
We explain principles of microeconomics with a cup of Chinese tea. Where does the tea come from? Why do we drink tea at this teahouse instead of other teahouses? By answering these questions, we develop insights about how people make decisions and how people interact in the market. See? It is very interesting and closely-related to our daily life with the fragrance of tea.




We explain principles of microeconomics with a cup of Chinese tea. Where does the tea come from? Why do we drink tea at this teahouse instead of other teahouses? By answering these questions, we develop insights about how people make decisions and how people interact in the market. See? It is very interesting and closely-related to our daily life with the fragrance of tea.




1 What Economics Is All About

-1.1 Scarcity

--1.1 Video Lecture

-1.2 Opportunity Cost

--1.2 Video Lecture

-1.3 Production Possibilities Frontier

--1.3 Video Lecture

-1.4 The Method of Economics

--1.4 Video Lecture

-1.5 Why People Trade with Each Other

--1.5 Video Lecture

2 The Market Forces of Supply and Demand

-2.1 Demand

--2.1 Video Lecture

-2.2 Supply

--2.2 Video Lecture

-2.3 Market Equilibrium

--2.3 Video Lecture

3 Elasticity and Its Application

-3.1 The Price Elasticity of Demand

--3.1 Video Lecture

-3.2 Applications of Elasticity

--3.2 Video Lecture

4 Consumers, Producers, and Market Efficiency

-4.1 Consumer Surplus and Producer Surplus

--4.1 Video Lecture

-4.2 Market Efficiency

--4.2 Video Lecture

5 Market failure and Microeconomic Policies

-5.1 Externalities

--5.1 Video Lecture

-5.2 Private Solutions to Externalities

--5.2 Video Lecture

-5.3 Public Policies toward Externalities

--5.3 Video Lecture

-5.4 Public Goods

--5.4 Video Lecture

-5.5 Common Resources

--5.5 Video Lecture

6 The Theory of Consumer Choice

-6.1 What the Consumer Can Afford

--6.1 Video Lecture

-6.2 What the Consumer Wants

--6.2 Video Lecture

-6.3 What the Consumer Chooses

--6.3 Video Lecture

7 The Costs of Production

-7.1 The Nature of the Firm

--7.1 Video Lecture

-7.2 Production and Costs in the Short Run

--7.2 Video Lecture

-7.3 Costs in the Long Run

--7.3 Video Lecture

8 Market Structure and Firm Behavior

-8.1 The Four Types of Market Structure

--8.1 Video Lecture

-8.2 A Competitive Firm’s Supply Decision

--8.2 Video Lecture

-8.3 The Supply Curve in a Competitive Market

--8.3 Video Lecture

-8.4 Why Monopolies Arise

--8.4 Video Lecture

-8.5 Profit Maximization of a Monopoly

--8.5 Video Lecture

-8.6 Public Policy toward Monopolies

--8.6 Video Lecture

-8.7 Monopolistic Competition

--8.7 Video Lecture

-8.8 Oligopoly

--8.8 Video Lecture

9 The Markets for the Factors of Production

-9.1 The Labor Market

--9.1 Video Lecture

-9.2 Earnings

--9.2 Video Lecture

32 A Macroeconomic Theory of the Open Economy (For DUFE IBC Students Only)

-Ch 32 Video Lecture

-Ch 32 Text

-Ch 32 Key to Problems and Applications






2004年至2010年在上海财经大学学习,获得经济学学士和经济学硕士学位;2010年至2013年在东北财经大学学习,获得经济学博士学位。2014年开始在东北财经大学经济学院任教。 曾在《中国工业经济》、《经济社会体制比较》、《产业组织评论》、《首都经济贸易大学学报》等期刊发表论文;参与多部专著和教材的编写,包括《中国战略性新兴产业发展报告2012》、《中国战略性新兴产业发展研究》、《产业经济学》(人大版教材)、《两岸新材料产业发展比较研究》。 主持多项课题的科研工作,主持的项目有:辽宁省社科规划基金重点项目“新常态下辽宁新兴产业创新驱动的金融政策研究”、辽宁省教育厅一般项目“辽宁战略性新兴产业的高端化路径及政策研究”、辽宁省社科联项目“辽宁新兴产业培育与老工业基地转型的互动关系及政策研究”。


  1. Microeconomics(Round 2)

  2. An Introduction to Chinese Medicine(Round 2)

  3. 中华优秀传统文化英文概述(2021秋)

  4. Software Engineering(Round 2)

  5. 过程装备制造工艺(2021秋)

  6. 无机元素化学(2021秋)

  7. 药理学(2021秋)

  8. Culture and Tourism(国际版)(Round 2)

  9. 无机化学(2021秋)

  10. 临床免疫学检验(2021秋)

  11. 教你孕育健康宝贝(2021秋)

  12. 信号与线性系统(2021秋)

  13. 航空电力电子技术(2021秋)

  14. 啤酒酿造与文化(2021秋)

  15. 大学物理实验(2021秋)

  16. 软件测试(2021秋)

  17. 公共事务伦理(2021秋)

  18. Python与数据思维基础(2021秋)

  19. 唐史四讲(2021秋)

  20. 管理沟通(2021秋)
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