Road Subgrade and Pavement Engineering

<Road Subgrade and Pavement Engineering> is an important bilingual course. The homework, tests, and exams are all in English. Through this bilingual teaching, on the one hand, it enriches students’ professional vocabulary and expands their international knowledge. On the other hand, it cultivates students’ Chinese and English thinking and conversion ability to adapt to the future work environment.


Road Subgrade and Pavement Engineering课程:前往报名学习

Road Subgrade and Pavement Engineering视频慕课课程简介:

<Road Subgrade and Pavement Engineering> is an important bilingual course. The homework, tests, and exams are all in English. Through this bilingual teaching, on the one hand, it enriches students’ professional vocabulary and expands their international knowledge. On the other hand, it cultivates students’ Chinese and English thinking and conversion ability to adapt to the future work environment.


Road Subgrade and Pavement Engineering课程列表:

Chapter 1 Introduction

-1.1 Introduction

Chapter 2 Traffic and Environment

-2.1 Highway Traffic Data

-2.2 Equivalent Single Axle Load (ESAL)

-2.3 Highway Environment

-Homework 2

Chapter 3 Subgrade Soils and Pavement Materials

-3.1 Subgrade Soils

-3.2 Pavement Materials

-3.3 Material Structures

-3.4 Material Mechanical Properties

-Homework 3

Chapter 4 Subgrade Design

-4.1 Introduction

-4.2 Roadbed Design & Cross-section Design

-4.3 Subgrade Slope Protection& Retaining Structures

-4.4 Subgrade Drainage

-Homework 4

Chapter 5 Asphalt Pavement

-5.1 Introduction

-5.2 Combination Design

-5.3 Design Parameters

-5.4 Layer Thickness Design

-Homework 5

Chapter 6 Concrete Pavement

-6.1 Introduction

-6.2 Concrete Pavement Stress Analysis

-6.3 Concrete Pavement Design I

-6.4 Concrete Pavement Design II

-Homework 6

Road Subgrade and Pavement Engineering开设学校:长安大学

Road Subgrade and Pavement Engineering授课教师:




长安大学教授,主要从事路基工程稳定性、路面结构力学和特殊路基灾害防治等方向的研究。承担着《路基路面工程》、《工程地质》和《路基设计原理》等课程的教学。出版专著2部;发表学术论文80多篇,其中SCI/EI检索 20多篇 ;申请专利40余项。


长安大学副教授,2011 年毕业于美国佛罗里达大学土木工程系,获土木工程博士学位,攻读博士学位期间主要从事沥青路面材料优化设计及其力学性能评价方面的工作。自2012年至今长安大学工作期间,主讲土木工程制图、路基工程、路面工程等双语课程。








  1. 船舶结构与货运(2021秋)

  2. Petroleum Production Engineering(Round 2)

  3. 基础俄语(2021秋)

  4. Cultural Psychology(2021秋)

  5. Numerical Analysis(2021秋)

  6. 材料成型CAD/CAE/CAM(2021秋)

  7. Entrepreneurship Management(Round 2)

  8. Prevention, Control and Treatment of Chronic Diseases(Round 2)

  9. Research Methods in Tourism Studies(国际版)(Round 2)

  10. Complex Variables and Integral Transforms(Round 2)

  11. Road Subgrade and Pavement Engineering(Round3)

  12. 数学文化(2021秋)

  13. 人道主义宪章与人道救援响应最低标准:环球计划的实践(2021秋)

  14. Environmental Accounting and Management(Round 2)

  15. Artificial Neural Networks Theory and Its Applications(Round 2)

  16. Science-based Food Safety Supervision(Round 2)

  17. Histology and Embryology(Round 2)

  18. Ecological Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development(Round 2)

  19. 水政与水资源管理(2021秋)

  20. 商务俄语(一)(2021秋)
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