Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence not only relates to so many high technologies, but also is applied different field such as military, industry, e-market, internet and so on. This course involves not only technologies including intelligence robotics, brain-computer interface, face recognition and so on, but philosophy thinking,such as what is the relation among mind,intelligence and body? So it will inspire you to think a lot of interesting problems related to human beings and society development.


Introduction to Artificial Intelligence课程:前往报名学习

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence视频慕课课程简介:

Artificial intelligence not only relates to so many high technologies, but also is applied different field such as military, industry, e-market, internet and so on. This course involves not only technologies including intelligence robotics, brain-computer interface, face recognition and so on, but philosophy thinking,such as what is the relation among mind,intelligence and body? So it will inspire you to think a lot of interesting problems related to human beings and society development.


Introduction to Artificial Intelligence课程列表:


Chapter 1 Introduction

-Chapter 1 Homework

-1.1 Life intelligence and artificial intelligence

--1.1 Life intelligence and artificial intelligence

-1.2 The birth process of artificial Intelligence

--1.2 The birth process of artificial Intelligence

--1.2 The birth process of artificial Intelligence

-1.3 Multidisciplinary crossover artificial intelligence

--1.3 Multidisciplinary crossover artificial intelligence

--1.3 Multidisciplinary crossover artificial intelligence

-1.4 Big data concept

--1.4 Big data concept

--1.4 Big data concept

-1.5 Big data value and cases

--1.5 Big data value and cases

--1.5 Big data value and cases

-1.6 Research and application of artificial intelligence

--1.6 Research and application of artificial intelligence

--1.6 Research and application of artificial intelligence

Chapter 2 Philosophical Basis of AI

-Chapter 2 Homework

-2.1 Artificial intelligence under big history

--2.1 Artificial intelligence under big history

--2.1 Artificial intelligence under big history

-2.2 The philosophical thinking about artificial intelligence

--2.2 The philosophical thinking about artificial intelligence

--2.2 The philosophical thinking about artificial intelligence

-2.3 Artificial intelligence consciousness, mind, body and intelligence

--2.3 Artificial intelligence consciousness, mind, body and intelligence

--2.3 Artificial intelligence consciousness, mind, body and intelligence

-2.4 The rational nature of artificial intelligence

--2.4 The rational nature of artificial intelligence

--2.4 The rational nature of artificial intelligence

Chapter 3 Brain and Neural Science Basis

-Chapter 3 Homework

-3.1 Brain structure and function

--3.1 Brain structure and function

--3.1 Brain structure and function

-3.2 Brain nervous system

--3.2 Brain nervous system

--3.2 Brain nervous system

-3.3 New finds of brain functions

--3.3 New finds of brain functions

--3.3 New finds of brain functions

-3.4 Cognition and intelligence

--3.4 Cognition and intelligence

--3.4 Cognition and intelligence

Chapter 4 Artificial Neural Networks

-Chapter 4 Homework

-4.1 Overview of artificial neural network

--4.1 Overview of artificial neural network

--4.1 Overview of artificial neural network

-4.2 Perceptron and feedforward neural network

--4.2 Perceptron and feedforward neural network

--4.2 Perceptron and feedforward neural network

-4.3 BP algorithm and application

--4.3 BP algorithm and application

--4.3 BP algorithm and application

-4.4 Convolutional neural network

--4.4 Convolutional neural network

--4.4 Convolutional neural network

-4.5 Deep neural network

--4.5 Deep neural network

--4.5 Deep neural network

Chapter 5 Machine Learning

-Chapter 5 Homework

-5.1 Supervised learning

--5.1 Supervised learning

--5.1 Supervised learning

-5.2 Basic theories and methods of deep learning

--5.2 Basic theories and methods of deep learning

--5.2 Basic theories and methods of deep learning

-5.3 Deep learning applications

--5.3 Deep learning applications

--5.3 Deep learning applications

-5.4 Reinforcement learning

--5.4 Reinforcement learning

--5.4 Reinforcement learning

-5.5 Transfer learning

--5.5 Transfer learning

--5.5 Transfer learning

-5.6 Machine game

--5.6 Machine game

--5.6 Machine game

-5.7 Machine art creation

--5.7 Machine art creation

--5.7 Machine art creation

-5.8 Machine intelligent design

--5.8 Machine intelligent design

--5.8 Machine intelligent design

Chapter 6 Sense Intelligence

-Chapter 6 Homework

-6.1 Digital image processing applications

--6.1 Digital image processing applications

--6.1 Digital image processing applications

-6.2 Computer vision

--6.2 Computer vision

--6.2 Computer vision

-6.3 Machine vision

--6.3 Machine vision

--6.3 Machine vision

-6.4 Machine vision applications

--6.4 Machine vision applications

--6.4 Machine vision applications

-6.5 Pattern recognition basics

--6.5 Pattern recognition basics

--6.5 Pattern recognition basics

Chapter 7 Cognition Intelligence

-Chapter 7 Homework

-7.1 Knowledge representation

--7.1 Knowledge representation

--7.1 Knowledge representation

-7.2 Logic and reasoning

--7.2 Logic and reasoning

--7.2 Logic and reasoning

-7.3 Fuzzy reasoning

--7.3 Fuzzy reasoning

--7.3 Fuzzy reasoning

-7.4 Blind search method

--7.4 Blind search method

--7.4 Blind search method

-7.5 Knowledge graph

--7.5 Knowledge graph

--7.5 Knowledge graph

Chapter 8 Language Intelligence

-Chapter 8 Homework

-8.1 General issues in natural language understanding

--8.1 General issues in natural language understanding

--8.1 General issues in natural language understanding

-8.2 Intelligence Q & A

--8.2 Intelligence Q & A

--8.2 Intelligence Q & A

-8.3 Speech recognition basics

--8.3 Speech recognition basics

--8.3 Speech recognition basics

-8.4 Introduction to machine translation

--8.4 Introduction to machine translation

--8.4 Introduction to machine translation

Chapter 9 Robotics

-Chapter 9 Homework

-9.1 Industrial robots

--9.1 Industrial robots

--9.1 Industrial robots

-9.2 Service robots

--9.2 Service robots

--9.2 Service robots

-9.3 Robot vision

--9.3 Robot vision

--9.3 Robot vision

-9.4 Mobile robot synchronous localization and map construction

--9.4 Mobile robot synchronous localization and map construction

--9.4 Mobile robot synchronous localization and map construction

-9.5 Path planning for mobile robots

--9.5 Path planning for mobile robots

--9.5 Path planning for mobile robots

Chapter 10 Hyrbrid Intelligence

-Chapter 10 Homework

-10.1 Basic concepts of hybrid intelligence

--10.1 Basic concepts of hybrid intelligence

--10.1 Basic concepts of hybrid intelligence

-10.2 Brain computer interface

--10.2 Brain computer interface

--10.2 Brain computer interface

-10.3 Wearable technology

--10.3 Wearable technology

--10.3 Wearable technology

-10.4 Exoskeleton technology

--10.4 Exoskeleton technology

--10.4 Exoskeleton technology

Chapter 11 Brain-like Intelligence

-Chapter 11 Homework

-11.1 Brain-like computing

--11.1 Brain-like computing

--11.1 Brain-like computing

-11.2 Artificial brain

--11.2 Artificial brain

--11.2 Artificial brain

Chapter 12 Artificial Intelligence and Society Development

-Chapter 12 Homework

-12.1 From digital manufacturing to intelligent manufacturing

--12.1 From digital manufacturing to intelligent manufacturing

--12.1 From digital manufacturing to intelligent manufacturing

-12.2 Intelligence medical

--12.2 Intelligence medical

--12.2 Intelligence medical

-12.3 Application of artificial intelligence in the military

--12.3 Application of artificial intelligence in the military

--12.3 Application of artificial intelligence in the military

-12.4 Intelligence city

--12.4 Intelligence city

--12.4 Intelligence city

-12.5 Artificial intelligence ethics

--12.5 Artificial intelligence ethics

--12.5 Artificial intelligence ethics

-12.6 Robot ethics

--12.6 Robot ethics

--12.6 Robot ethics

-12.7 Artificial intelligence law

--12.7 Artificial intelligence law

--12.7 Artificial intelligence law

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence开设学校:哈尔滨工程大学

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence授课教师:


莫宏伟,哈尔滨工程大学自动化学院教授,博士生导师,博士。哈尔滨工程大学自动化学院类脑计算与人工智能研究中心(筹)负责人,哈尔滨工程大学烟台研究院认知智能与海洋信息实验室(筹)负责人。主要研究方向:类脑计算与人工智能、智能机器人与无人机、机器视觉与机器认知、人机融合与混合智能。 2012年获得黑龙江省杰出青年基金资助。承担完成国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划、国防预研等项目22项。发表论文80余篇。出版专著6部,授权发明专利7项。 中国人工智能学会自然计算与数字城市专业委员会副主任,中国高校人工智能与大数据联盟常务理事,黑龙江省高等教育学会人工智能教育专业委员会发起人、理事长,黑龙江省生物医学工程学会理事。黑龙江省人工产业联盟副秘书长。黑龙江省人工智能学会前秘书长(2008-2019), “黑龙江省人工智能产业发展推进意见”(2019-2030)核心专家。哈尔滨市新一代人工智能创新发展试验区规划专家组专家。科技部科技项目评议专家。国家自然科学基金委员会评议专家。教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心专家,博士点基金评审专家,福建、广西、河北、北京等多个省地项目评审专家。 第16届中国神经网络大会组委会主席,秘书长。2013ICSI会议主席。担任2017国际生物启发的计算理论与应用(BICTA2017)程序委员会主席以及40多个国际会议程序委员会委员。Research of Information Technology、International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research、《电子学报》、《数据挖掘》等编委。IEEE Tran on Industrial Informatics 2018 专刊《医疗卫生中的大数据处理》副主编。 担任哈尔滨工程大学世界大学生机器人大赛ROBOCON团队指导教师,哈尔滨工程大学奇点人工智能学生社团创建及指导教师。2005-至今,担任哈尔滨工程大学本科生创新创业实践课程《人工智能理论与技术创新实践》、自动化学院《人工智能导论》、《智能科学与技术导论》、自动化学院研究生专业课《人工智能原理与方法》、硕士留学生课程《人工智能原理与方法》、博士留学生课程《模式识别与智能系统》主讲教师。


  1. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence(Round 2)

  2. 生理学(2021秋)

  3. 石油地质基础(2021秋)

  4. Production Planning and Control(Round 2)

  5. Oncology:Cancer Prevention&Treatment and Healthy Life(Round 2)

  6. 线性代数(2021秋)

  7. 虚拟现实游戏化学习资源设计与开发(2021秋)

  8. Landscape in the Garden -- the Gardening Art of Chinese Classical Garden(Round 2)

  9. 化学进展(2021秋)

  10. Basic Molecular Biology (Round 2)

  11. 运动健康生物化学(2021秋)

  12. BIM(建筑模型信息)概论(2021秋)

  13. 幼儿行为观察与指导(2021秋)

  14. 化学反应工程(2021秋)

  15. 大学物理(2021秋)

  16. 文献学概论(2021秋)

  17. 普通化学(2021秋)

  18. 电路与电子技术(2021秋)

  19. 核反应堆物理分析(上)(2021秋)

  20. 服装史(2021秋)
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