English Comprehensive Ability Promotion (IELTS)

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English Comprehensive Ability Promotion (IELTS)课程:前往报名学习

English Comprehensive Ability Promotion (IELTS)视频慕课课程简介:

Enjoy learning English with us!


English Comprehensive Ability Promotion (IELTS)课程列表:


Chapter One Listening

-1.0 IELTS Introduction

--1.0 IELTS Introduction

-1.1 General Instructions of IELTS Listening

--1.1 General Instructions of IELTS Listening

-1.2 Prediction in Section 1

--1.2 Prediction in Section 1

-1.3 Prediction in Section 4

--1.3 Prediction in Section 4

-1.4 Listening for a Map

--1.4 Listening for a Map

-1.5 Identifying Distractors in Matching

--1.5 Identifying Distractors in Matching

-1.6 Identifying Distractors in Multiple Choices

--1.6 Identifying Distractors in Multiple Choices

-1.7 Recognizing Paraphrase

--1.7 Recognizing Paraphrase

-1.8 Taking Notes to Follow a Lecture

--1.8 Taking Notes to Follow a Lecture

-1.9 Listening Test

--Listening Test-PDF

--Section1-Audio Resource

--Section2-Audio Resource

--Section3-Audio Resource

--Section4-Audio Resource

--Listening Test

Chapter Two Speaking

-2.1 General Instructions of IELTS Speaking

--2.1 General Instructions of IELTS Speaking

-2.2 Common Topics in Part One

--2.2 Common Topics in Part One

-2.3 Describing Objects

--2.3 Describing Objects

-2.4 Describing Events

--2.4 Describing Events

-2.5 Describing Places

--2.5 Describing Places

-2.6 Describing People

--2.6 Describing People

-2.7 Discussing Advertisements

--2.7 Discussing Advertisements

-2.8 Discussing House and Living

--2.8 Discussing House and Living

-2.9 Discussing Free Time

--2.9 Discussing Free Time

Chapter Three Reading

-3.1 General Instructions of IELTS Reading

--3.1 General Instructions of IELTS Reading

-3.2 Skimming for Global Understanding

--3.2 Skimming for Global Understanding

-3.3 Scanning for Details

--3.3 Scanning for Details

-3.4 Locating Key words

--3.4 Locating Key words

-3.5 Recognizing Paraphrase

--3.5 Recognizing Paraphrase

-3.6 Identifying Distractors

--3.6 Identifying Distractors

-3.7 Identifying Opinions and Attitudes

--3.7 Identifying Opinions and Attitudes

-3.8 Reading Test

--Reading Test-PDF

--Reading Test

Chapter Four Writing

-4.1 General Instructions of IELTS Writing

--4.1 General Instructions of IELTS Writing

-4.2 Describing Line Graphs

--4.2 Describing Line Graphs

-4.3 Describing Pie Charts

--4.3 Describing Pie Charts

-4.4 Describing Flow Charts and Maps

--4.4 Describing Flow Charts and Maps

-4.5 Planning and Organizing Ideas

--4.5 Planning and Organizing Ideas

-4.6 Coherence and Cohesion

--4.6 Coherence and Cohesion

-4.7 Lexical Resource

--4.7 Lexical Resource

-4.8 Grammatical Range and Accuracy

--4.8 Grammatical Range and Accuracy

English Comprehensive Ability Promotion (IELTS)开设学校:大连理工大学

English Comprehensive Ability Promotion (IELTS)授课教师:


大连理工大学开发区校区外语教育中心教师,主讲雅思国际测试、英文写作等多门课程,主要研究方向为交叉学科视角下的语言学与语言教学研究,参加多次教学比赛,先后获得“教学之星”大赛全国一等奖、辽宁省微课教学比赛一等奖、辽宁省教育教学信息化大赛一等奖、辽宁省英语微课比赛一等奖、大连理工大学教学质量优秀奖等。工作十多年来,始终坚持教学改革与创新,不断完善教学内容和教学方法,视课堂为舞台,与同学们共同走过一段人生历程。有任何问题,记得联系我哦:[email protected]


大连理工大学开发区校区外语教育中心教师,目前主讲课程有大学英语读写课程,综合英语,跨文化交际。主要研究方向为语料库语言学、英语教学。多年来一直在积累和研究雅思考试相关内容,曾主讲过雅思听、说、读、写四门课程以及英语高阶语法课程。通过线上与线下的有效辅导帮助大量学生顺利通过雅思考试并取得突出的考试成绩。课程学习中遇到任何问题,请随时与我联系:[email protected]


  1. 交替传译(2021秋)

  2. 数字测图技术(2021秋)

  3. Social Welfare Theories and Practice(Round 2)

  4. Chinese Literature(Round 2)

  5. Watercolor Painting Hall(Round 2)

  6. Geology and Geomorphology(Round 2)

  7. 微积分应用(Applications of Calculus I )(2021秋)

  8. 消化系统疾病(2021秋)

  9. Introduction to Natural Science(Round 2)

  10. 工程制图(上)(2021秋)

  11. English Comprehensive Ability Promotion (IELTS)(Round 2)

  12. 数字信号处理(2021秋)

  13. 材料力学(2021秋)

  14. Low Frequency Electronic Circuit(Round 2)

  15. 创业管理与创业投资(2021秋)

  16. 电子商务英语(2021秋)

  17. 法语语法通(2021秋)

  18. Great Charm of Sichuan Opera (Round 2)

  19. 点集拓扑(2021秋)

  20. 金属矿床露天开采(2021秋)
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