Descriptive Geometry & Civil Engineering Drawing

This course is a compulsory fundamental course for civil engineering specialties. The general purpose is to cultivate and train the students' ability of using drawing instruments, freehand sketching and computer drawing.The descriptive Geometry part could be chose by both Civil and Mechanical major students.


Descriptive Geometry & Civil Engineering Drawing课程:前往报名学习

Descriptive Geometry & Civil Engineering Drawing视频慕课课程简介:

This course is a compulsory fundamental course for civil engineering specialties. The general purpose is to cultivate and train the students' ability of using drawing instruments, freehand sketching and computer drawing.The descriptive Geometry part could be chose by both Civil and Mechanical major students.


Descriptive Geometry & Civil Engineering Drawing课程列表:


Chapter1 Basic Knowledge

-0 Introduction

-National standard

-Exercises of chapter

Chapter 2 Projection of point,line and plane

-2.1basic knowledge of projection final

-2.2Projection of point

-2.3Projection of lines

-2.4projection of planes

-Exercises of chapter2

Chapter 3 Projection of solid

-3.1 projections of prism

-3.2 Projections of a pyrimid

-3.3 Projection of curve solids

-3.4 Intersection of planes and solids

-3.5 Intersection of solids

-Exercises for chapter 3

Chapter4 Projection of composite soid

-4.1 Introduction of composite solod

-4.2Read a composite solid

-4.3 Dimension of composite solid

-4.4 fix the third view

-Exercises for chapter 4

Chapter 5 Axonometric drawing

-Outline of Axonometric Drawing

-Oblique axonomeric (cabinet)

Descriptive Geometry & Civil Engineering Drawing开设学校:哈尔滨工业大学

Descriptive Geometry & Civil Engineering Drawing授课教师:


何蕊,女,汉族,1978年生。哈尔滨工业大学机电学院工程图学部 讲师。 土木工程制图课程群负责人,主讲土木工程制图,土木工程制图(英),工程制图基础(英),机械制图等课程。 省级精品在线开放课程一门(排名1),省级线上线下混合式精品课程一门(排名1)。省高教学会教学成果一等奖一项(排名1),校教学成果二等奖一项(排名1),全国高校图学与机械课程教学竞赛一等奖,E9卓越大学联盟创新教学法一等奖。校青年教师基本功竞赛一等奖。 爱课程《土木工程制图》《BIM技术基础-Revit2019建筑》负责人及主讲。 主持黑龙江教育厅教学改革两项,主持完成财政部人民交通出版社教育项目一项;主持教育部产学研教学项目两项;主持机械学科组虚拟仿真实验平台项目一项;主持哈工大教学改革项目三项。 主编教材1本, 参编教材5本。一作教学论文12篇。 指导“高教杯”全国大学生先进成图技术与产品信息建模创新大赛,连续六年获建筑类团体一等奖。指导大学生创新创业训练计划项目获国家级资助三项,一等奖二等奖各一项。 美国佛罗里达大学高级访问学者。中国图学学会BIM专业委员会委员,中国图学学会制图技术专业委员会委员,哈工大学BIM协会指导教师,英才学院拔尖学生培养“领航计划”荣誉导师。


高岱,哈工大机电学院工程图学部教师,博士,讲师。 讲授土木制图,机械制图纯英文,阴影透视,建筑制图等课程。 负责本门课程部分内容设计,讲授。


  1. Descriptive Geometry & Civil Engineering Drawing(Round 2)

  2. 计量地理学与实验(2021秋)

  3. 采矿制图(2021秋)

  4. 化工热力学(2021秋)

  5. 数理逻辑(2021秋)

  6. Transcending Culture: Culture Studies and Intercultural Communication(Round 2)

  7. The Hardware/Software Systems and Fundamentals of Programming(Round 2)

  8. Analog Circuit Design(Round 2)

  9. Music makes one healthy(Round 2)

  10. A Bite of Chinese Materia Medica(Round 2)

  11. 鞋类设计师的必修课——现代时装鞋类经典解读(2021秋)

  12. 产品开发设计(2021秋)

  13. 分析化学(2021秋)

  14. 局部解剖与手术学(2021秋)

  15. 声纳技术(2021秋)

  16. 软件工程与软件自动化(2021秋)

  17. 计算机程序设计(2021秋)

  18. 现代企业管理:理念、方法和工具(2021秋)

  19. 民族声乐进阶密码——石春轩子教学示范课堂(2021秋)

  20. 工程燃烧学(2021秋)
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