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1.2 History of Anatomy

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The development of human anatomy,

like other natural sciences,

was developed by predecessors

in the long historical process of continuous exploration and practice.

In the Paleolithic era,

hunters cut and killed animals

in order to identify which parts could be used as sacrifice to the gods

and which parts could be taken as food.

Archaeologists found

that the heart of the bison on the most primitive cave paintings

are clearly marked,

suggesting that people knew

the part was where they aimed when hunting.

This knowledge was only gained by casual observation

during sacrifice, hunting and wounding in wars.

Chines culture has a long history.

As far back as the periods of Spring and Autumn and Warring States,

Yellow Emperor¡¯s Classics of Internal Medicine, the earliest work of medicine

had records on the constitution of human body.

In Qin and Han Dynasties, The Biography of Wang Mang, from The History of the Han Dynasty,

recorded the dissection

of the dead body of condemned prisoners.

Hua Tuo, the famous doctor in the Three Kingdoms Period,

was not only good at medicine

but also had a deep understanding of the structure of the human body

and could operate certain gynecological surgery.

The Pulse Classic written by Wang Shuhe in Jin Dynasty£¬

and A-B Classic of Acupuncture and Moxibustion written by Huangfu Mi

have many records of visceral measurements.

In Song Dynasty, Wang Weiyi cast bronze human figures

that are the earliest mannequins.

Witness to Prosecutions, written by Song Ci in Song Dynasty,

has detailed records of human bones and embryos

and attached with bone figures

Error Correction in Medicine written by Wang Qingren in Qing Dynasty,

corrects errors in the ancient medical books,

particularly detailed in the record of viscera.

However, due to constraints of the long-term feudal social system

and Confucianism,

the study of anatomy failed to develop rapidly.

Then, how about the development of anatomy in the West?

Western medical records of anatomy

began with the ancient Greek doctor, Hippocrates,

who was a famous physician

in the age of Pericles in ancient Greece.

He developed medicine into a professional discipline

separated from witchcraft and philosophy,

and founded the school of medicine named after himself.

He is regarded as the father of medicine in the West

and the founder of Western medicine.

The Hippocratic oath

is the ancient Greek canon of ethics

in which Hippocrates warned mankind.

His ethical proposal to the medical profession

is an important part of the first lesson for medical professionals.

Aristotle, another Greek philosopher,

was the founder of zoology,

but he transferred the conclusions of animal anatomy

to the human body.

Herophilus, the ancient Greek physician,

supported by the Alexander Medical College where he worked,

carried the first dissection of the human body.

He is considered as the father of anatomy.

The first relatively complete anatomical book

should belong to the ancient Roman medical scholar Galen¡¯s Medical Classics

which has detailed and specific records of the bloodoperation and innervation

and a number of viscera.

At the beginning, the anatomical knowledge taught in major medical schools in Europe

came from the works of Galen.

But we should remember that

for a thousand years of the middle ages,

the Catholic church, the dominant religion in Europe,

prohibited autopsies,

so Galen didn¡¯t dissect the human body.

His anatomy works

are based on the analysis of the anatomy of pigs and monkeys.

But after all, there are many differences between the structure of human body and those of animal bodies.

Galen¡¯s anatomical conclusions

were unavoidably riddled with errors

that had been unchangeably passed down for more than a thousand years

and seriously restrained the development of medicine and anatomy.

Actually, the scholars who have been fascinated by medical research,

and have braved prohibitions to secretly dissect corpses

have never stopped throughout history.

The most famous one is Leonardo Da Vinci

who dissected at least more than 30 bodies.

About his 750 anatomical drawings

are not only beautiful in art

but also accurate in physiological aspect.

But they were so famous

that Pope Leo X

specifically issued a blockade

to prohibit his anatomy.

As the increase of the practice of anatomy,

more and more scholars found that

there were errors in Galen¡¯s books needed correcting.

Under such background,

someone was bound to

leave an indelible mark in the history of anatomy.

Vesalius became one of the most famous figures of his time.

At the age of 17-year-old, Vesalius studied medicine at the University of Paris

and became a professor of surgery

and anatomy at the University of Padova in Italy at the age of 23.

He often went to the suburbs of the city late at night

with three or five students

in search of deserted tombs and graves.

Vesalius accumulated the bones from the graves

into a complete human skeleton.

He creatively had his anatomy classes

in the amphitheater which was for plays.

In 1543,

the great work of anatomy, The Structure of Human Body, was created

and laid the foundation for human anatomy,

making him the founder of modern anatomy.

Harvey created the theory of blood circulation

by repeated vivisection

and produced The Anatomical Study of the Blood Movement of Animals

to separate physiology from anatomy.

After the invention of the microscope,

anatomy developed from the gross anatomy

to the era of microanatomy,

forming the macroscopic anatomy, microscopic anatomy

and ultrastructural anatomy.

In the 19th century, Darwin¡¯s On the Origin of Species

and The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation of Sex

provided a theoretical basis

for exploring the development of human structure.

In the 20th century,

the development of medicine promoted the in-depth study of anatomy£¬

and the application of computer-aided CT and ultrasonic tomography

also put forward new requirements for sectional anatomy.

With the improvement of vascular suture surgery,

the development of microsurgery

has led to the establishment of microsurgical anatomy.

Especially in recent decades,

the study of anatomy and other morphology

also has a tendency to comprehensive discipline.

Some emerging techniques such as immunohistochemistry,

cell culture technology

and in situ molecular hybridization , etc.

have been widely used in morphological research.

Especially the rapid development of neuroanatomy,

making this ancient discipline glow with the splendor of youth.

Anatomy and Life课程列表:

1. Introduction

-1.1 Opening remarks of Anatomy and Life


-1.2 History of Anatomy


--Power Point

-Unit Test

2. Digestion and Life

-2.1 Teeth—Does toothache deadly hurt?


--Power Point

-2.2 Periodontium—Past and Present of Dental calculus


--Power Point

-2.3 Wisdom teeth—Does it make you smart?


--Power Point

-2.4 Stomach—Hello, are you ok?


--Power Point

-2.5 Liver


--Power Point

-2.6 Biliary system—Gallstone without breakfast?


--Power Point

-2.7 Pancreas—Pancreatitis eaten out?


--Power Point

-2.8 Appendix—Aspects of appendicitis


--Power Point

-2.9 Intestinal tube—Anxiety-producing constipation


--Power Point

-2.10 Anal canal anatomy—Puzzle-of-the-wit’s Hemorrhoids


--Power Point

-2.11 Digestive tract and glands—Travel of food in the body


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-Unit Test

3. Breath and Life

-3.1 Nasal cavity and paranasal sinus—Be your own breath


--Power Point

-3.2 Iaryngopharyngitis—Protecting your throat


--Power Point

-3.3 Foreign matters in respiratory tract


--Power Point

-3.4 Lungs--Ventilating fans in the body


--Power Point

--Unit Test

4. Urinary and Life

-4.1 Kidneys--Sewage treatment plant of the body


--Power Point

-4.2 Urinary calculus-- Condensed is not necessarily the essence


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-Unit Test

5. Reproduction and Life

-5.1 Prostatitis—Mr. Zhou’s embarrassing story


--Power Point

-5.2 Uterus—Lost baby


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-5.3 Between sexes—Secrets of the body


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-Unit Test

6. Motion and Life

-6.1 Bone morphology—Fractures of the Bear Boy


--Power Point

-6.2 Knee joints—Ruin of swift-walk


--Power Point

-6.3 Cervical vertebra—Smartphones addicts cervical spondylopathy


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-6.4 Pelvis—Hard choice


--Power Point

-6.5 Spinal column—Protecting your skyreach pillar


--Power Point

-6.6 Anatomical structure of tendon sheath—“Mama’ hands”


--Power Point

-6.7 Shoulder joints—Frail shoulders


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-Unit Test

7. Circulation and Life

-7.1 How blood circulate in the body?


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-7.2 Protecting your heart!


--Power Point

-7.3 The conduction system of the heart


--Power Point

-7.4 Artery—How to stop bleeding at critical moment!


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-7.5 Lymph—Guardian of health


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-7.6 Hepatic portal vein—Nutrition canal in human body


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-Unit Test

8. Visual organs and Life

-8.1 Eye anatomy—The mystery of eyes


--Power Point

-8.2 Xerophthalmia—Blame It On The Phone!


--Power Point

-Unit Test

9. Vestibulo cochlear organs and life

-9.1 Anatomical basis of hearing—How we hear the sounds?


--Power Point

-9.2 Vestibular organs—Why do people get carsick?


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-Unit Test

10. Nerves and life

-10.1 Internal capsules—Watch out for dangerous cerebral hemorrhage


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-10.2 Cerebellum—Small brain, large works!


--Power Point

-10.3 Language Centers—Sources of human thought


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-Unit Test

11.Endocrine and Life

-11.1 Thyroid—Butterfly around the neck


--Power Point

-Unit Test

Final Exam

-Final Exam



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