Chinese Traditional Culture

This course is designed to stimulate students' love for Chinese traditional culture, guiding students to familiarize with Chinese traditional culture.


Chinese Traditional Culture课程:前往报名学习

Chinese Traditional Culture视频慕课课程简介:

This course is designed to stimulate students' love for Chinese traditional culture, guiding students to familiarize with Chinese traditional culture.


Chinese Traditional Culture课程列表:


Introduction: General Introduction to the Traditional Chinese Culture

-0.1 Introduction to Culture

--0.1 Introduction to Culture

-0.2 Reunderstanding of the Traditional Chinese Culture

--0.2 Reunderstanding of the Traditional Chinese Culture

-Unit Test

Chapter One: Basic Spirit of the Traditional Chinese Culture

-1.1 People-oriented

--1.1 People-oriented

-1.2 Advocating Morality and Righteousness

--1.2 Advocating Morality and Righteousness

-1.3 Advocating Mean and Harmony

--1.3 Advocating Mean and Harmony

-1.4 Practical Rationalism

--1.4 Practical Rationalism

-Unit Test

Chapter Two: Confucianism and the Traditional Chinese Culture

-2.1 Confucius's View on Benevolence (I)

--2.1 Confucius's View on Benevolence (I)

-2.2 Confucius's View on Benevolence (II)

--2.2 Confucius's View on Benevolence (II)

-2.3 Connotation of Union of Heaven and Man

--2.3 Connotation of Union of Heaven and Man

-2.4 Theory of Realizing Innate Knowledge

--2.4 Theory of Realizing Innate Knowledge

-Unit Test

Chapter Three: Laozi and the Traditional Chinese Culture

-3.1 Introduction to Laozi

--3.1 Introduction to Laozi

-3.2 Introduction to the Book Laozi

--3.2 Introduction to the Book Laozi

-3.3 Laozi’s Thoughts (I)

--3.3 Laozi’s Thoughts (I)

-3.4 Laozi’s Thoughts (II)

--3.4 Laozi’s Thoughts (II)

-Unit Test

Chapter Four: Zhuangzi

-4.1 The Fables of Kun-Peng (I)

--4.1 The Fables of Kun-Peng (I)

-4.2 The Fables of Kun-Peng (II)

--4.2 The Fables of Kun-Peng (II)

-4.3 The Fables of Heaven (I)

--4.3 The Fables of Heaven (I)

-4.5 Skilled and Magical Craftsmanship

--4.5 Skilled and Magical Craftsmanship

-4.6 Qin Yi's condolence of Lao Dan

--4.6 Qin Yi's condolence of Lao Dan

-Unit Test

Chapter Five: Buddhism

-5.1 Sakyamuni

--5.1 Sakyamuni

-5.2 Buddhist Scripture Translation and Pilgrimage to the West

--5.2 Buddhist Scripture Translation and Pilgrimage to the West

-5.3 initial development of Zen

--5.3 initial development of Zen

-5.4 Origin of Zen

--5.4 Origin of Zen

-5.5 Characteristics of Zen

--5.5 Characteristics of Zen

-Unit Test

Chapter Six: Classical Chinese Literature

-6.1 The Book of Songs

--6.1 The Book of Songs


-6.2 Yuanqu

--6.2 Yuanqu


-6.3 A Dream of Red Mansions

--6.3 A Dream of Red Mansions


Chapter Seven: Traditional Chinese Music

-7.1 The Beauty of Chinese Music (I)

--7.1 The Beauty of Chinese Music (I)


-7.2 The Beauty of Chinese Music (II)

--7.2 The Beauty of Chinese Music (II)


-7.3 Boya and "Flowing Water"

--7.3 Boya and "Flowing Water"


-7.4 Ancient Music and Rhythm of Guqin (I)

--7.4 Ancient Music and Rhythm of Guqin (I)


-7.5 Ancient Music and Rhythm of Guqin (II)

--7.5 Ancient Music and Rhythm of Guqin (II)


Chapter Eight: Reconstructing the Essence of Traditional Chinese Painting

-8.1 Differences Between Traditional Chinese Art and Classical Western Art and Root Causes

--8.1 Differences Between Traditional Chinese Art and Classical Western Art and Root Causes


-8.2 Similarities and Differences Between Chinese and Western Traditional Painting Thinking Modes

--8.2 Similarities and Differences Between Chinese and Western Traditional Painting Thinking Modes


-8.3 Color Charm of Traditional Chinese Painting

--8.3 Color Charm of Traditional Chinese Painting


-8.4 Different Perspective in Chinese and Western Paintings

--8.4 Different Perspective in Chinese and Western Paintings


-8.5 Similarities and differences of Line Shapes in Chinese and Western Paintings

--8.5 Similarities and differences of Line Shapes in Chinese and Western Paintings


Chapter Nine:Traditional Chinese Culture and Art of Calligraphy

-9.1 Introduction to Calligraphy(I)

--9.1 Introduction to Calligraphy(I)

-9.2 Introduction to Calligraphy(II)

--9.2 Introduction to Calligraphy(II)


-9.3 Understanding the Art of Calligraphy with Traditional Chinese Cultural Thought

--9.3 Understanding the Art of Calligraphy with Traditional Chinese Cultural Thought


-9.4 Understanding Structure and Composition of Chinese Characters with Traditional Chinese Cultural

--9.4 Understanding Structure and Composition of Chinese Characters with Traditional Chinese Cultural

Chapter Ten: Overview of Culture of Chinese Traditional Historiography

-10.1 Position of Historiography in Traditional Chinese Culture

--10.1 Position of Historiography in Traditional Chinese Culture

-10.2 Characteristics of Chinese Traditional Historiography

--10.2 Characteristics of Chinese Traditional Historiography

-10.3 Cultural Implications of Chinese Traditional Historiography

--10.3 Cultural Implications of Chinese Traditional Historiography

-Unit Test

Final Test

-Chinese Traditional Culture-Final Test

Chinese Traditional Culture开设学校:西安交通大学

Chinese Traditional Culture授课教师:


钟明善,书画篆刻家、书论家、书法教育家。曾任中国书协副主席,现为中国书法家协会顾问;陕西省书协名誉主席,西安书学院院长,陕西省于右任书法学会会长,西安交通大学艺术博物馆馆长,西安交通大学人文社会科学学院教授,博士生导师。  著有:《中国书法史》、《篆刻选》、《谈艺录》、《钟明善书画集》、《自书楹联韵语》、《书法入门》、《行书技法》、《书法基础与欣赏》(上下集)、《于右任书法艺术管窥》、《意象艺术散论》、《艺林絮语》、《长安书法胜迹》、《钟明善书学论集》等著作。  主编:《中国传统文化精义》、《于右任书法全集》、《行书临范》、《金文三种》、《于右任的书法艺术》、《名碑贴学习与欣赏》等。参撰:《中国大百科全书·美术卷》、《中国书法篆刻鉴赏词典》、《中华诗词鉴赏词典》。2001年被国务院授予有突出贡献专家称号,享受国家特殊津贴;省级教学名师;2009年获“全国五一劳动奖章”。


韩鹏杰,西安交通大学人文社会科学学院哲学系教授,博士生导师。研究方向:中国哲学。代表著作有:《风雅的智慧》、《中国之辨》、《中国传统文化精义》、《中国文化的艺术精神》、《华夏艺术历程》、《雄辩天下》、《毛泽东与中国传统智慧》等著作。主持国家教委课题 “中国古代无神论哲学和现代无神论教育”、“中国传统文化精神在和谐社会建设中的价值”等。所授课程《艺术思维与方法》入选2012“国家级精品视频公开课”,《道家的智慧》入选2013“国家级精品视频公开课”并登陆美国Coursera平台;省级教学名师。担任全国博士后评审专家;陕西省哲学学会常务理事;中华名辨盟副会长。


陆卫明,西安交通大学马克思主义学院教授,博士生导师。先后担任中共党史教研室主任,历史研究所所长,政治学与行政学系主任,政治学系主任等职。主持、参与“中国传统文化课程建设与文化素质教育”,“儒学与现代化”,“中西文化论争及其流派述评”,“毛泽东与中国传统文化”等多项国家、教育部、学校资助的课题。著有《中国传统文化精意》、《中国文化的艺术精神》、《毛泽东与中国传统文化》、《中国文化精粹》、《中国现代化的思想历程》、《中国之辨》、《雄辩天下》等专著多部; “巨人的足迹”2012年入选首批“国家级精品视频公开课”, 校级教学名师。获国家教育部霍英东教育及基金会颁发优秀青年教师奖等。


















  1. Chinese Traditional Culture(Round 2)

  2. 仓储与配送管理实务(2021秋)

  3. 信息理论与编码(2021秋)

  4. 电路分析(2021秋)

  5. 微生物学(2021秋)

  6. 建筑物理(2021秋)

  7. 旅游景观文化与赏析(2021秋)

  8. Critical Appreciation of Foreign Literary Classics(Round 1)

  9. 工程伦理(2021秋)

  10. 知识产权法学(2021秋)

  11. 解剖与生活(2021秋)

  12. 思想道德修养与法律基础(2021秋)

  13. 计量经济学(2021秋)

  14. 经济法学(2021秋)

  15. 奇异的仿生学(2021秋)

  16. 教师职业道德(2021秋)

  17. 《统万城》导读(2021秋)

  18. 软件体系结构(2021秋)

  19. 系统化产品设计与开发(2021秋)

  20. 商业银行经营管理(2021秋)
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