当前课程知识点:Introduction to Political Philosophy > Theme I: Liberty and Community > The Liberal Tradition of Liberty > On Liberty Mill
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1.Are there other reasons to value freedom (e.g., is it important for economic progress, to minimize fear)?
2. Is freedom only valuable because of its desirable consequences (the utilitarian view), or does it have intrinsic value?
3. Does freedom (of the press) always lead to good consequences?
4.Can freedom be restricted to prevent ‘psychological’ harm?
5.Should freedom have priority over other goods, like the need for basic material resources and for decent communal relationships?
6.Is self-determination the key to happiness (‘higher pleasure’)?
返回《Introduction to Political Philosophy》慕课在线视频列表
-Introduction of political Philosophy
-Final Essay
-The Liberal Tradition of Liberty
--The Classical Defense of Liberty (John Stuart Mill) 1
--The Classical Defense of Liberty (John Stuart Mill) 2
--The Classical Defense of Liberty (John Stuart Mill) 3
--The Classical Defense of Liberty (John Stuart Mill) 4
-Alternatives and Critiques: Western Communitarianism and Confucian Harmony
--Communitarianism and Confucianism 1
--Communitarianism and Confucianism 2
--Communitarianism and Confucianism 3
--Communitarianism and Confucianism 4
--Harmony as an Ideal and a Reality 1
-Chapter assignment
-Defenders of Equality
--Karl Marx on Economic Justice
--John Rawls on Social Justice 1
--John Rawls on Social Justice 2
--John Rawls on Social Justice 3
--Classical and Contemporary Feminism 1
--Classical and Contemporary Feminism 2
-Alternatives and Critiques: In Defense of Hierarchy
--Xunzi on Rituals and Hierarchy 1
--Xunzi on Rituals and Hierarchy 2
--Hierarchical Rituals for Egalitarian Societies
-Chapter Assignment
-Democratic Theory and Practice in Ancient Greece
--The Origins of Democracy in Ancient Greece 1
--The Origins of Democracy in Ancient Greece 2
--The Critics of Democracy in Ancient Greece (Plato and Aristotle) 1
--The Critics of Democracy in Ancient Greece (Plato and Aristotle) 2
--The Critics of Democracy in Ancient Greece
-Modern Theories of Democracy
--The Natural Law Defense of Democracy (John Locke) 1
--The Natural Law Defense of Democracy (John Locke) 2
--The Utilitarian Defense of Democracy (John Stuart Mill) 1
--The Utilitarian Defense of Democracy (John Stuart Mill) 2
-Alternatives and Critiques: Political Meritocracy
--Just Hierarchy and Good Governance: The Case of China
--Chapter Assignment