Calculus I

Calculus is the branch of mathematics that studies differentiation, integration and related concepts and applications in advanced mathematics.


Calculus I课程:前往报名学习

Calculus I视频慕课课程简介:

Calculus is the branch of mathematics that studies differentiation, integration and related concepts and applications in advanced mathematics.


Calculus I课程列表:

Course Introduction

-Course Introduction

--Course Introduction


Chapter 1 Limits

-Introduction to Limits

--This Unit is a Self-study Module

-Rigorous Study of Limits

--Rigorous Study of Limits

--Document:Rigorous Study of Limits

--Document: 1.2 Supplement

-Limit Theorems

--Limit Theorems

--Document:Limit Theorems

--Document: 1.3 Supplement

-Limits Involving Trigonometric Functions

--Limits Involving Trigonometric Function

--Document:Limits Involving Trigonometric Function

--Document: 1.4 Supplement

-Limits at Infinity, Infinite Limits

--Limits at Infinity, Infinite Limits

--Document:Limits at Infinity; Infinite Limits

--Document: 1.5 Supplement

--Document: 1.5 supplement 2

-Continuity of Functions

-- Continuity of Functions

--Document:Continuity of Functions

--Document: 1.6 supplement

-Chapter Review

--Document: chapter 1 supplement

-Assignments for Chapter 1

--Assignment 1

--Assignment 2

-Discussion Topics of Chapter 1

--Discussion Topics of Chapter 1

-Homework and Answer of Chapter 1

--Homework for Chapter 1

--Answer for Chapter 1

Homework 1

-Homework 1

--Homework 1

Chapter 2 The Derivative

-Two Problems with One Theme

--This Unit is a Self-study Module

-The Derivative

--The Derivative

--Document: The Derivative

--Supplement:The Derivative

-Rules for Finding Derivatives

--Rules for Finding Derivatives

--Document: Rules for Finding Derivatives

--Supplement: Rulesfor Finding Derivatives

-Derivate of Trigonometric Functions

--This Unit is a Self-study Module

--Supplement: Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions

-The Chain Rule

--The Chain Rule

--Document: The Chain Rule

--Supplement: The Chain Rule

-Higher-Order Derivative

--Higher-Order Derivative

--Document: Higher-Order Derivatives

--Supplement: Higher-Order Derivatives

-Implicit Differentiation

--Implicit Differentiation

--Document: Implicit Differentiation

--Supplement: Implicit Differentiation

-Related Rates

--This Unit is a Self-study Module

-Differentials and Approximations

--This Unit is a Self-study Module

--Supplement: Differentials and Approximations

-Chapter Review

--This Unit is a Self-study Module

-Assignments for Chapter 2

--Assignment 1

--Assignment 2

-Discussion Topics of Chapter 2

--Discussion Topics of Chapter 2

-Homework and Answer of Chapter 2

--Homework for Chapter 2

--Answer for Chapter 2

Homework 2

-Homework 2

--Homework 2

Chapter 3 Applications of the Derivative

-Maxima and Minima

--Maxima and Minima

--Document: Maxima and Minima

--Supplement:Maxima and Minima

-Monotonicity and Concavity

--Monotonicity and Concavity

--Document: Monotonicity and Concavity

--Supplement: Monotonicity and Concavity

-Local Extrema and Extrema on Open Intervals

--Local Extrema and Extrema on Open Intervals

--Document: Local Extrema and Extrema on Open Intervals

--Supplement: Local Extrema and Extrema on Open Intervals

-Practical Problems

--Practical Problems

--Document: Practical Problems

--Supplement: Practical Problems

-Graphing Functions Using Calculus

--This Unit is a Self-study Module

-The Mean Value Theorem for Derivatives

--The Mean Value Theorem for Derivatives

--Document: The Mean Value Therorem for Derivatives

--Supplement:The Mean Value Therorem for Derivatives

-Solving Equations Numerically

--This Unit is a Self-study Module



--This Unit is a Self-study Module

-Introduction to Differential Equations

--This Unit is a Self-study Module

-Chapter Review

--This Unit is a Self-study Module

--Supplement: Supplement for Chapter 3

-Assignments for Chapter 3

--Assignment 1

--Assignment 2

-Discussion Topics of Chapter 3

--Discussion Topics of Chapter 3

-Homework and Answer of Chapter 3

--Homework for Chapter 3

--Answer for Chapter 3

Test 1

-Test 1

--Test 1

Chapter 4 The Definite Integral

-Introduction to Area

--This Unit is a Self-study Module

--Supplement: Introduction to Area

-The Definite Integral

--The Definite Integral

--Document: The Definite Integral

--Supplement: The Definite Integral

-The First Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

--The First Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

--Document: The First Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

--Supplement: The First Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

-The Second Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and the Method of Substitution

--The Second Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and the Method of Substitution

--Document: The Second Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and the Method of Substitution

--Supplement: The Second Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and the Method of Substitution

-The Mean Value Theorem for Integrals and the Use of Symmetry

--This Unit is a Self-study Module

--Supplement: The Mean Value Theorem for Integrals and the Use of Symmetry

-Numerical Integration

--This Unit is a Self-study Module

-Chapter Review

--This Unit is a Self-study Module

-Assignments for Chapter 4

--Assignment 1

--Assignment 2

-Discussion Topics of Chapter 4

--Discussion Topics of Chapter 4

-Homework and Answer of Chapter 4

--Homework for Chapter 4

--Answer for Chapter 4

Homework 4

-Homework 4

--Homework 4

Chapter 5 Applications of the Integral

-The Area of a plane region

--The Area of a plane region

--Document: The Area of a Plane Region

-Volumes of Solids: Slabs, Disks

--Volumes of Solids: Slabs, Disks

--Document: Volumes of Solids Disk Method

-Volumes of Solids of Revolution: Shells

--Volumes of Solids of Revolution: Shells

--Document: Volumes of Solids Shell Method

-Length of a plane curve

--Length of a plane curve

--Document: Length of a Plane Curve

-Work and Fluid Force

--This Unit is a Self-study Module

-Moments and Center of Mass

--This Unit is a Self-study Module

-Probability and Random Variables

--This Unit is a Self-study Module

-Chapter Review

--This Unit is a Self-study Module

-Assignments for Chapter 5

--Assignment 1

--Assignment 2

-Discussion Topics of Chapter 5

--Discussion Topics of Chapter 5

-Homework and Answer of Chapter 5

--Homework for Chapter 5

--Answer for Chapter 5

Homework 5

-Homework 5

--Homework 5

Chapter 6 Transcendental and Functions

-The Natural Logarithm Function

--This Unit is a Self-study Module

-Inverse Functions

--This Unit is a Self-study Module

-The Natural Exponential Function

--This Unit is a Self-study Module

-General Exponential and Logarithm Function

--This Unit is a Self-study Module

-Exponential Growth and Decay

--This Unit is a Self-study Module

-First-Order Linear Differential Equations

--This Unit is a Self-study Module

-Approximations for Differential Equations

--This Unit is a Self-study Module

-The Inverse Trigonometric Functions and Their Derivatives

--This Unit is a Self-study Module

-The Hyperbolic Functions and Their Derivatives

--This Unit is a Self-study Module

-Chapter Review

--This Unit is a Self-study Module

Chapter 7 Techniques of Integration

-Basic Integration Rules

--Basic Integration Rules

--Document: Basic Integration Rules

-Integration by parts

--Integration by parts

--Document: Integration by Parts

-Some Trigonometric Integrals

--Some Trigonometric Integrals

--Document: Some Trigonometric Integrals

-Rationalizing Substitutions

--Rationalizing Substitutions

--Document: Rationalizing Substitutions

-Integration of Rational Functions Using Partial Fraction

--Integration of Rational Functions Using Partial Fraction

--Document: Integration of Rational Functions Using Partial Fractions

-Strategies for Integration

--This Unit is a Self-study Module

-Chapter Review

--This Unit is a Self-study Module

-Assignments for Chapter 7

--Assignment 1

--Assignment 2

-Discussion Topics of Chapter 7

--Discussion Topics of Chapter 7

-Homework and Answer of Chapter 7

--Homework for Chapter 7

--Answer for Chapter 7

Homework 7

-Homework 7

--Homework 7

Chapter 8 Indeterminate Forms and Improper Integrals

-Indeterminate Forms of Type

--This Unit is a Self-study Module

-Other Indeterminate Forms

--This Unit is a Self-study Module

-Improper Integrals: Infinite Limits of Integration

--Improper Integrals: Infinite Limits of Integration

--"Improper Integrals Infinite Limits of Integration" Document

-Improper Integrals: Infinite Integrands

--Improper Integrals: Infinite Integrands

--"Improper Integrals Infinite Integrands" Document

-Chapter Review

--This Unit is a Self-study Module

-Assignments for Chapter 8

--Assignment 1

--Assignment 2

-Discussion Topics of Chapter 8

--Discussion Topics of Chapter 8

-Homework and Answer of Chapter 8

--Homework for Chapter 8

--Answer for Chapter 8

Test 2

-Test 2

--Test 2

Final Test

-Final Test

Calculus I开设学校:华南理工大学

Calculus I授课教师:

邓雪 -教授-华南理工大学-

Deng Xue, Ph.D., Professor, Master’s supervisor. Research field is portfolio and risk analysis. As the first author, she has published more than 40 scientific research and teaching papers in the top journals of SCI, such as “Information Sciences”, “Applied Soft Computing” and “Computers & Industrial Engineering”. In the past five years, she has presided over more than 10 projects, including the Humanities and Social Sciences Youth Fund of the Ministry of Education, the Natural Science Fund of Guangdong Province, and the Soft Science of Guangdong Province. She has won "one hundred most influential and outstanding domestic academic papers in 2016 and 2013" (the first author, with 3020 citations); twice "Nanguang Award" for teaching excellence of South China University of Technology, "special award for teaching achievements", twice "undergraduate excellent teaching demonstration course"; and "excellent instructor Award" of Guangdong financial modeling competition.


Yang Qigui, the second level Professor, doctor, postdoctoral, doctoral supervisor, vice president. He is a famous teacher of South China University of Technology and the provincial training object of "one hundred and ten" talent project in Guangdong Province. 118 papers have been published in important academic journals at home and abroad, 102 of which have been included in SCI. SCI cited positively for more than 1500 times. He won the first prize of Guangxi science and technology progress (ranking first). Four undergraduate courses and five postgraduate courses. In 2002, he won the second prize (independent) of excellent thesis in higher education and teaching in Guangxi, the first prize of excellent teaching at the school level of South China University of technology from 2013 to 2014, the second prize (ranking: 1), the second prize (ranking: 2) and the second prize (ranking: 2) of the sixth Provincial Higher Education in Guangdong Province.


Liang Yong, Ph.D., teacher of the School of Mathematics, South China University of Technology. The research field is nonlinear wave. He has taught the "Calculus", "Linear Algebra" and "Analytic Geometry" and other courses for more than 14 years. He won the first-prize (Rank No. 1) in the Young Teachers' Teaching Competition of South China University of Technology for two times and won the 2017-Teaching Excellence Award. He presided over the Basic Research Funding for the Central University of South China University of Technology, and participated in four National Natural Science Foundation projects. He has presided over one Guangdong Province Education Reform project, three SCUT Education Reform projects (including one major project), and one Undergraduate Micro-Course project.


Liu Xiaolan, Ph.D., associate professor, master supervisor. Mainly engaged in machine learning and optimization algorithm research. The course focuses on calculus, mathematics experiment, operation research, information theory and coding technology. She has published more than 20 scientific research papers in Information Sciences, IEEE transaction on image processing, Siam Journal on scientific computing and other important journals, and published the textbook typical cases of mathematical experiments in Higher Education Press. In the past five years, she has presided over many projects of NSFC and provincial and ministerial level. She has won the first prize of excellent teaching and the second prize of excellent instructor of students' scientific and technological innovation in South China University of technology.


Gao Wenhua, Ph.D., associate professor, master supervisor. The main courses of graduate students are stochastic optimal control, mathematical modeling and mathematical experiments. She has won the third prize of the second Excellent University Alliance young teachers' teaching innovation competition, the first prize of undergraduate teaching excellence of South China University of technology and the excellent teaching and research paper award. Presided over many projects such as the teaching, research and teaching reform project of Guangdong Provincial Department of education, the basic scientific research business expenses of Central Universities and the school level teaching, research and teaching reform, and participated in many projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation. She participated in the preparation of higher mathematics teaching guidance book published by higher education press and published more than 20 papers.


  1. Calculus I(Round 2)

  2. Appreciation of Chinese and Western Cultures(Round 1)

  3. Brain Science and Advanced Imaging Techniques(Round 2)

  4. China's Tax System(Round 2)

  5. Introduction to tax laws of China(Round 2)

  6. International Environmental Law(Round 3)

  7. 体育保健学(2021秋)

  8. An Introduction to Literature(Round 2)

  9. Introduction to Film Music(Round 2)

  10. 精益创业(2021秋)

  11. 石油化工工艺学(2021秋)

  12. 儿童口腔医学(2021秋)

  13. 旅游英语(2021秋)

  14. 以案说法(2021秋)

  15. 儿童生长与营养性疾病(2021秋)

  16. 网络安全技术(上海高校精品课程)(2021秋)

  17. 计算机网络(2021暑假班)

  18. 综合英语(2021秋)

  19. 商业计划书模块化制作与演示设计(2021秋)

  20. 多媒体技术基础(2021秋)
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