Music Appreciation

Music is carrier of history. It represents time-honored cultural achievements and is often deemed as crystallization of national spirit and ethical codes. In the process of learning music theories, appreciating ancient and modern music works in different countries, students will understand the content and connotation of excellent music works in the world with renewed appreciation and respect of a variety of cultures. Let us walk together into the art world to enjoy the classics and understand life!


Music Appreciation课程:前往报名学习

Music Appreciation视频慕课课程简介:

Music is carrier of history. It represents time-honored cultural achievements and is often deemed as crystallization of national spirit and ethical codes. In the process of learning music theories, appreciating ancient and modern music works in different countries, students will understand the content and connotation of excellent music works in the world with renewed appreciation and respect of a variety of cultures. Let us walk together into the art world to enjoy the classics and understand life!


Music Appreciation课程列表:


Chapter I. Chinese ancient music

-1.1.1(The origin of musical culture part1)

-1.1.2(The origin of musical culture part2)

-1.1.3(The origin of musical culture part3)

-1.2.1(The exchange of musical culture part1)

-1.2.2(The exchange of musical culture part2)

-1.2.3(The exchange of musical culture part3 )

-Chapter 1 Test

Chapter II. Chinese modern music

-2.1.1(Modern musical culture part1)

-2.1.2(Modern musical culture part2)

-2.2.1(A Bing and his music part1)

-2.2.2(A Bing and his music part2)

-2.2.3(A Bing and his music part3)

-2.3.1(Xian Xinghai and Yellow River Cantata part1)

-2.3.2(Xian Xinghai and Yellow River Cantata part2)

-2.3.3(Xian Xinghai and Yellow River Cantata part3)

-2.4.1(Folk song)


-2.4.3(mountain song)


-2.5.1(symphony Requiem for The War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression part1)

-2.5.2(symphony Requiem for The War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression part2)

-2.5.3(symphony Requiem for The War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression part3)

-Chapter 2 Test

Chapter III. Music in Baroque period

-3.1(Handel and oratorio)

-3.2.1(Bach and keyboard music part1)

-3.2.2(Bach and keyboard music part2)

-Chapter 3 Test

Chapter IV. Western classical music

-4.1.1(Haydn and string quartet part1)

-4.1.2(Haydn and string quartet part2)

-4.2.1(Mozart and Turkish March part1)

-4.2.2(Mozart and Turkish March part2)

-4.3.1(The formation process of ideology core of Beethoven’ symphony part1)

-4.3.2(The formation process of ideology core of Beethoven’ symphony part2)

-Chapter 4 Test

Chapter V. Western romantic music

-5.1(What is European romantic music)

-5.2.1(Beethoven and romantic music part1)

-5.2.2(Beethoven and romantic music part2)

-5.3.1(Features of romantic music part1)

-5.3.2(Features of romantic music part2)

-5.3.3(Features of romantic music part3)

-5.4.1(The historical origin of German and Austria part1)

-5.4.2(The historical origin of German and Austria part2)

-5.5.1(Romantic music and painting part1)

-5.5.2(Romantic music and painting part2)

-Chapter 5 Test

Chapter VI. Western opera

-6.1.1( The development of western opera part1)

-6.1.2(The development of western opera part2)

-6.2(Verist opera——Puccini part1)

-6.3(Verist opera——Puccini part2)

-Chapter 6 Test

Chapter VII. Modern western music

-7.1.1(The impressionist music part1)

-7.1.2(The impressionist music part2)

-7.2.1(The change of music concept part1)

-7.2.2(The change of music concept part2)

-7.2.3(The change of music concept part3)

-7.3.1(The advent of atonal music part1)

-7.3.2(The advent of atonal music part2)

-7.4(The music of 20th century and post-modern philosophy)

-7.5(The minimalist music)

-7.6.1(The Map composed by Tan Dun part1)

-7.6.2(The Map composed by Tan Dun part2 )

-Chapter 7 Test

Music Appreciation开设学校:西安交通大学

Music Appreciation授课教师:






文茹,2008年毕业于西安音乐学院音乐学系民族音乐学方向,硕士研究生,现任教于西安交通大学人文学院艺术系。自工作以来担任《钢琴演奏艺术实践》、《音乐鉴赏》、《中外名曲赏析》、《音乐的律动与创造》等课程的教学工作;主持和参与省、市、校级课题12余项,其中主持西安交通大学基本科研项目“基于暗示-实现理论的音乐风格特征动态分析——以维也纳古典乐派为例”,2017.3;主持西安市社会科学规划基金项目“西安鼓乐之庙会民俗传承研究”,2014.6;主持陕西省艺术规划课题“西安鼓乐社及其民俗活动考察研究”,2010.4;主持西安交通大学科研基金(人文社科类)项目——“西安鼓乐社及其民俗活动研究”,2009.7。公开发表学术论文8篇(包括CSSCI论文2篇,EI论文2篇);正式出版教材7部:《钢琴艺术理论与实践》、《钢琴艺术理论与音乐欣赏研究》、《中外名曲赏析》、《交响音乐赏析》、《西北民族音乐鉴赏》、《中国传统音乐普修教程》、《音乐鉴赏》。《西安鼓乐之庙会民俗研究》、《非物质文化遗产进入地方高校公共艺术课堂的构想—以陕西普通高校公共艺术教育为例》获中国高等教育学会音乐教育专业委员会第十四次学术论文评审,一等奖、三等奖。2014.7;“陕西省普通高校公共艺术课展评”《音乐鉴赏》授课比赛二等奖,陕西省文化厅2010.3;《Music style analysis among haydn、Mozart and Beethoven:an unsupervised machine learning approach》入选2017第43届国际计算机音乐会议论文集,2017.10。 2016年7月15—21日受英国坎特伯雷基督教会大学音乐与表演艺术学院邀请,做短期访问交流。










刘俊峰,博士在读,研究领域:音乐心理学。 2016年硕士毕业于意大利特兰托国立音乐学院,萨克斯管演奏专业, 师从于意大利著名萨克斯管演奏家Marco Albonetti。曾以重奏与独奏的形式于中国、意大利、芬兰、哥斯达黎加等地举办多场音乐会,并广受好评。 获奖:意大利第十届Città di Bardolino“Jan Langosz”国际音乐比赛重奏组满分及一等奖、意大利第七届Antonio Salieri国际音乐比赛重奏组一等奖 、 意大利第一届Rizzardo Bino国际音乐比赛重奏组二等奖、意大利第五届Val Di Sole音乐大赛重奏组满分及一等奖、意大利第九届Città di Piove di Saccco音乐大赛重奏组一等奖。


  1. Music Appreciation(Round 2)

  2. 聚合物加工工艺(2021秋)

  3. Inorganic Chemistry(Round 2)

  4. Nonlinear Dynamical System and Application(Round 2)

  5. 辐射剂量学与辐射防护(2021秋)

  6. English and American Literature(Round 2)

  7. Veterinary Parasitology(Round 2)

  8. 数据统计与分析(2021秋)

  9. 学术英语写作(2021秋)

  10. 宽带接入组网与维护(2021秋)

  11. 视觉传达与传播设计(2021秋)

  12. 时尚网页设计(2021秋)

  13. 马克思主义经典著作研读(2021秋)

  14. 婚姻家庭继承法(2021秋)

  15. 西班牙语入门(2021秋)

  16. 保险法(2021秋)

  17. 园艺作物育种学(2021秋)

  18. 艺术思政课(2021秋)

  19. 人体解剖生理学(2021秋)

  20. 肝硬化及其并发症的诊疗现状及研究进展(2021秋)
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