当前课程知识点:英语语言学 >  Chapter Nine Language Acquisition >  9.3 Language Development >  Video







Chapter One Introduction

-1.1 An Introduction to Linguistics


-1.2 Definition of Linguistics


-1.3 Scope of Linguistics


-1.4 Some Distinctions in Linguistics


-1.5 What is Language?


-1.6 Design Features of Language


-1.7 Functions of Language


-1.8 Origins of Language


-Chapter One Introduction--1.9 Quiz for Ch

Chapter Two The Sounds of Languge

-2.1 Introduction and Speech Organs


-2.2 English Consonants and Vowels


-2.3 Phonology


-2.4 Conclusion


-Chapter Two The Sounds of Languge--2.5 Qu

Chapter Three Morphology

-3.1 Definition of Morpheme


-3.2 Classifcation of Morphemes


-3.3 Categories of Word Formation


-3.4 Major Processes of Word Formation


-3.5 Minor Processes of Word Formation


-Chapter Three Morphology--3.6 Quiz for Ch

Chapter Four Syntax

-4.1 Introduction and Tree Diagram


-4.2 Rewrite Rules and Two Levels of Structures


-4.3 Conclusion


-Chapter Four Syntax--4.4 Quiz for Chapter

Chapter Five Semantics

-5.1 Leech: Seven Types of Meaning


-5.2 Sense and Reference


-5.3 Sense Relatinships Between Words


-5.4 Semantic Relationship Between Sentences


-Chapter Five Semantics--5.5 Quiz for Chap

Chapter Six Pragmatics

-6.1 Introduction to Pragmatics


-6.2 Speech Act Theory


-6.3 The Cooperative Principle and Politeness Principle


-Chapter Six Pragmatics--6.4 Quiz for Chap

Chapter Seven Discourse Analysis

-7.1 Discourse analysis


-7.2 Information Structure


-7.3 Cohesion


-7.4 Discourse Markers


-7.5 Conversational Analysis


-7.6 Sources and Suggestions


-Chapter Seven Discourse Analysis--7.7 Qui

Chapter Eight Sociolinguistics

-8.1 Language Varieties


-8.2 Dialect


-8.3 Register


-8.4 Pidgins and Creoles


-8.5 Bilingualism and Multilingualism


-8.6 Diglossia


-8.7 Code Swtiching


-8.8 Summary


-Chapter Eight Sociolinguistics--8.9 Quiz

Chapter Nine Language Acquisition

-9.1 The Behaviorist Approach


-9.2 The Innateness Approach


-9.3 Language Development


-9.4 What Second Language Learners Acquire


-9.5 How Learners Acquire a Second Language


-9.6 Individual Differences


-9.7 Instruction and L2 Acquisition


-Chapter Nine Language Acquisition--9.8 Qu



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