当前课程知识点:希腊文明初探 / A Journey to Greek Culture and Civilization >  Chapter 2:Homeric Epics >  2.2 The Trojan War >  Glossary

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2.2 The Trojan War

renowned: adj. known and admired by a lot of people著名的,有声望的

intrigue: n. a secret or underhanded plot or scheme; machination 阴谋,诡计

backdrop:n. the conditions or situation in which something happens 背景

The Apple of Discord: ph. 不和之果;祸根

notorious: adj. famous or well known for something bad 声名狼藉的,臭名昭著的

Eris: n. the goddess of discord 厄里斯(不和女神)

inscribe: v. to carefully cut, print, or write words on something 题写,雕刻

soothsayer: n.算命者,预言者

inscription: n. something inscribed, esp words carved or engraved 题词,铭文

isolation: n. the act of isolating or the condition of being isolated 隔离,孤立

country bumpkin: ph.乡巴佬

irresistibly:adv. 无法抵抗地,极为诱惑人地

abduction: n. act of taking someone away by force, cunning; kidnapping 诱拐,绑架

Clytemnestra: n. the wife of Agamemnon 克吕泰墨斯特拉

enchant: v. to delight or captivate utterly; fascinate; charm 使着迷,使迷惑

uncompetitive: adj. not able or willing to compete 无竞争力的

seduce: v. to persuade to engage in sexual intercourse 引诱,诱惑

dwelling: n. a place of residence 住处,寓所

appeal: v. to make an urgent request 呼吁,恳求

wage a war against: ph. 向…开战

expedition: n. an organized journey or voyage for a specific purpose 远征

Iphigenia: n. the daughter of Agamemnon 依菲革涅亚(迈锡尼王阿迦门家的女儿)

appease: v. to calm, pacify, or soothe 使平息,使和缓

stag: n. the adult male of a deer, esp a red deer 牡鹿

siege: n. 围攻,包围

forefront: n. the extreme front 最前线,最前部

indestructible: adj. not destructible; that cannot be destroyed牢不可破的

Virgil’s Aeneid: 维吉尔的《埃涅阿斯纪》

invulnerability: n. incapable of being wounded, hurt, damaged, etc.刀枪不入

invincible: adj. incapable of being defeated; unconquerable 无敌的,不能征服的

deception: n. the act of deceiving or the state of being deceived 欺骗,欺诈

offering: n.a sacrifice, as of an animal 祭品,奉献物

Cassandra: n. a daughter of Priam and Hecuba 卡珊德拉

prophetic: adj. of, or having the powers of, a prophet 先知的,预言的,预示的

Laocoon: n. a Trojan prince; a priest of Troy 拉奥孔(特洛伊王子和祭司)

Aeneas: n. a Trojan prince, the son of Anchises and Aphrodite 埃涅阿斯

captivate: v. to hold the attention of by fascinating; enchant 迷住,使……着迷

archaeologist: n. a person who studies archaeology 考古学家

Heinrich Schliemann:海因里希·施里曼(著名德国考古学家)

Hissarlik: n.希沙立克(土耳其地名)

spade: n. a tool for digging 铁锹,铲子

excavate: v. to remove (soil, earth, etc.) by digging; dig out挖掘,开凿

下一节:2.3 The Iliad

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希腊文明初探 / A Journey to Greek Culture and Civilization课程列表:


-Why Greeks

--Why Greeks



--Why Greeks-A preface by Professor Phiroze Vasunia

--The recommended reading list

Chapter 1: Greek Mythology

-1.1Why Greek Myths Matter

--1.1 Why Greek Myths Matter



-1.2 The Quest for Origins

--1.2 The Quest for Origins



-1.3 The Succession Myth

--1.3 The Succession Myth



-1.4 Creation of Mankind

--1.4 Creation of Mankind



-Topic 1:Pandora and our risky curiosity

-1.5 Zeus and Olympia

--1.5 Zeus and Olympia



-1.6 Aphrodite and Eros

--1.6 Aphrodite and Eros



-1.7 Athena and Parthenon

--1.7 Athena and Parthenon



-1.8 Apollo and Delphi

--1.8 Apollo and Delphi



-1.9 Hades and the Underworld

--1.9 Hades and the Underworld



-1.10 Demeter and Persephone

--1.10 Demeter and Persephone



-1.11 Dionysus(Bacchus)

--1.11 Dionysus(Bacchus)



-Topic 2: Dionysian vs. Apollonian

-1.12 Perseus and Medusa

--1.12 Perseus and Medusa



-1.13 Jason and Medea

--1.13 Jason and Medea



-1.14 Heracles: the Greatest Hero of All

--1.14 Heracles: the Greatest Hero of All



-1.15 UCL Talk: Women in Greek Mythology

--1.15 UCL Talk: Women in Greek Mythology



-1.16 UCL Talk: Greek Myths in Ancients and Moderns

--1.16 UCL Talk: Greek Myths in Ancients and Moderns



-Topic 3: Why are we fascinated by myths?

Chapter 2:Homeric Epics

-2.1 Why Homer Matters

--2.1 Why Homer Matters



-2.2 The Trojan War

--2.2 The Trojan War



-2.3 The Iliad

--2.3 The Iliad



-2.4 The Embassy to Achilles

--2.4 The Embassy to Achilles



-Topic 4: If all life is a battle...

-2.5 The Odyssey

--2.5 The Odyssey



-2.6 Odysseus and Polyphemus

--2.6 Odysseus and Polyphemus



-2.7UCL Talk: Homeric Heroism

--2.7 UCL Talk: Homeric Heroism



-2.8UCL Talk: Homeric Epics in Ancients and Moderns

--2.8 UCL Talk: Homeric Epics in Ancients and Moderns



-Topic 5: If all life is a journey...

Chapter 3: Greek Theatre

-3.1 Why Greek Theatre Matters

--3.1 Why Greek Theatre Matters



-3.2 Aeschylus

--3.2 Aeschylus



-3.3 Prometheus Bound

--3.3 Prometheus Bound



-3.4 Sophocles

--3.4 Sophocles



-3.5 Oedipus the King

--3.5 Oedipus the King



-3.6 UCL Talk: Aristotle and Greek Tragedy

--3.6 UCL Talk-Aristotle and Greek Tragedy



-3.7 UCL Talk: Fate and Free Will

--3.7 UCL Talk-Fate and Free Will



-Topic 6: Can we "take fate by the throat" (Beethoven)?

-3.8 Euripides

--3.8 Euripides



-3.9 Aristophanes

--3.9 Aristophanes



-3.10 The Clouds

--3.10 The Clouds



-3.11 UCL Talk: Greek Comedy

--3.11 UCL Talk:Greek Comedy



-Topic 7: What makes a good education?

Chapter 4: Greek Philosophers

-4.1 Why Greek Philosophers Matter

--4.1 Why Greek philosophers Matter



-4.2 Socrates

--4.2 Socrates



-4.3 The Trial of Socrates

--4.3 The Trial of Socrates



-4.4 Socrates' Apology

--4.4 Socrates’ Apology



-4.5 UCL Talk: The Death of Socrates

--4.5 UCL Talk: The Death of Socrates



-Topic 8: To live an examined life?

-4.6 Plato

--4.6 Plato



-4.7 The Republic

--4.7 The Republic



-4.8 Plato's Cave

--4.8 Plato's Cave



-4.9 Philosopher-Rulers

--4.9 Philosopher-Rulers



-4.10 UCL Talk: Plato's Republic

--4.10 UCL Talk: Plato's Republic



-Topic 9: If nobody came...

-4.11 Aristotle

--4.11 Aristotle



-4.12 Aristotle's Rhetoric

--4.12 Aristotle's Rhetoric



-4.13 Understand Human Emotions

--4.13 Understand Human Emotions



-4.14 Understand Human Characters

--4.14 Understand Human Characters



-4.15 UCL Talk: The Power of Rhetoric

--4.15 UCL Talk: The Power of Rhetoric



-Topic 10: Is rhetorical game all around?


-The Greek Legacy

--The Greek Legacy




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