Introduction to Political Philosophy

Different thinkers in China and the West have put forward different arguments for prioritizing different values, depending on their political ideals and visions of the good life. These political values recur in different times and places and they are still being debated today.Through this course,you will appreciate the charm of the collision of Chinese and Western ideas,and get inspiration from it.


Introduction to Political Philosophy课程:前往报名学习

Introduction to Political Philosophy视频慕课课程简介:

Different thinkers in China and the West have put forward different arguments for prioritizing different values, depending on their political ideals and visions of the good life. These political values recur in different times and places and they are still being debated today.Through this course,you will appreciate the charm of the collision of Chinese and Western ideas,and get inspiration from it.


Introduction to Political Philosophy课程列表:



-Introduction of political Philosophy

-Final Essay

Theme I: Liberty and Community

-The Liberal Tradition of Liberty

--The Classical Defense of Liberty (John Stuart Mill) 1

--The Classical Defense of Liberty (John Stuart Mill) 2

--The Classical Defense of Liberty (John Stuart Mill) 3

--The Classical Defense of Liberty (John Stuart Mill) 4

--On Liberty Mill

-Alternatives and Critiques: Western Communitarianism and Confucian Harmony

--Communitarianism and Confucianism 1

--Communitarianism and Confucianism 2

--Communitarianism and Confucianism 3

--Communitarianism and Confucianism 4

--On Communitarianism

--Harmony as an Ideal and a Reality 1

--Harmony Index

-Chapter assignment

Theme II: Equality and Hierarchy

-Defenders of Equality

--Karl Marx on Economic Justice

--Marx on Economic Justice

--John Rawls on Social Justice 1

--John Rawls on Social Justice 2

--John Rawls on Social Justice 3

--Rawls on Economic Justice

--Classical and Contemporary Feminism 1

--Classical and Contemporary Feminism 2


-Alternatives and Critiques: In Defense of Hierarchy

--Xunzi on Rituals and Hierarchy 1

--Xunzi on Rituals and Hierarchy 2

--Hierarchical Rituals for Egalitarian Societies

-Chapter Assignment

Theme III: Democratic Theory and Political Meritocracy

-Democratic Theory and Practice in Ancient Greece

--The Origins of Democracy in Ancient Greece 1

--The Origins of Democracy in Ancient Greece 2

--Democracy in Ancient Greece

--The Critics of Democracy in Ancient Greece (Plato and Aristotle) 1

--The Critics of Democracy in Ancient Greece (Plato and Aristotle) 2

--The Critics of Democracy in Ancient Greece

-Modern Theories of Democracy

--The Natural Law Defense of Democracy (John Locke) 1

--The Natural Law Defense of Democracy (John Locke) 2

--Locke and Liberal Democracy

--The Utilitarian Defense of Democracy (John Stuart Mill) 1

--The Utilitarian Defense of Democracy (John Stuart Mill) 2

--Mill on Rep Govt

-Alternatives and Critiques: Political Meritocracy

--Just Hierarchy and Good Governance: The Case of China

--Chapter Assignment

Introduction to Political Philosophy开设学校:山东大学

Introduction to Political Philosophy授课教师:


贝淡宁(Daniel A. Bell),1964年生,加拿大人,世界著名政治哲学家,当代新儒家在国际上最著名的代表人物之一。1991年,从牛津大学获得政治学博士学位。现任山东大学政治学与公共管理学院院长、教授.1988年牛津大学哲学硕士研究生毕业,获哲学硕士学位;1991年牛津大学哲学博士研究生毕业,获哲学博士学位。主要从事政治哲学研究,特别是以儒家和中国文化为背景的政治哲学研究。目前,已经出版英文著作20部,发表各类学术文章100余篇(其中SSCI和A&HCI论文30余篇),著述被翻译为23种语言;其中,被翻译成中文的专著有《贤能政治:为什么尚贤制比选举民主制更适合中国》 《城市的精神Ⅱ 包容与认同》 《城市的精神:全球化时代,城市何以安顿我们》 《东方遭遇西方》 《中国新儒家》 《超越自由民主》和《社群主义及其批评者》、2020年,和复旦大学汪沛老师合作出版了Just Hierarchy:Why Social Hierarchies Matter in China and the Rest of the World 等7部。目前已成为在中国和世界其他国家均具有极大学术影响力的国际著名学者。


  1. Introduction to Political Philosophy(Round 1)

  2. 石文化与宝玉石鉴赏(2021秋)

  3. The Secrets of Medicine(Round 1)

  4. 管理沟通(2021秋)

  5. 中国文化英文谈(2021秋)

  6. Principles of Food Technology(Round 2)

  7. Технолигия по производству хлопки(棉花生产技术)(Round 2)

  8. Microbiology(Round 1)

  9. 金融工程(2021秋)

  10. 中国近现代史纲要(2021秋)

  11. 新视野大学英语进阶(2021秋)

  12. 推荐系统(2021秋)

  13. LabVIEW进阶课程(2021秋)

  14. 公司金融学(2021秋)

  15. 口腔颌面医学影像诊断学(2021秋)

  16. 大学语文(2021秋)

  17. 铁道概论(2021暑假班)

  18. 智能会计(2021秋)

  19. 建筑施工技术(2021秋)

  20. “中国风”服装与服饰设计——以创意装为例(2021秋)
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