Chang'an and Chinese Buddhism

This course is divided into 7 chapters: Characters in Chang’an Buddhism, Buddhist temples, schools, classics, literature, art.


Chang'an and Chinese Buddhism 课程:前往报名学习

Chang'an and Chinese Buddhism 视频慕课课程简介:

This course is divided into 7 chapters: Characters in Chang’an Buddhism, Buddhist temples, schools, classics, literature, art.


Chang'an and Chinese Buddhism 课程列表:


Chapter1:Chang’An and Chinese Eminent Buddhist Monks

-Section 1: Buddhist Lection Translation Master – Kumārajīva


--Buddhist Lection Translation Master – Kumārajīva

-Section 2: National Backbone – Master Xuanzang


-- National Backbone – Master Xuanzang

-Section 3: Eminent Scholar – Master Fazang


--Eminent Scholar – Master Fazang

-Section 4: Monk of Light – Master Shandao


--Monk of Light – Master Shandao

-Section 5:The Authentic from Nan Shan – Master Daoxuan


--The Authentic from Nan Shan – Master Daoxuan

-Section 6: The Representative of Tang Tantra – Master Huiguo


--The Representative of Tang Tantra – Master Huiguo

- Chang’An and Chinese Eminent Buddhist Monks—Unit Testing

Chapter 2: Chang’An and Chinese Buddhist Ancestral Courts

-Section 1: Caotang Temple—The Court of East Asian Mādhyamaka


--Caotang Temple—The Court of East Asian Mādhyamaka

-Section 2: Daci’en Temple—The Court of East Asian Yogācāra


--Daci’en Temple—The Court of East Asian Yogācāra

-Section 3: Huayan Temple—The Court of Huayan School


-- Huayan Temple—The Court of Huayan School

-Section 4: Xiangji Temple—the court of Pure Land


--Xiangji Temple—the court of Pure Land

-Section 5 : Jingye Temple—the Court of Risshū


-- Jingye Temple—the Court of Risshū

-Section 6: Daxingshan Temple—the Ancestral Court of Tantra


--Daxingshan Temple—the Ancestral Court of Tantra

-Chapter 2: Chang’An and Chinese Buddhist Ancestral Courts—Unit Testing

Chapter 3: Chang’an and Chinese Buddhist Scriptures

-Section 1: Chang’an and the Translation of Chinese Buddhist Scriptures


-- Chang’an and the Translation of Chinese Buddhist Scriptures

-Section 2: Literati’s Model of Ideal Life —Vimalakirti Sutra


--Literati’s Model of Ideal Life —Vimalakirti Sutra

- Section 3:Splendid Parables -- Lotus Sutra


--Splendid Parables -- Lotus Sutra

-Section 4 Breaking the Illusion -- The Diamond Sutra


--Breaking the Illusion -- The Diamond Sutra

-Section 5: The Miniature Buddhism Program—Heart Sutra


--The Miniature Buddhism Program—Heart Sutra

-Section 6: The Harmonious Avatamsaka Sutra


-- The Harmonious Avatamsaka Sutra

-Chapter 3: Chang’an and Chinese Buddhist Scriptures—Unit Texting

Chapter 4:Chang’an and Chinese Buddhist Schools

-Section 1: Mādhyamaka of Buddhism in China


-- Mādhyamaka of Buddhism in China

-Section 2: Yogācāra of Buddhism in China


--Yogācāra of Buddhism in China

-Section 3: Huayan of Buddhism in China


--Huayan of Buddhism in China

-Section 4: Pure Land of Buddhism in China


--Pure Land of Buddhism in China

-Section 5: Risshū of Buddhism in China


--Risshū of Buddhism in China

-Section 6: Vajrayana of Buddhism in China


--Vajrayana of Buddhism in China

-Chapter 4:Chang’an and Chinese Buddhist Schools—Unit Texting

Chapter 5:Chang’an and Chinese Buddhist Literature

-Section 1: Poetry of Chang’an Buddhist Temple in Tang Dynasty


--Poetry of Chang’an Buddhist Temple in Tang Dynasty

-Section 2: Poem of Daci’en Temple of Tang Dynasty poets


--Poem of Daci’en Temple of Tang Dynasty poets

-Section 3: Poems of Chang’an Qinglong Temple


--Poems of Chang’an Qinglong Temple

-Section 4: Zen Poems of Chang’an Xiangzhi Temple


--Zen Poems of Chang’an Xiangzhi Temple

-Section 5:“Buddha of Poetry” Wang Wei’s Zen Poems


--“Buddha of Poetry” Wang Wei’s Zen Poems

-Section 6: Anti-Buddhist Movement and Anti-Buddhist Poety in Chang’an in Tang Dynasty


--Anti-Buddhist Movement and Anti-Buddhist Poety in Chang’an in Tang Dynasty

-Chapter 5:Chang’an and Chinese Buddhist Literatue—Unit Texting

Chapter 6:Chang’An and Chinese Buddhist Art

-Section 1: Chinese Buddhist Music


--Chinese Buddhist Music

-Section 2: Chinese Buddhist Dance


--Chinese Buddhist Dance

-Section 3: Chinese Buddhist Painting


--Chinese Buddhist Painting

-Section 4: Buddhist Temple Murals


--Buddhist Temple Murals

-Section 5: Chinese Buddhist Calligraphy


--Chinese Buddhist Calligraphy

-Chapter 6:Chang’An and Chinese Buddhist Art—Unit Texting

Chapter 7:Chang’An and Chinese Buddhist History

-Section 1: Chang’An and First Introduction of Buddhism


--Chang’An and First Introduction of Buddhism

-Section 2: Chang’An Buddhism and Emperors in Tang Dynasty


--Chang’An Buddhism and Emperors in Tang Dynasty

-Section 3: Integration of Buddhism and Taoism in Chang’an City


--Integration of Buddhism and Taoism in Chang’an City

-Section 4: Buddhist life in Chang’an City


--Buddhist life in Chang’an City

-Section 5: International Communication of Chang’an and Chinese Buddhism


--International Communication of Chang’an and Chinese Buddhism

-Chapter 7:Chang’An and Chinese Buddhist History—Unit Texting


-The historical Status of Chang’an and Chinese Buddhism


--The historical Status of Chang’an and Chinese Buddhism

Chang'an and Chinese Buddhism 开设学校:陕西师范大学

Chang'an and Chinese Buddhism 授课教师:




  1. 会计学原理(2021秋)

  2. 走进电世界(2021秋)

  3. 核反应堆热工分析(2021秋)

  4. 房屋建筑学(2021秋)

  5. 0-3岁婴幼儿动作发展与教育(2021秋)

  6. 工程伦理(2021秋)

  7. 环境与健康(2021秋)

  8. 中国少数民族史(2021秋)

  9. 现代仪器分析实验(2021秋)

  10. 冶金反应工程(2021秋)

  11. Chang'an and Chinese Buddhism(Round 2)

  12. 新中国边海防历史经验和重大启示(2021秋)

  13. 大家一起学儿科(2021暑假班)

  14. 影视语言(2021秋)

  15. 管理学原理(2021秋)

  16. 媒介道德与法规(2021秋)

  17. BEC(高级)阅读技巧与实践(2021秋)

  18. 能源地质学(2021暑假班)

  19. 作业治疗技术(2021暑假班)

  20. 管理经济学(2021秋)
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