中国舞蹈 Chinese Dance

心有多大,舞台就有多大。在世界的舞台,来感受中国舞蹈的独特魅力!The stage is as big as the heart.Let's appreciate the unique charming of Chinese dance in the world stage!


中国舞蹈 Chinese Dance课程:前往报名学习

中国舞蹈 Chinese Dance视频慕课课程简介:

心有多大,舞台就有多大。在世界的舞台,来感受中国舞蹈的独特魅力!The stage is as big as the heart.Let's appreciate the unique charming of Chinese dance in the world stage!


中国舞蹈 Chinese Dance课程列表:


课程导学/Course Guidance

-《中国舞蹈》课程导学/Course Guidance for “Chinese Dance”

第一章 舞蹈基础训练-柔韧训练/Unit 1 Basic Dance Training--Flexibility Training

-第一讲 肩部练习/Item 1 Shoulder exercise

--肩部练习-微课/Shoulder exercise--Micro lesson

--肩部练习-作业/Shoulder exercise-Homework

-第二讲 胸腰练习/Item 2 Chest and waist exercise

--胸腰练习-微课/Chest and waist exercise--Micro lesson

--胸腰练习-作业/Chest and waist exercise-Homework

-第三讲 腿部练习/Item 3 Leg exercise

--腿部练习-微课/Leg exercise--Micro lesson

--腿部练习-作业/Leg exercise--Homework

-第四讲 脚背练习/Item 4 Instep exercise

--脚背练习-微课/Instep exercise--Micro lesson

--脚背练习-作业/Instep exercise--Homework

第二章 舞蹈基础训练-素质训练/Unit 2 Basic Dancing Skill--Quality Training

-第一讲 腹部力量练习/Item 1 Abdominal Strength Exercise

--腹部力量练习-微课/Abdominal Strength Exercise--Micro lesson

--腹部力量练习-作业/Abdominal Strength Exercise--Homework

-第二讲 腰背部力量练习/Item 2 Waist back strength exercise

--腰背部力量练习-微课/Waist back strength exercise--Micro lesson

--腰背部力量练习-作业/Waist back strength exercise--Homework

第三章 中国古典舞基础训练/Unit 3 Chinese classical dance basic training

-第一讲 基本体态/Item 1 Basic Posture

--基本体态-微课/Basic Posture--Micro lesson

--基本体态-作业/Basic Posture--Homework

-第二讲 基本手形、脚形/Item 2 Basic hand-shape and foot-shape

--基本手形、脚形-微课/Basic hand-shape and foot-shape--Micro lesson

--基本手形、脚形-作业/Basic hand-shape and foot-shape--Homework

-第三讲 擦地组合/Item 3 Floor scrubbing combination

--擦地组合-微课/Floor scrubbing combination--Micro lesson

--擦地组合-作业/Floor scrubbing combination--Homework

-第四讲 蹲组合/Item 4 Squat combination

--蹲组合-微课/Squat combination--Micro lesson

--蹲组合-作业/Squat combination--Homework

-第五讲 腰组合/Item 5 Waist combination

--腰组合-微课/Waist combination--Micro lesson

--腰组合-作业/Waist combination--Homework

-第六讲 大踢腿组合/Item 6 Wide kick combination

--大踢腿组合-微课/Wide kick combinatio--Micro lesson

--大踢腿组合-作业/Wide kick combinatio--Homework

第四章 中国古典舞身韵-理论概述/Unit 4 Theoretical overview of Chinese classical dance body rhyme

-第一讲 中国古典舞身韵的审美特征/Item 1 The aesthetic features of Chinese classical dance

--中国古典舞身韵的审美特征-微课/The aesthetic features of Chinese classical dance--Micro lesson

--中国古典舞身韵的审美特征-作业/The aesthetic features of Chinese classical dance--Homework

-第二讲 中国古典舞身韵的训练特点/Item 2 Training features of Chinese classical dance rhyme

--中国古典舞身韵的训练特点-微课/Training features of Chinese classical dance rhyme--Micro lesson

--中国古典舞身韵的训练特点-作业/Training features of Chinese classical dance rhyme--Homework

第五章 中国古典舞身韵-元素训练/Unit 5 Elemental Training of Chinese Classical Dance

-第一讲 提、沉、移/Item 1 Lift, sink, move

--提、沉、移-微课/Lift, sink, move--Micro lesson

--提、沉、移-作业/Lift, sink, move--Homework

-第二讲 冲、靠/Item 2 Punch and lean

--冲、靠-微课/Punch and lean--Micro lesson

--冲、靠-作业/Punch and lean--Homework

-第三讲 含、腆/Item 3 Contain, unfolding

--含、腆-微课/Contain, unfolding--Micro lesson

--含、腆-作业/Contain, unfolding--Homework

第六章 中国古典舞身韵-综合训练/Unit 6 The comprehensive training of body gesture and rhythm in Chinese Classical Dance

-第一讲 云间转腰/Item 1 Turning around in a circle with the waist as axis

--云间转腰-微课/Turning around in a circle with the waist as axis--Micro lesson

--云间转腰-作业/Turning around in a circle with the waist as axis--Homework

-第二讲 基本手位/Item 2 Basic hand position

--基本手位-微课/Basic hand position--Micro lesson

--基本手位-作业/Basic hand position--Homework

-第三讲 基本步位/Item 3 Basic step position

--基本步位-微课/Basic step position--Micro lesson

--基本步位-作业/Basic step position--Homework

-第四讲 头、眼组合/Item 4 Head and eye combination

--头、眼组合-微课/Head and eye combination--Micro lesson

--头、眼组合-作业/Head and eye combination--Homework

-第五讲 古典舞身韵舞姿组合1/Item 5 Body gesture and rhythm combination 1

--古典舞身韵舞姿组合1-微课/Body gesture and rhythm combination 1--Micro lesson

--古典舞身韵舞姿组合1-作业/Body gesture and rhythm combination 1--Homework

-第六讲 古典舞身韵舞姿组合2/Item 6 Body gesture and rhythm combination 2

--古典舞身韵舞姿组合2-微课/Body gesture and rhythm combination 2--Micro lesson

--古典舞身韵舞姿组合2-作业/Body gesture and rhythm combination 2--Homework

第七章 中国民族民间舞-藏族舞蹈/Unit 7 Chinese Folk Dance-Tibetan Folk Dance

-第一讲 藏族舞蹈的风格特点/Item 1 The Style and Characteristics of Tibetan Dance

--藏族舞蹈的风格特点-微课/The Style and Characteristics of Tibetan Dance -- Micro lesson

--藏族舞蹈的风格特点-作业/The Style and Characteristics of Tibetan Dance -- Homework

-第二讲 基本体态与动律训练组合/Item 2 Combination of basic posture and movement training

--基本体态与动律训练组合-微课/Combination of basic posture and movement training-- Micro lesson

--基本体态与动律训练组合-作业/Combination of basic posture and movement training-- Homework

-第三讲 基本步伐训练组合/Item 3 Basic step training combination

--基本步伐训练组合-微课/Basic step training combination-- Micro lesson

--基本步伐训练组合-作业/Basic step training combination-- Homework

-第四讲 库玛拉组合/Item 4 Kumara combination

--库玛拉组合-微课/Kumara combination-- Micro lesson

--库玛拉训练组合-作业/Kumara combination-- Homework

-第五讲 弦子靠步训练组合/Item 5 Xianzi Kaobu training combination

--弦子靠步训练组合-微课/Xianzi Kaobu training combination-- Micro lesson

--弦子靠步训练组合-作业/Xianzi Kaobu training combination-- Homework

-第六讲 藏族儿童舞蹈-上学路上/Item 6 Tibetan Children’s Dance“On the way to school”

--上学路上-微课/“On the way to school”-- Micro lesson

--上学路上-作业/“On the way to school”-- Homework

第八章 中国民族民间舞-云南花灯/Unit 8 Chinese Folk Dance-Yunnan Lantern

-第一讲 云南花灯舞蹈的风格特点/Item 1 The Style and Characteristics of Yunnan Lantern Dance

--云南花灯舞蹈的风格特点-微课/The Style and Characteristics of Yunnan Lantern Dance-- Micro lesson

--云南花灯的风格特点-作业/The Style and Characteristics of Yunnan Lantern Dance-- Homework

-第二讲 动律训练组合/Item 2 Movement rhythm training combination

--动律训练组合-微课/Movement rhythm training combination-- Micro lesson

--动律训练组合-作业/Movement rhythm training combination-- Homework

-第三讲 扇花训练组合/Item 3 Fan Flower Training Combination

--扇花训练组合-微课/Fan Flower Training Combination-- Micro lesson

--扇花训练组合-作业/Fan Flower Training Combination-- Homework

-第四讲 跳颠步训练组合/Item 4 Jumping step training combination

--跳颠步训练组合-微课/Jumping step training combination-- Micro lesson

--跳颠步训练组合-作业/Jumping step training combination-- Homework

-第五讲 扣扇训练组合/Item 5 Buckle fan training combination

--扣扇训练组合-微课/Buckle fan training combination-- Micro lesson

--扣扇训练组合-作业/Buckle fan training combination-- Homework

-第六讲 云南花灯儿童舞蹈-螃蟹调/Item 6 Yunnan Lantern children’s Dance “Crab Tune”

--螃蟹调-微课/“Crab Tune”-- Micro lesson

--螃蟹调-作业/“Crab Tune”-- Homework

第九章 中国民族民间舞-东北秧歌/Unit 9 Chinese Folk Dance-- Dongbei Yangko

-第一讲 东北秧歌舞蹈的风格特点/Item 1 The style and characteristics of Dongbei Yangko

--东北秧歌舞蹈的风格特点-微课/The style and character of Dongbei Yangko-- Micro lesson

--东北秧歌的风格特点-作业/The style and character of Dongbei Yangko-- Homework

-第二讲 踢步训练组合/Item 2 The combination training of kicking step

--踢步训练组合-微课/The combination training of kicking step-- Micro lesson

--踢步训练组合-作业/The combination training of kicking step-- Homework

-第三讲 动律训练组合/Item 3 The rhythm training combination

--动律训练组合-微课/The rhythm training combination-- Micro lesson

--动律训练组合-作业/The rhythm training combination-- Homework

-第四讲 里绕花训练组合/Item 4 Winding towel training combination

--里绕花训练组合-微课/Winding towel training combination-- Micro lesson

--里绕花训练组合-作业/Winding towel training combination-- Homework

-第五讲 跳踢步训练组合/Item 5 Jumping and kicking step training combination

--跳踢步训练组合-微课/Jumping and kicking step training combination-- Micro lesson

--跳踢步训练组合-作业/Jumping and kicking step training combination-- Homework

-第六讲 东北秧歌儿童舞蹈-拾豆豆/Item 6 Dongbei Yangko Children’s Dance “Picking up peas”

--拾豆豆-微课/“Picking up peas”-- Micro lesson

--拾豆豆-作业/“Picking up peas”-- Homework

第十章 中国民族民间舞-蒙古族舞蹈/Unit 10 Chinese Folk Dance--Mongolian Folk Dance

-第一讲 蒙古族舞蹈的风格特点/Item 1 The style and characteristics of Mongolian Folk Dance

--蒙古族舞蹈的风格特点-微课/The style and character of Mongolian Folk Dance-- Micro lesson

--蒙古族舞蹈的风格特点-作业/The style and character of Mongolian Folk Dance-- Homework

-第二讲 肩训练组合/Item 2 Shoulder training combination

--肩训练组合-微课/Shoulder training combination-- Micro lesson

--肩训练组合-作业/Shoulder training combination-- Homework

-第三讲 体态、胸背训练组合/Item 3 Chest and Back Training combination

--体态、胸背训练组合-微课/Chest and Back Training combination-- Micro lesson

--体态、胸背训练组合-作业/Chest and Back Training combination-- Homework

-第四讲 硬手训练组合/Item 4 Hard hand training combination

--硬手训练组合-微课/Hard hand training combination-- Micro lesson

--硬手训练组合-作业/Hard hand training combination-- Homework

-第五讲 蒙古族儿童舞蹈-鸿雁/Item 5 Mongolian Children’s Dance “Swan”

--鸿雁-微课/“Swan”-- Micro lesson

--鸿雁-作业/“Swan”-- Homework

第十一章 中国民族民间舞-维吾尔族舞蹈/Unit 11 Chinese Folk Dance-Uygur Folk Dance

-第一讲 维吾尔族舞蹈的风格特点/Item 1 The Style and Characteristics of Uygur Dance

--维吾尔族舞蹈的风格特点-微课/ The Style and Characteristics of Uygur Dance-- Micro lesson

--维吾尔族舞蹈的风格特点-作业/ The Style and Characteristics of Uygur Dance-- Homework

-第二讲 手位与绕腕训练组合/Item 2 Combination of Hand Position and Wrist Winding Training

--手位与绕腕训练组合-微课/Combination of Hand Position and Wrist Winding Training-- Micro lesson

--手位与绕腕训练组合-作业/Combination of Hand Position and Wrist Winding Training-- Homework

-第三讲 踏蹲旁点步训练组合/Item 3 Stepping and squatting side step training combination

--踏蹲旁点步训练组合-微课/Stepping and squatting side step training combination-- Micro lesson

--踏蹲旁点步训练组合-作业/Stepping and squatting side step training combination-- Homework

-第四讲 垫步训练组合/Item 4 Combination of step training

--垫步训练组合-微课/Combination of step training-- Micro lesson

--垫步训练组合-作业/Combination of step training-- Homework

-第五讲 三步一抬训练组合/Item 5 Three-step one-lift training combination

--三步一抬训练组合-微课/Three-step one-lift training combination-- Micro lesson

--三步一抬训练组合-作业/Three-step one-lift training combination-- Homework

-第六讲 维吾尔族儿童舞蹈-哈密姑娘/Item 6 Uygur Children's Dance "Hami Girl"

--哈密姑娘-微课/ "Hami Girl"-- Micro lesson

--哈蜜姑娘-作业/"Hami Girl"-- Homework

第十二章 中国民族民间舞-傣族舞蹈/Unit 12 Chinese Folk Dance--Dai Folk Dance

-第一讲 傣族舞蹈的风格特点/Item 1 The style and characteristics of Dai Folk Dance

--傣族舞蹈的风格特点-微课/The style and characteristics of Dai Folk Dance-- Micro lesson

--傣族舞蹈的风格特点-作业/The style and characteristics of Dai Folk Dance-- Homework

-第二讲 起伏动律训练组合/Item 2 Fluctuation rhythm training combination

--起伏动律训练组合-微课/Fluctuation rhythm training combination-- Micro lesson

--起伏动律训练组合-作业/Fluctuation rhythm training combination-- Homework

-第三讲 步伐训练组合/Item 3 Step training combination

--步伐训练组合-微课/Step training combination-- Micro lesson

--步伐训练组合-作业/Step training combination-- Homework

-第四讲 手位训练组合/Item 4 Hand position training combination

--手位训练组合-微课/Hand position training combination-- Micro lesson

--手位训练组合-作业/Hand position training combination-- Homework

-第五讲 小跳训练组合/ Item 5 Slight jump training combination

--小跳训练组合-微课/Slight jump training combination-- Micro lesson

--小跳训练组合-作业/Slight jump training combination-- Homework

-第六讲 傣族儿童舞蹈-打水的姑娘/Item 6 Dai children’s dance “The Girl Who Draws Water”

--打水的姑娘-微课/“The Girl Who Draws Water”-- Micro lesson

--打水的姑娘-作业/“The Girl Who Draws Water”-- Homework

期末考试/Final Exam

-《中国舞蹈》期末考试/The final exam for the course “Chinese Dance”

中国舞蹈 Chinese Dance开设学校:襄阳职业技术学院

中国舞蹈 Chinese Dance授课教师:
























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