当前课程知识点:运动训练学 > 5.运动员竞技能力与训练 Training and Evaluation of Athletic Capabilities > 5.4 协调素质与训练 Coordination Quality Training > 5.4.1 协调素质与训练讨论题
-1.1 竞技体育与运动训练 Competitive Sports and Sports Training
--1.1.1运动训练与运动训练学 Sports Training and Its Sports Training Methods
-1.2 运动训练学及其理论体系 Sports Training Methods and Patterns
--1.2.1不同覆盖领域的运动训练理论体系 Itemed Sports Training Theories
-2.1 运动成绩与竞技能力 Sports Performance and Athletic Capability
--2.1.1 运动成绩及其决定因素 Sports Results and Key Elements
--2.1.2竞技能力及其构成因素 Competitive Capability and Its Components
-2.2 运动训练负荷的控制 Manipulation of Sportive Load
--2.2.1 运动训练负荷及其分类 Loads and Classifications
--2.2.2 负荷强度的控制 Scaling of Loading Density
--2.2.3 负荷量的控制 Manipulation of Loading Quantity
--2.2.4运动负荷调控原理 Principle for Sports Training Loading
--2.2.5 运动性疲劳与过度训练原理 Guidance for Regulating Sports Fatigue and Over-time training
--2.2.6恢复与超量恢复原理 Guidance for Quantified Sports Recovery
--2.2.7节奏性调控原理 Rhymical Scaling and Monitoring
--2.2.8竞技状态的调控原理 Guideline for Competitive Edging
-3.1运动训练原则理论及其理论体系 Sports Training Guidelines and Theoretical Framework
--3.1.1运动训练原则及其理论体系 Sports Training Guidelines and Theoretical Framework
-3.2 运动训练基本原则 Basic Training Principles
--3.2.1 导向激励与健康保障训练原则 Training Principles of Incentive-oriented and Their Relatedness to Fitness
--3.2.2 竞技需要与区别对待训练原则 Contest Demand and Item Specification
--3.2.3 系统持续与周期安排训练原则 Systematic Continuity and Sectional Arrangement
--3.2.4 适宜负荷与适时恢复训练原则 Proper Load and Timely Recovery
-4.1运动训练基本方法 Basic Methods for Sports Training
--4.1.1分解训练法与完整训练法 Sectional or Complete Training
--4.1.2重复训练法与间歇训练法 Repetitive or Interval Training
--4.1.3持续训练法与变换训练法 Consecutive or Alternative Training
--4.1.4循环训练法与比赛训练法 Circular or Competitive Training
--4.1.5高原训练法与程序训练法 Plateau or Programmed Training
--4.1.6模式训练法与计算机辅助训练控制法 Mode or Computer-aided Training
-5.1 力量素质与训练 Physical Strength Quality and Its Training
--5.1.1 力量素质概述 Introduction to Physical Strength Capability
--5.1.2 最大力量的训练与评价 Maximum Strength
--5.1.3 快速力量的训练与评价 Techniques for Forced Strength
--5.1.4 相对力量、力量耐力的训练与评价 Relative Strength and Its Endurance
--5.1.5 躯干稳定性力量的训练与评价 Procedural and Evaluative Methods for Trunk Stability.
-5.2 速度素质与训练 Speed Quality and Its Evaluations
--5.2.1 反应速度的训练及评定 Reaction Speed
--5.2.2 动作速度的训练及评定 Initiation Speed
--5.2.3 移动速度的训练及评定 Movement Speed
-5.3 耐力素质与训练 Endurance Quality and It Evaluation
--5.3.1 有氧耐力和无氧耐力的训练及评价 Aerobic or Anaerobic Endurance Testing
-5.4 协调素质与训练 Coordination Quality Training
--5.4.1 协调素质与训练 Coordinated Skills
-5.5 柔韧素质与训练 Flexibility Quality Training
--5.5.1 柔韧素质与训练 Flexible Skills
-5.6 灵敏素质与训练 Sensitivity Quality Training
--5.6.1 灵敏素质与训练 Sensitive Skills
-5.7 体能主导类项群运动员体能训练 Physique-oriented Item Training
--5.7.1 短冲类项目运动员体能训练 For Dash Items
--5.7.2 跳跃类项目运动员体能训练 For Jump Items
--5.7.3 投掷类项目运动员体能训练 For Athletic Throwing Items
--5.7.4 中长超长距离类项目运动员体能训练 For Physique-dominated Endurance Sports
-5.8 技能主导类项群运动员体能训练 Technique-focused Athletic Gymnastics
--5.8.1 竞技体操运动员的体能训练 For Athletic Gymnastics
--5.8.2 艺术体操、健美操和武术运动员的体能... For Rhythmic Gymnastics, Aerobics Dancing and Martial Arts
--5.8.2 艺术体操、健美操和武术运动员的体能训练讨论题
--5.8.2 艺术体操、健美操和武术运动员的体能训练知识点
-5.9 运动员技术能力与训练 Athletic Technique Training Methods
--5.9.1 运动员技术能力与训练 For General Athletes
--5.9.2 不同项群运动技术训练要点 For Skill-oriented Difficulty-related Items for Professionals
-5.10 运动员战术能力与训练 Athletic Tactical Training Make-up
--5.10.1 运动员战术能力与训练 For General Athletes
--5.10.2 战术方案的制定 For Item-specific Sportsmen
-5.11 运动员心理能力与运动智能及训练 Psychological and Kinesthetic Intelligences
--5.11.1 运动员心理能力与训练 Athletic Psychological Affects
--5.11.2 运动智能与训练 Kinesthetic Intelligence and Training
-6.1 多年训练计划实施与控制 Year-round Schedule and Activation
--6.1.1 全程性、区间性训练计划实施与控制要... Implement and Motoring for A whole or An Interim Training
-6.2 年度训练计划与组织 Yearly Plan and Management
--6.2.1 年度训练中的周期安排 Yearly Training Course
--6.2.2 大周期训练计划要点 Longer Training Cycle
-6.3 训练周、课训练计划与组织 Weekly or Sectional Training Arrangements
--6.3.1 训练周训练计划与组织 On Weekly Basis
--6.3.2 训练课训练计划与组织 On Daily Basis
-7.1 运动员科学选材概述 Introduction to Scientific Selection of Sportsmen
--7.1.1 科学选材的含义 Meaning of Scientific Selection
--7.1.2 训练实践中的科学选材 Selection Made in Course of Training
-7.2 遗传与运动员选材 Athletic Heredity and General Development
--7.2.1 竞技能力的遗传及规律 Sportive Tendency of Athletic Heredity
--7.2.2 儿童少年发育基本规律 Kids Growth and Athletic Development
--7.2.3 竞技能力各构成要素的选材特性 Selective Prerequisites for Composition of Athletic Capability
--7.2.4 运动员年龄和发育程度的鉴别 Athletic Identification of Age and Manifestation
-7.3 科学选材的实施 Actualization of Scientific Selection of Candidates
--7.3.1 科学选材的步骤 Selective Steps
--7.3.2 各项群运动员科学选材的基本要求 Basic Requirements for Selecting Item-specific Athletes