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Abstract: Stit (``see to it that) logics and their various extensions have been used to clarify complex moral and legal ideas and to represent game-theoretic situations. Although both of these applications involve counterfactual reasoning, only a few stit logics incorporate reasoning about counterfactuals.   In this talk, I will introduce stit logics (including stit logics with knowledge modalities), and show how to merge a standard logic of counterfactuals with a stit logic with action types. Taking a cue from the literature on causal models, the main idea is to label some choices as "deviant", where a choice is deviant when its performance violates some underlying causal laws, social or legal norms, or other "rules of the game.  The talk will introduce branching time logics, stit logics, counterfactual logic, and discuss three key intuitions about the intereaction of counterfactuals with temporal and agency modalities: the rewind intuition, the causal independence intuition and the no forgetting intuition.

The talk will be based on joint work with Ilaria Canavotto. 

Speaker: Eric Pacuit is an associate professor in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Maryland. Prior to coming to Maryland, Eric did his graduate work at the City University of New York Graduate Center, and was a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation at the University of Amsterdam and in the Departments of Philosophy and Computer Science at Stanford University. Erics primary research interests are in logic (especially modal logic), game theory, social choice theory, and formal and social epistemology. His research has been funded by the Natural Science Foundation and a Vidi grant from the Dutch science foundation (NWO).

Background Reading: 

Alexandru Baltag, Ilaria Canavotto and Sonja Smets (2019) Causal Agency and Responsibility: A Refinement of STIT Logic: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mJUX_9DK0QfokDUtAc2reMpZC7fFH_Mx/view

John F. Horty and Eric Pacuit (2017),  Action types in stit semantics: http://users.umiacs.umd.edu/~horty/articles/2017-kstit-pub.pdf

William Starr (2019), Counterfactuals, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy:https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/counterfactuals/

A short course at ESSLLI 2019 on stit and epistemic logic: https://pacuit.org/esslli2019/epstit/

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Seminar on Latest Development in Logic课程列表:

On the Logic of Vector Space Models


-The basic language and logic

-The semantics and belief revision in the vector space model

-Extension, interpretation and application


Rethinking Epistemic Logic with Belief Bases


-A logic of explicit and implicit belief

-Universal Epistemic Model

-Dynamic extensions


Counterfactuals in STIT with Action Types


-Counterfactuals in stit

-Similarity on histories


Reasoning and Completeness in Hybrid Logic


-Syntax, Semantics and Standard Translation

-Hybrid Reasoning



Half Truth and the Liar

-Introduction and strict-tolerant

-Absolute adjectives and half truths


Logics for Inductive Learning


-Subset Space Logic and Learning Frames

-"Universality" of AGM and the Ockhan Prior


The Hard Problem of Theory Choice -- A Case Study of Causal Inference


-Bayesian network

-The problem of underdetermination and the old approach to it

-New approach




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