Transforming Our World(International Edition)

What will it take to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030?


Transforming Our World(International Edition)课程:前往报名学习

Transforming Our World(International Edition)视频慕课课程简介:

What will it take to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030?


Transforming Our World(International Edition)课程列表:


Introduction: The Sustainable Development Goals and the Transformation of Our World

-Course information

--Welcome to the course

--Engaging in the Course

-An Introduction & The Official Text

--The SDGs

--The Sustainable Development Goals

--Full Text

Chapter 1: Getting to Know the Sustainable Development Goals

-Chapter 1

--Chapter 1

--Chapter 1: Lecture Video


-Comprehension Questions

Chapter 2: Sustainable Development Plans

-Chapter 2

--About this Chapter

--Chapter 2: Lecture Video


-Comprehension Questions

Chapter 3: Technology, Innovation, & the SDGs

-Chapter 3

--About this Chapter

--Chapter 3: Lecture Video


-Comprehension Questions

Chapter 4: Good Governance & the SDGs

-Chapter 4


--Chapter 4: Video Lecture


-Comprehension Questions

Chapter 5: Business & the SDGs

-Chapter 5

--About this Chapter

--Chapter 5: Video Lecture


-Comprehension Questions

Chapter 6: Universities & the SDGs

-Chapter 6

--About this Chapter

--Chapter 6: Video Lecture


-Comprehension Questions

Final Assessment

-Assessment Questions

--Final Assessment Questions

--Thank you!

Transforming Our World(International Edition)开设学校:SDGAcademy

Transforming Our World(International Edition)授课教师:

Jeffrey D. Sachs-教授-哥伦比亚大学-

Jeffrey D. Sachs is a world-renowned professor of economics, leader in sustainable development, senior UN advisor, bestselling author, and syndicated columnist whose monthly newspaper columns appear in more than 100 countries. He is the co-recipient of the 2015 Blue Planet Prize, the leading global prize for environmental leadership. He has twice been named among Time Magazine’s 100 most influential world leaders. He was called by the New York Times, “probably the most important economist in the world,” and by Time Magazine “the world’s best known economist.” A recent survey by The Economist Magazine ranked Professor Sachs as among the world’s three most influential living economists of the past decade. Professor Sachs is widely considered to be one of the world’s leading experts on economic development, global macroeconomics, and the fight against poverty. His work on ending poverty, overcoming macroeconomic instability, promoting economic growth, fighting hunger and disease, and prom


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  9. 口腔颌面医学影像诊断学(2021秋)

  10. 大学语文(2021秋)

  11. Transforming Our World(Self-Paced)

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  19. Vaccines and Health(Round 1)

  20. Digital Photography(Round 1)
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