A Guide to English-speaking Countries

Let's find out more about the past and present, myth and legend of these countries.


A Guide to English-speaking Countries课程:前往报名学习

A Guide to English-speaking Countries视频慕课课程简介:

Let's find out more about the past and present, myth and legend of these countries.


A Guide to English-speaking Countries课程列表:


Unit 1 Geography,people and language

-Unit 1 Glossary


-1.1 UK:Geography features and major cities

--1.1 UK:Geography features and major cities

-1.1 Quiz

-1.2 US:Geography features and major cities

--1.2 US:Geography features and major cities

-1.2 Quiz

-1.3 Ethnic Groups

--1.3 Ethnic Groups

-1.3 Quiz

-1.4 Language

--1.4 Language

-1.4 Quiz

-1.5 British English v.s. American English

--1.5 British English v.s. American English

-1.5 Quiz

-Unit 1 Test

-Topic for discussion: How much do you know about Britain?

Unit 2 History

-Unit 2 Glossary


-2.1 People

--2.1 People

-2.1 Quiz

-2.2 The Thrones

--2.2 The Thrones Part A

--2.2 The Thrones Part B

-2.2 Quiz

-2.3 U.K.: The Empire

--2.3 U.K.: The Empire

-2.3 Quiz

-2.4 U.S.: The Discovery and Colonies

--2.4 U.S.: The Discovery and Colonies

-2.4 Quiz

-2.5 U.S.:the Independence

--2.5 U.S.:the Independence

-2.5 Quiz

-2.6 U.S.:The Civil War

--2.6 U.S.:The Civil War

-2.6 Quiz

-Unit 2 Test

-Topic for Discussion: Kings and queens

Unit 3 Politics

-Unit 3 Glossary


-3.1 U.K.: The monarchy, the government and political parties

--3.1 U.K.: The monarchy, the government and political parties

-3.1 Quiz

-3.2 American Political System

--3.2 American Political System

-3.2 Quiz

-3.3 American Democracy

--3.3 American Democracy

-3.3 Quiz

-3.4 Exciting Campaigns, Electrifying Speeches

--Exciting Campaigns, Electrifying Speeches:Part A

--Exciting Campaigns, Electrifying Speeches: Part B

-3.4 Quiz

-Unit 3 Test

-Topic for discussion: President, President!

Unit 4 Economy and technology

-Unit 4 Glossary


-4.1 The U.K.: Economy

--4.1 The U.K.: Economy

-4.1 Quiz

-4.2 the U.S.: Economy

--the U.S.: Economy

-4.2 Quiz

-4.3 The U.S.: Technology

--4.3 The U.S.: Technology

-4.3 Quiz

-Unit 4 Test

-Topic for discussion: The greatest invention in the history

Unit 5 Education

-Unit 5 Glossary


-5.1 The History of Education, Educational Policy and Educational System

--5.1 The History of Education, Educational Policy and Educational System

-5.1 Quiz

-5.2 Higher Education and Famous Universities

--5.2 Higher Education and Famous Universities

-5.2 Quiz

-5.3 Go to British and American Universities: A Conversation

--5.3 Go to British and American Universities: A Conversation

-5.3 Quiz

-Unit 5 Test

-Topic for discussion: Which country would you like to go for further study?

Unit 6 Popular Culture

-Unit 6 Glossary


-6.1 Hollywood

--6.1 Hollywood

-6.1 Quiz

-6.2 British and American Televisions

--6.2 British and American Televisions

-6.2 Quiz

-6.3 Press and Social Media

--6.3 Press and Social Media

-6.3 Quiz

-6.4 Popular Music


-6.4 Popular Music

-6.4 Quiz

-Unit 6 Test

Unit 7 Social Life (1)

-Unit 7 Glossary


-7.1 Life and Customs

--7.1 Life and Customs

-7.1 Quiz

-7.2 Religions

--7.2 Religions

-7.2 Quiz

-7.3 British Holidays

--7.3 British Holidays

-7.3 Quiz

-7.4 American Holidays

--7.4 American Holidays

-7.4 Quiz

-Unit 7 Test

-Topic for discussion: Other traditions and customs

Unit 8 Social Life (2)

-Unit 8 Glossary


-8.1 Sports

--8.1 Sports

-8.1 Quiz

-8.2 British Pubs and American Bars

--8.2 British Pubs and American Bars

-8.2 Quiz

-8.3 Entertainment and Recreation

--8.3 Entertainment and Recreation

-8.3 Quiz

-8.4 Travel

--8.4 Travel

-8.4 Quiz

-Unit 8 Test

-Topic for discussion: Disneyland

Unit 9 Canada

-9.1 Geography and History

--9.1 Geography and History

--9.1 Quiz

-9.2 Government and Economy

--9.2 Government and Economy

--9.2 Quiz

-9.3 Society and Culture

--9.3 Society and Culture

--9.3 Quiz

-Unit 9 Test

-Topic for discussion: the Canadian English

Unit 10 Ireland

-10.1 Geography and History

--10.1 Geography and History

--10.1 Quiz

-10.2 Government, Economy and Culture

--10.2 Government, Economy and Culture

--10.2 Quiz

-Unit 10 Test

-Topic for discussion: Irish culture

Unit 11 Australia

-11.1 Geography and History

--11.1 Geography and History

--11.1 Quiz

-11.2 Government, Economy and Culture

--11.2 Government, Economy and Culture

--11.2 Quiz

-Topic for discussion: Australian Style

Unit 12 New Zealand

-Unit 12 New Zealand

-12 Quiz

-Unit 11&12 Test

A Guide to English-speaking Countries开设学校:暨南大学

A Guide to English-speaking Countries授课教师:


陈穗珊(1979-),女,讲师,英国利兹大学传播学及应用翻译硕士、华南师范大学博士研究生,美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校访问学者,主要研究方向为翻译及语言教育政策。2003年至今在暨南大学外语学院大学英语部任教,主讲课程包括大学综合英语、剑桥商务英语、英美概况等。参与编译2010 国家社科基金后期资助项目《Encarta英语大词典》。主持2015年广东省高等教育教学研究和改革项目:《课语整合教学模式的探索与实践——以英语授课文化类通识教育课程为例》,微课《澳大利亚概况》在中央电教馆主办的的2018全国教育信息化交流展示活动中获得一等奖。




邹红英,主要从事应用语言学方向的研究,担任国际剑桥商务英语,大学英语及研究生英语课程。在《外语界》,《山东外语教学》,《大学英语》,《暨南大学学报》等刊物上发表“大学英语四级后口语教学初探”,“大学英语测试新思路——论交际测试的介入”,“几组易混词辨析”,“试论大学英语词汇教与学的问题与对策”等论文近十篇。撰写《实战商务英语会话》,《实战面试英语》等专著数册,参与编写《大学英语四级词汇精解词典》,《剑桥商务英语词汇初、中级手册》,《广东省成人大学英语二级模拟试题集》,广东省成人高等教育专科教材《大学英语》等。 2015年获暨南大学本科教学校长奖。主持省级课题两项。


  1. A Guide to English-speaking Countries(Round 2)

  2. 多民族文化符号与传播(2021秋)

  3. Critical Thinking and Critical Writing(Round 2)

  4. English Public Speaking(Round 2)

  5. 轮滑高级教程(2021秋)

  6. Physiological System Engineering(Round 2)

  7. 康复功能评定学(2021秋)

  8. 社会学概论(2021秋)

  9. 工业炉窑热工及构造(2021秋)

  10. 中兽医学(2021秋)

  11. 机电传动控制(2021秋)

  12. 生命教育——户外运动安全救护(2021秋)

  13. 金融学(2021秋)

  14. 建设工程招投标与合同管理(2021秋)

  15. 药用植物学(2021秋)

  16. 网络信息检索(2021秋)

  17. 跨国经营与管理(2021秋)

  18. 智慧的秘密(2021秋)

  19. 中医儿科学(2021暑假班)

  20. 物流管理基础(2021秋)
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