当前课程知识点:Planetary Boundaries >  Module 7. Moving towards Global Sustainability within Biophysical and Social Boundaries >  Lectures and course activities >  Lecture 4 of 7. Energy - a promising pathway

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Lecture 4 of 7. Energy - a promising pathway在线视频

Lecture 4 of 7. Energy - a promising pathway

下一节:Lecture 5 of 7. The Role and Risks of technology in the Anthropocene

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Planetary Boundaries课程列表:

Welcome to the course

-Pre-Course Survey

--Pre-Course Survey

-Introduction and Self-assessment


--How to Follow this Course

--Video: Welcome to Planetary Boundaries and Human Opportunities and Self-assessment

--Personal Self-Assessment on Sustainable Development

--Quiz Question1

Module 1. The Big Picture

- Lectures and course activities

--Lecture 1 of 3. Welcome to the Anthropocene

--Video: Welcome to the Anthropocene - IGBP

--Lecture 2 of 3. The quadruple squeeze

--Lecture 3 of 3. The Great Acceleration

--Quiz Question 1

-Homework exercise

--Homework Exercise 1. An Urbanizing Planet


--Homework exercise 2. TED Talk by Johan Rockström


Module 2. Welcome to the Anthropocene

-Lectures and course activities

--Lecture 1 of 5. Humanity's period of grace: the Holocene

--Quiz Question1-3

--Lecture 2 of 5. Entering the Anthropocene

--Quiz Question 1-2

--Lecture 3 of 5. Non-linear thinking in the Anthropocene

--Quiz Question1-3

--Lecture 4 of 5. Imagining the Anthropocene

--Quiz Question1-3

--Lecture 5 of 5. Making the case for the Anthropocene

--Quiz Question 1

-Homework exercise

--Homework exercise 1

--Video: Net-Works Program

-Homework exercise

Module 3. Social-ecological systems and Resilience thinking

- Lectures and course activities

--Lecture 1 of 6. Social-ecological systems

--Quiz Question1

--Lecture 2 of 6. Feedbacks, interactions and regime shifts

--Quiz Question2

--Lecture 3 of 6. Example: Ecological surprises

--Quiz Question3

--Lecture 4 of 6. Teleconnections and inconvenient feedbacks

--Quiz quetion4

--Lecture 5 of 6. Earth-resilience and cross-scale interactions

--Quiz Question5

--Lecture 6 of 6. Tipping Points

--Quiz question6

-Homework exercise

--Homework Exercise 1


--Homework Exercise 2


--Homework Exercise 3

--Homework Exercise 3. Brian Walker, "The best explanation to resilience"


Module 4. Planetary Boundaries Framework - Part 1

- Lectures and course activities

--Lecture 1 of 6. Introducing the Planetary Boundaries framework

--Quiz question4.1

--Lecture 2 of 6. Justification for the Planetary Boundary selection

--Quiz question 4.2

--Lecture 3 of 6. Quantification of the nine Planetary Boundaries

--Quiz question4.3

--Lecture 4 of 6. Climate change

--Quiz question 4.4

--Lecture 5 of 6. Ocean acidification

--Quiz question4.5

--Lecture 6 of 6. Stratospheric ozone depletion

--Quiz question4.6

-Homework exercise

--Homework Exercise 1

--Homework Exercise 2

--Homework exercise 2

--Homework Exercise 3

--Homework exercise 3.1-3.4

--Homework Exercise 4

--Homework Exercise 4 Video - The Precautionary Principle

Module 5. Planetary Boundaries Framework - Part 2

- Lectures and course activities

--Lecture 1 of 6. Biodiversity loss

--Quiz question 5.1


--Lecture 2 of 6. Land and water use change

--Quiz question5.2

--Lecture 3 of 6. Interference with global N and P cycles

--Quiz question5.3


--Lecture 4 of 6. Aerosol loading

--Quiz question 5.4

--Lecture 5 of 6. Novel Entities

--Quiz question5.5

--Lecture 6 of 6. Synthesis and progress on Planetary Boundaries

--Quiz question 5.6

-Homework exercise

--Homework Exercise1


Module 6. Planetary Boundaries and Global Equity

- Lectures and course activities

--Lecture 1 of 4. Interactions between Planetary Boundaries

--Quiz Question 6.1

--Lecture 2 of 4. Issues of access and distribution: Peak everything

--Quiz question 6.2

--Lecture 3 of 4. Social foundations for Planetary Boundaries

--Quiz question 6.3

--Lecture 4 of 4. Reconnecting human development to the Biosphere

--Quiz question 6.4

-Homework exercise

--Homework exercise 1

--Homework exercise 2 Introduction

--Homework Exercise 2. Jon Erickson on Ecological Economics

--Homework exercise 3. Kate Raworth's Doughnut Economics

Module 7. Moving towards Global Sustainability within Biophysical and Social Boundaries

-Lectures and course activities

--Lecture 1 of 7. Existing structures of global governance

--Quiz question 7.1

--Lecture 2 of 7. New and emerging perspectives on global governance

--Quiz question 7.2

--Lecture 3 of 7. A shifting development paradigm

--Quiz question 7.3

--Lecture 4 of 7. Energy - a promising pathway

--Quiz question 7.4

--Lecture 5 of 7. The Role and Risks of technology in the Anthropocene

--Quiz question 7.5

--Lecture 6 of 7. Cities: challenges and opportunities

--Quiz question 7.6

--Lecture 7 of 7. Feeding humanity in an urban world

--Quiz question 7.7

-Homework exercise




--Geoengineering Debate Part 1

--Geoengineering Debate Part 2


Module 8. Conclusions

- Lectures and course activities

--Lecture 1 of 4. Development of the Sustainable Development Goals

--Quiz question 8.1

--Lecture 2 of 4. Science in the Anthropocene

--Quiz question 8.2

--Lecture 3 of 4. Interviews. Reflections on taking action in the Anthropocene

--Lecture 4 of 4. Key messages and final remarks


-Post-course survey


Q&A Videos with course faculty (optional)

-December 2014 - January 2015

--About this archived Google Hangout

--Archived Google Hangout Video

--About this archived Google Hangout

--Archived Google Hangout Video

--About this archived Google Hangout

--Archived Google Hangout Video

--About this archived Google Hangout

--Archived Google Hangout Video

--About this archived Google Hangout

--Archived Google Hangout Video

-October 2015

--About this archived Google Hangout

--Archived Google Hangout Video

--About this archived Google Hangout

--Archived Google Hangout Video

--About this archived Google Hangout

--Archived Google Hangout Video

Lecture 4 of 7. Energy - a promising pathway笔记与讨论


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