Systematic Anatomy

Do you want to understand your body and thus stay consciously healthy?The most amazing thing on earth is the genesis of lives of diversified species, among which human life is of closest relevance to us. The basis of life is organisms, and they are simultaneously the origin of diseases and the terminal of their treatment. If we want to treat and further successfully cure diseases, we must understand the complex and exquisite human structure-----Systematic Anatomy


Systematic Anatomy课程:前往报名学习

Systematic Anatomy视频慕课课程简介:

Do you want to understand your body and thus stay consciously healthy?The most amazing thing on earth is the genesis of lives of diversified species, among which human life is of closest relevance to us. The basis of life is organisms, and they are simultaneously the origin of diseases and the terminal of their treatment. If we want to treat and further successfully cure diseases, we must understand the complex and exquisite human structure-----Systematic Anatomy


Systematic Anatomy课程列表:


1 Introduction

-1.1.1 Introduction-1

-1.1.2 Introduction-2

-1.1.3 How to study Anatomy-1

-1.1.4 How to study Anatomy-2

-Homework for the Introduction

2 The bones

-2.1.1 The description of bone

-2.1.2 The bones of trunk

-2.1.3 The bones of upper limb

-2.1.4 The bones of cerebral cranium

-Himework for bones

3 Joint

-3.1.1 Temporomandibular Joint

-3.1.2 Elbow Joint

-3.1.3 Hip Joint

-3.1.4 Knee Joint

-Homework for Joint

4 Myology

-4.1.1 general description

-4.1.2 muscles of trunk(1)

-4.1.3 muscles of trunk(2)

-4.1.3 muscles of head and neck

-Homework for myology

5 The alimentary system

-5.1.1Introduction of the Alimentary system and pharynx

--5.1.1 Introduction of the Alimentary system and pharynx_

-5.1.2 The systematic anatomy of stomach

--5.1.2 The systematic anatomy of stomach

-5.1.3 The anatomy of appendix

--5.1.3 The anatomy of appendix

-5.1.4 the liver and extrahepatic duct

--5.1.4 The liver and extrahepatic duct

-Homework for alimentary system

6. The respiratory and urinary system

-6.1.1 The lungs

--The lungs

- The larynx - 1

--The larynx - 1

- The larynx - 2

--The larynx - 2

-6.1.3 The pleura

--The Pleura

-6.1.4 The kidney

--The kidney

-Homework for respiratory and urinary systems

7. The reproductive system

-7.1.1 The male conveying ducts

--The male conveying ducts

-7.1.2 The uterus

--The uterus

-Homework for reproductive system

8. Peritoneum and Endocrine system

-8.1.1 Introduction of peritoneum

-8.1.2 Structures formed by peritoneum

-8.2.1 Introduction of endocrine sysytem

-8.2.2 Endocrine glands

-Homework for Peritoneum

-Homework for Endocrine system

9. The heart

-9.1.1The position and external features of the heart

-9.1.2The cardiac chambers of right side

-9.1.3 the cardiac chambers of left side

-9.1.4 the conduction system

-9.1.5 The vessels of heart

-Homework for heart

10 Sensory organs

-10.1.1 Sensory organs-1

-10.1.2 Sensory Organs-2

-10.1.3 Sensory Organs-3

-Homework for the sensory organs

11. Introduction of the nervouse system and the spinal nerves

-11.1.1 Introduction of the nervous system I

-11.1.2 Introduction of the nervous system II

-11.2.1 General description of the spinal nerve

-11.2.2 The spinal nerve - The cervical plexus

-Homework for introduction of the nervous system and the spinal nerves

12.The cranial nerves

-12.1 General description of cranial nerve

-12.2.1 vagus nerve

-Homework for the cranial nerves

13 The spinal cord and the brain stem

-13.1 The spinal cord-1

--The spinal cord-1

-13.2 The spinal cord-2

--The spinal cord-2

-13.3 The external features of brain stem

--The external features of brain stem

-homework for Spinal cord and external features of brain stem

14 Brain stem

-14.1.1 Brain stem (1)

-14.1.2 Brain stem (2)

-14.1.3 Brain stem (3)

-14.1.4 Brain stem (4)

-Homework for brain stem

15 Cerebellum and Diencephalon

-15.1.1 Location & gross appearance of cerebellum

-15.1.2 Internal structure of the cerebellum

-15.2.1 Position and Subdivision of Diencephalon

-15.2.2 Dorsal thalamus

-Homework for cerebellum

-Homework for diencephalon

16 Telencephalon

-16.1.1 External features of telencephalon

-16.1.2 Structures of telencepholon(1)

-16.1.3 Structures of telencepholon(2)

-Homework for telencephalon

17 The Nervous Pathways

-17.1.1 The sensory (ascending) conductive pathway(1)

-17.1.2 The sensory (ascending) conductive pathway(2)

-17.2.1 The motor (descending) conductive pathway (1)

-17.2.2 The motor (descending) conductive pathway(2)

-Homework for the nervous pathways

18 The visceral nervous system

-18.1 The visceral nervous system

--The visceral nervous system

-18.2 The sympathetic nervous system-1

--The sympathetic nervous system-1

-18.3 The sympathetic nervous system-2

--The sympathetic nervous system-2

-homework for visceral nervous system

Final Examination

-Final Examination

Systematic Anatomy开设学校:西安交通大学

Systematic Anatomy授课教师:


董炜疆 教授 医学博士 美国华盛顿大学博士后(Senior Fellow 2007-2009), 访问学者(2012-2014) 研究生导师 2006 年获得西安交通大学医学院博士学位。2007 年-2009 年在美国华盛顿大学医学院(University of Washington at Seattle)NWLR做博士后研究工作,师从美国著名脂代谢与糖尿病专家 Dr. Santica Marcovina,Dr. John Albers 教授。研究方向为中枢神经系统脂代谢异常与老年痴呆的病理学研究工作, 2012年-2014年以Visiting Scientist 在华盛顿大学内分泌科实验室从事 Intranuclear Localization of PLTP 的研究工作。 主持美国阿尔茨海默病( Alzheimer’s disease ) Postdoc Fellow Pilot 研究基金、国家自然科学基金、教育部留学回国人员科研基金、陕西省自然科学基金、西安交通大学国际合作交流基金等项目。发表SCI收录论文12篇,MI收录5篇,相关论文发表在 Biochimica et Biophysica Acta,Journal of Lipid Research 和 Journal of Neuroscience Research 等杂志,共发表学术论文40 篇。 长期担任研究生、留学生、八年制、七年制、本科生、专升本等各个专业系统解剖学、局部解剖学、断层解剖学、神经解剖学等授课任务。年平均授课超过200学时。 2000年、2004年和2011年三次获得西安交通大学 “教师授课竞赛 (英文授课、双语授课) 一等奖”。2011年全国首届医学院校青年教师授课比赛三等奖。 2010年6月在台湾阳明大学医学院接受PBL教学改革的培训。 在《China Medical Journal》和《中国高等医学教育》等核心期刊上以第一作者发表 13 篇教学论文(SCI收录1篇)。 主编四本留学生用英文教材。














许杰华,男,陕西榆林人,医学博士,副教授,硕士研究生导师。 本科毕业于原西安医科大学临床医学系。研究生就读西安交通大学,2003年获人体解剖学与组织胚胎学硕士学位,2007年获人体解剖学与组织胚胎学博士学位。2006.7-2007.7期间在新加坡国家神经研究所癫痫病研究室进行合作研究。一直从事癫痫、神经发育、高等医学教育研究及解剖学教学工作。 主持国家自然科学基金、陕西省社发攻关项目、西安交通大学光华基金等研究项目。熟悉癫痫动物模型制备、动物行为学、神经追踪、蛋白定量、实时定量PCR等研究方法。 研究方向:1)癫痫的发病机制及防治; 2)神经发育调控机制;3)高等医学教育模式研究。








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