-14.2 Histological Structures of Respiratory Portion and Alveolus
--Histological Structures of Respiratory Portion and Alveolus
-PPT for Chapter XIV: Respiratory System
-Test for Chapter XIV Respiratory System
-15.1 General Structure of Kidney
-15.2 Structure of Renal Corpuscle
--Structure of Renal Corpuscle
-15.3 Structures and Functions of Uriniferous Tubules
--Structures and Functions of Uriniferous Tubules
-15.4 Juxtaglomerular Apparatus
-PPT for Chapter XV: Urinary System
-Test for Chapter XV Urinary System
-16.1 Seminiferous Tubule and Spermatogenesis
--Seminiferous Tubule and Spermatogenesis
-16.2 Sertoli Cells and Interstitial Cells
--Sertoli Cells and Interstitial Cells
-PPT for Chapter XVI: Male Reproductive System
-Test for Chapter XVI Male Reproductive System
-17.1 Follicular Development and Its Endocrine Functions
--Follicular Development and Its Endocrine Functions
-17.2 Ovulation and Corpus luteum
-PPT for Chapter XVII: Female Reproductive System
-Discussion of the Reproductive System
-Test for Chapter XVII Female Reproductive System
-18.1 Fertilization and in vitro fertilization
--Fertilization and in vitro fertilization
-18.2 Gametogenesis
-18.3 Fertilization
-18.4 Cleavage, Implantation and Reproductive Engineering
--Cleavage, Implantation and Reproductive Engineering
-18.5 The formation of Bilaminar Germ Disc and Pre-embryonic Development
--The formation of Bilaminar Germ Disc and Pre-embryonic Development
-18.6 The formation of Trilaminar Germ Disc
--The formation of Trilaminar Germ Disc
-18.7 Derivatives of the Trilaminar Germ Disc
--Derivatives of the Trilaminar Germ Disc
-PPT for Chapter XVIII: General Embryology
-Discussion of the General Embryology
-Test for Chapter XVIII General Embryology
-19.1 Formation of Face
-19.2 Development of the digestive and respiratory systems
--The development of the digestive and respiratory systems
-19.3 Development of the Heart
-19.4 Development of the Urinary System
--Development of the Urinary System
-19.5 Development of the Reproductive System
--Development of the Reproductive System
-19.6 Teratology
-PPT for Chapter XIX: Special Embryology
-Discussion of the Special Embryology
-Test for Chapter XIX Special Embryology
-Histology and Embryology Final Exam
1993 年毕业于陕西师范大学生物系,生物教育专业,获学士学位, 1999 年, 2003年分获西安交通大学医学院人体解剖与组织胚胎学专业硕士学位和获博士学位,2006.5-2006.10 在加拿大西多伦多医院“脊髓损伤与修复研究室”,从事博士后研究。 自 1999 年进入西安交通大学医学院后一直从事《组织学与胚胎学》教学工作,有丰富的教学经验,较强的组织教学能力,教学效果良好,并曾获西安交通大学授课比赛二等奖。另外,我院推行“双语教学”改革,面对东南亚留学生的教学工作 也一直要求全英语教学,因此,经过多年历练,具备相当双语、英语教学水平。
1999 年毕业于西安医科大学临床医学专业学习,获得临床医学学士学位,留校 任教。 2006 获西安交通大学医学部人体解剖与组织胚胎学专业学习,获得本专业硕士学位; 2015 西安交通大学医学部人体解剖与组织胚胎学专业博士生毕业。 现任西安交通大学医学部人体解剖与组织胚胎学系讲师。 教学方面,主持校级与院级教改课题 2 项,发表教学文章 4 篇。科研方面,主要从事男性生殖的研究,发表 SCI 及核心杂志收录文章 5 篇。
2000 年毕业于西安交通大学医学院临床医学专业,获学士学位,留校人体解剖 与组织胚胎学系任教至今。 2006.6 获得人体解剖与组织胚胎学系硕士学位。 2008-2009 在新加坡国家神经研究所进行合作研究。 2015 年获得人体解剖与组 织胚胎学系博士学位。 参加工作以来,一直承担五年制临床、法医本科学生、临床规培学生,宗濂实验班(八年制)区段以及留学生的理论和实验课教学。 2009 年参加西安交通大学授课比赛获得二等奖。
1996 年毕业于西安医科大学临床医学专业后留校工作至今, 现任西安交通大学 医学院人体解剖与组织胚胎学系讲师。工作后一直从事《组织学与胚胎学》 理论课和实习课教学与科研工作,教学经验丰富。 现主持校级教学项目 1 项,参编教材数部,参与发表教学和科研文章数篇, 热爱教学工作,相信坦诚的交流是能迸发出思想的火花。
2000 年毕业于西安交通大学医学院后留校工作至今。 现任西安交通大学医学院人体解剖与组织胚胎学系讲师。
2009年毕业于英国Aston大学,2009-2014年分别在英国利物浦大学医学院内分泌与糖尿病系及美国加州希望之城贝克曼研究所代谢与糖尿病系做博士后。2017年7月加入西安交通大学医学部基础医学院人体解剖与组织胚胎系工作至今。现主持国家自然科学基金项目2项、中国博士后基金2项和陕西省自然科学基金青年项目1项。在Antioxidant & Redox Signaling、Free Radical Biology & Medicine 、 AJP-Endo 、International Journal of Obesity 等国际期刊发表SCI论文21篇。