Foundation of Draping for Fashion Design

This course attempts to mobilize students' infinite cogitation and creativity, combined with hand-made skills, and through clever use of the color, texture, and characteristics of fabrics, to perfectly create unique garment shapes and designs, and show the charm of hand-crafted skills and fashion design.


Foundation of Draping for Fashion Design课程:前往报名学习

Foundation of Draping for Fashion Design视频慕课课程简介:

This course attempts to mobilize students' infinite cogitation and creativity, combined with hand-made skills, and through clever use of the color, texture, and characteristics of fabrics, to perfectly create unique garment shapes and designs, and show the charm of hand-crafted skills and fashion design.


Foundation of Draping for Fashion Design课程列表:


Unit1: Introduction

-1.1: Course introduction

--1.1.1 Course introduction

--1.1.2 Course introduction (PPT)

-1.2: Preparing the dress form

--1.2.1 Preparing the dress form (Marking line)

--1.2.2 Preparing the dress form (PPT)

-1.3: Drawing the grain line

--1.3.1 Drawing the grain line

-Prepare your own dress form and upload photos.

Unit2: Basic bodice

-2.1: Preparing of muslin

--2.1.1: Preparing of muslin

--2.1.2: Preparing of muslin (PPT)

-2.2: Basic front bodice

--2.2.1: Basic front bodice

--2.2.2: True line for the basic front bodice

--2.2.3: Draping steps of basic bodice (PPT)

-2.3: Basic back bodice

--2.3.1: Basic back bodice

--2.3.2: True line for the basic back bodice

--2.3.3: Marking and truing line for the basic bodice (PPT)

-Draping a basic bodice.

Unit3: Basic skirt

-3.1: Preparing of muslin

--3.1.1: Preparing of muslin

--3.1.2: Preparing of muslin (PPT)

-3.2: Draping steps of basic skirt

--3.2.1: Draping steps of basic skirt

--3.2.2: Draping steps of basic skirt (PPT)

-3.3: True line for the basic skirt

--3.3.1: True line for the basic skirt

--3.3.2: True line for the basic skirt (PPT)

-Draping a basic skirt.

Unit4: Basic sleeve

-4.1: Basic sleeve pattern

--4.1.1: Basic sleeve pattern

--4.1.2: Basic sleeve pattern (PPT)

-4.2: Pinning basic sleeve

--4.2.1: Pinning basic sleeve

--4.2.2: Pinning basic sleeve (PPT)

-Draping a basic sleeve on your basic bodice.

-You can try to do some variation on the basic sleeve.

Unit5: Bodice variation

-What is the function of darts?

-5.1: Draping the front panel

--5.1.1: Draping the front panel

--5.1.2: Front bodice variation (PPT)

-5.2: Truing line of front panel

--5.2.1: Truing line of front panel

-5.3: Draping the back panel

--5.3.1: Draping the back panel

--5.3.2: Back bodice variation (PPT)

-5.4: Truing line and checking balance for bodice variation

--5.4.1:Truing line and checking balance for bodice variation

-Draping your original design about bodice variation.

Unit6: Princess bodice

-6.1: Front panel

--6.1.1: Introduction and preparing of muslin (PPT)

--6.1.2: Center front panel of princess bodice

--6.1.3: Side front panel of princess bodice

-6.2: Back panel

--6.2.1: Center back panel of princess bodice

--6.2.2: Side back panel of princess bodice

--6.2.3: Pin and check final proof of bodice drape (PPT)

-Draping a princess bodice by yourself.

Unit7: Collar

-7.1: Mandarin collar

--7.1.1: Mandarin collar

--7.1.2: Mandarin collar (PPT)

--Draping a mandarin collar on your basic bodice.

-7.2: Convertible collar

--7.2.1: Convertible collar

--Draping a convertible collar on your princess bodice.

-7.3: Shawl collar

--7.3.1: Shawl collar

-7.4: Tailored Notched collar

--7.4.1: Draping the lapel

--7.4.2: Draping the collar, truing line and checking balance

Unit8: Flared skirt

-8.1: Preparing of muslin

--8.1.1: Preparing of muslin

--8.1.2: Preparing of muslin (PPT)

-8.2: Draping the flared skirt on dress form

--8.2.1: Draping the flared skirt on dress form

-8.3: Truing line, pinning and checking balance

--8.3.1: Truing line, pinning and checking balance

--8.3.2: Pin and check final proof of bodice drape (PPT)

-Draping a flared skirt by yourself.

Unit9: Six-gore skirt

-9.1: Preparing of muslin

--9.1.1: Preparing of muslin

--9.1.2: Preparing of muslin (PPT)

-9.2: Draping the six-gore skirt on the dress form

--9.2.1:Draping the six-gore skirt on the dress form

-9.3: Marking, truing and pinning for the gore seam above the flare level

--9.3.1:Marking, truing and pinning for the gore seam above the flare level

--9.3.2: Truing line for the six-gore skirt (PPT)

-9.4: Finish the lower part of the gore seam

--9.4.1:Finish the lower part of the gore seam

-Draping a gored skirt by yourself.

Unit10: Fitted Basic Dress

-10.1: Draping the front panel

--10.1.1: Draping the front panel

-10.2: Draping the back panel

--10.2.1: Draping the back panel

-10.3: Truing line, checking balance for shift and variations

--10.3.1:Truing line, checking balance for shift and variations

-Draping a shift with the shape you like.

-review and exam

Foundation of Draping for Fashion Design开设学校:浙江理工大学

Foundation of Draping for Fashion Design授课教师:


季晓芬,浙江省“万人计划”教学名师、浙江省“151人才工程”第二层次人员、浙江省“三育人”先进个人;教育部设计学教学指导委员会,浙江省轻工纺织食品教指委秘书长,全球纺织服装技术基金会(IFFTI)理事;美国纽约州立大学纽约时装技术学院、瑞士洛桑大学商学院、美国康奈尔大学纤维科学与服装设计学院、美国北卡罗莱纳州立大学纺织学院访问学者。曾获国家教学成果二等奖,浙江省教学成果一等奖、二等奖,纺织工业协会教学成果一等奖等20余项;主持国家双语示范课程、国家全英文授课品牌课程、省精品课程建设;出版“一十五”规划教材、省重点教材3本;兢兢业业长期致力于服装业的教学和科研,主持承担各级科研项目100多项,获省部级科技进步奖两次,拥有自有知识产权5项,发表论文70多篇,5篇论文获奖,其中三大检索论文30多篇,出版专著/译著三本。主要研究方向: 服装造型设计与服装消费行为;服装生产流程数字化与风险评价;服装内衣设计与历史文化等。长期致力于服装产业产学研融合及科技成果转化,任多家校企联合研发中心主任,浙江省时尚产业智能制造标准工作组组长、浙江理工大学-卓尚服饰时尚产业研究院院长、浙江理工大学国际时尚产业研究院院长等,主导三届“国际时尚品牌文化发展论坛”和“中法时尚之约”国际论坛。






钱狄青 华侨,浙江省高层次归国人才,硕士学历,毕业于日本文化时尚研究院服装造型设计专业,曾担任(公益财团法人)日本制服中心主版型师兼设计7年,取得日本平面制版技术检定一级,现任浙江理工大学专任教师。


  1. Foundation of Draping for Fashion Design(Round 2)

  2. Gerontological Nursing(Round 2)

  3. 水力学知识点解析(2021秋)

  4. Internal Medicine(Round 2)

  5. Sports and Society(Round 2)

  6. Biomedical Sensors(Round 2)

  7. 医学机能实验学(2021秋)

  8. Human System Architecture(Round 2)

  9. 老年护理学(Gerontological Nursing)(2021秋)

  10. 物理化学(2021暑假班)

  11. 学术论文文献阅读与机助汉英翻译(2021秋)

  12. 经济学原理(宏观部分)(2021秋)

  13. 电路基础及应用(2021秋)

  14. 中国古代礼义文明——礼制(2021秋)

  15. 女性修与养:女性运动、营养与健康(2021秋)

  16. 传染病学(2021秋)

  17. 工程职业伦理(2021秋)

  18. 程序设计基础(下)(2021秋)

  19. 大学物理-电磁学(英文授课)(2021秋)

  20. 大学物理——电磁学(2021秋)
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