Fundamentals of Nursing

Welcome to Fundamentals of Nursing. The course aims to help students develop basic nursing knowledge and skills as the following: the nursing process, safety, hygiene, medication, skin care, etc. We will not only teach students how to get access to and search for academic information, but also how to understand and evaluate the information for their own purposes. And most importantly, we encourage students to carry out critical thinking and clinical reasoning in different purposes of nursing care.


Fundamentals of Nursing课程:前往报名学习

Fundamentals of Nursing视频慕课课程简介:

Welcome to Fundamentals of Nursing. The course aims to help students develop basic nursing knowledge and skills as the following: the nursing process, safety, hygiene, medication, skin care, etc. We will not only teach students how to get access to and search for academic information, but also how to understand and evaluate the information for their own purposes. And most importantly, we encourage students to carry out critical thinking and clinical reasoning in different purposes of nursing care.


Fundamentals of Nursing课程列表:


Chapter 1

-1-1 The historical development of Modern Nursing and Contemporary Nursing Practice I

--The historical development of Modern Nursing and Contemporary Nursing Practice I

-1-2 The historical development of Modern Nursing and Contemporary Nursing Practice in China

--The historical development of Modern Nursing and Contemporary Nursing Practice in China


Chapter 2

-2-1 Clinical Thinking

--Nursing Process:Critical Thinking

-2-2 Overview of Nursing process

--Overview of Nursing process

-2-3 Assessing

--Nursing Process: Assessing

-2-4 Diagnosing

--Nursing Process: Diagnosing

-2-5 Planning


-2-6 Implementating

--Nursing Process: Implementating

-2-7 Evaluating

--Nursing Process: Evaluating

-2-8 Documentating and Reporting

--Nursing Process: Documentation

--Documentating and Reporting


Chapter 3

-3-1 Introduction of Asepsis

--Introduction of Asepsis

-3-2 Chain of Infection

--Chain of Infection

-3-3 Performing Hand Hygiene

--Performing Hand Hygiene

-3-4 Applying and Removing Personal Protective Equipment

--Applying and Removing Personal Protective Equipment


Chapter 4

-4-1 Vital signs I

--Vital signs I

-4-2 Vital signs II

--Vital signs II


Chapter 5

-5-1 Patient Safety

--Patient Safety

-5-2 Fall Prevention

--Fall Prevention


Chapter 6

-6-1 Skin Integrity

--Skin Integrity

-6-2 Pressure Ulcers

--Pressure Ulcers


Chapter 7

-7-1 Pain Management I

--Pain Management I

-7-2 Pain Management II

--Pain Management II


Chapter 8

-8-1 Administering oxygen by cannula and face mask

--Administering oxygen by cannula and face mask

-8-2 Suctioning an endotracheal or tracheal tube

--Suctioning an endotracheal or tracheal tube


Chapter 9

-9-1 Nasogastric tube insertion and feeding I

--Nasogastric tube insertion and feeding I

-9-2 Nasogastric tube insertion and feeding II

--Nasogastric tube insertion and feeding II


Chapter 10

-10-1 Urinary Elimination

--Urinary Elimination

-10-2 Performing Urinary Catheterization I

--Performing Urinary Catheterization I

-10-3 Performing Urinary Catheterization II

--Performing Urinary Catheterization II


Chapter 11

-11-1 CPR



Chapter 12

-12-1 Overview of medication I

--Overview of medication I

-12-2 Overview of medication II

--Overview of medication II

-12-3 Oral Medication

--Oral Medication

-12-4 Intradermal Injection

--Intradermal Injection

-12-5 Subcutaneous Injection

--Subcutaneous Injection

-12-6 Intramuscular Injection

--Intramuscular Injection

-12-7 Intravenous Infusions

--Intravenous Infusions I

--Intravenous Infusion II


Final Exam

-Final Exam

Fundamentals of Nursing开设学校:汕头大学

Fundamentals of Nursing授课教师:


苏静,女,博士,汕头大学医学院护理学系主任、汕头大学医学院全英教师、美国加州大学旧金山分校护理学院访问学者,Fundamentals of Nursing 课程负责人,英文讲授基础护理学,护理研究等课程。
















  1. Geology and Geomorphology(Round 2)

  2. 微积分应用(Applications of Calculus I )(2021秋)

  3. 消化系统疾病(2021秋)

  4. Introduction to Natural Science(Round 2)

  5. 工程制图(上)(2021秋)

  6. Functional Experiments(Round 2)

  7. Energy-oriented Business Administration(Round 3)

  8. Concise Circuits(Round 2)

  9. Frontier Comprehensive Transportation & Logistics(Round 2)

  10. Rock Mechanics in Petroleum Engineering(Round 2)

  11. Fundamentals of Nursing(Round 2)

  12. Computer-Aided Drug Design(Round 2)

  13. Traditional Chinese Medicine · Acupuncture and Moxibustion(Round 2)

  14. Microbiology(Round 2)

  15. 钛合金及应用(2021秋)

  16. English Debate(Round 2)

  17. Fundamentals of Measurement and Signal Analysis(Round 2)

  18. Global Tourism Development Trends(国际版)(Round 2)

  19. 井巷工程(2021秋)

  20. 预防医学(2021秋)
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