Nopasit Chakpitak is Dean of the International College of Digital Innovation in Chiang Mai University. His academic research area are knowledge engineering, and the application of artificial intelligence in the power industry. Previous Jobs: 2011-2014 Assistant to the President, academic and international affairs, Chiang Mai University 2004-2011 Dean, College of Arts, Media and Technology, Chiang Mai University 1998-2001 NECTEC IT Program Coordinator for NSTDA (National Science and Technology Development Agency) Northern Network : 1998-2001 HRD Consultant, Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand Consultant 1987-1992 Power Plant Engineer, Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand : 1986-1987 Project Engineer, Mass Communication Organization of Thailand.

NOPASIT CHAKPITAK讲授课程:Global Tourism Development Trends(International Edition)


Carson Lewis Jenkins
Lyu Jiaying
Asif Khan
John Ap
Peter P. Yuen
Pimtong Tavitiyaman


  1. Global Tourism Development Trends(国际版)(Round 2)

  2. 井巷工程(2021秋)

  3. 预防医学(2021秋)

  4. 园林简史(2021暑假班)

  5. Hydraulic Power(Round 2)

  6. 临床药物治疗学(2021秋)

  7. EDA技术(2021秋)

  8. 高级语言程序设计(2021秋)

  9. International Business Management(Round 2)

  10. Plant Landscape Planning and Design(Round 2)

  11. HTML5 Mobile Front-end Development Foundation(Round 2)

  12. 线性代数(2021秋)

  13. 工程热力学(2021秋)

  14. 电工电子技术应用与实践(2021秋)

  15. 环境与健康(2021秋)

  16. 藏传佛教(2021秋)

  17. 城市地理学(2021秋)

  18. 临床免疫学检验技术(2021秋)

  19. 学科教学法(2021秋)

  20. 艺术考古学概论(2021秋)
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