Genetic Engineering

Genetic engineering is changing our lives profoundly. It enables us to design new species, produce biological products and treat diseases by modifying genes. And since genetic engineering is on its way to our life, getting to know it is our priority now. So, let us open this door of mystery together.


Genetic Engineering课程:前往报名学习

Genetic Engineering视频慕课课程简介:

Genetic engineering is changing our lives profoundly. It enables us to design new species, produce biological products and treat diseases by modifying genes. And since genetic engineering is on its way to our life, getting to know it is our priority now. So, let us open this door of mystery together.


Genetic Engineering课程列表:


Chapter 1 Introduction and Basic Knowledge

-1.1 Introduction and Basic Concepts - What Makes the Blue Blooms of Roses - Let Us Start to Learn about the Genetic Engineering

--1.1 Introduction and Basic Concepts - What Makes the Blue Blooms of Roses - Let Us Start to Learn about the Genetic Engineering

-1.2 History - How Has Genetic Engineering Come into Being

--1.2 History - How Has Genetic Engineering Come into Being

-1.3 Basis of Molecular Biology

--1.3.1 Basis of Molecular Biology 1 - What Makes Human Be Able to Reproduce – The Discovery of the Central Rule

--1.3.2 Basis of Molecular Biology 2 - Why Do Children Look Like Parents - Gene Expression

--1.3.3 Basis of Molecular Biology 3 - How Do Proteins Form in Organisms - Interpretation and Regulation of Gene Expression

-Chapter 1 Homework

Chapter 2 Preparation of Target Genes

-2.1 Nucleic Acid Extraction - How to Get DNA in an Organism - Nucleic Acid Extraction Tells You the Truth

--2.1 Nucleic Acid Extraction - How to Get DNA in an Organism - Nucleic Acid Extraction Tells You the Truth

-2.2 Nucleic Acid Detection - How to Confirm Whether DNA Has Been Obtained

--2.2 Nucleic Acid Detection - How to Confirm Whether DNA Has Been Obtained

-2.3 PCR Principle - A Good Way to Increase DNA

--2.3 PCR Principle - A Good Way to Increase DNA

-2.4 PCR Influencing Factors - Increase DNA by Experiments

--2.4 PCR Influencing Factors - Increase DNA by Experiments

-2.5 Reverse Transcription PCR and the Construction of cDNA Library

--2.5 Reverse Transcription PCR and the Construction of cDNA Library

-2.6 The Genome-Wide Amplification and Genome Research

--2.6 The Genome-Wide Amplification and Genome Research

-2.7 Tool Enzyme - Scissors and Glue in Genetic Engineering - Tool Enzyme

--2.7 Tool Enzyme - Scissors and Glue in Genetic Engineering - Tool Enzyme

-Chapter 2 Homework

Chapter 3 Plasmid

-3.1 Blue-White Screening - Fun Blue-White Screening - Strain Screening Method Based on Colors

--3.1 Blue-White Screening - Fun Blue-White Screening - Strain Screening Method Based on Colors

-3.2 Plasmid Vector - Who Helps the Scientists Complete the Genetic Modification

--3.2 Plasmid Vector - Who Helps the Scientists Complete the Genetic Modification

-3.3 Viral Vector - Introduce more DNA into Plasmid Vectors to Prepare for Later Sequencing

--3.3 Viral Vector - Introduce more DNA into Plasmid Vectors to Prepare for Later Sequencing

-Chapter 3 Homework

Chapter 4 Introducing Target Gene into Recipient Cells

-4.1 Recipient Cells - Selfless Cells in Organisms

--4.1 Recipient Cells - Selfless Cells in Organisms

-4.2 Transformation - The Way to Introduce Selected Genes into Cells

--4.2 Transformation - The Way to Introduce Selected Genes into Cells

-4.3 Screening and Identification of Recombiner - Screening and Identification of Specially Processed Substances

--4.3 Screening and Identification of Recombiner - Screening and Identification of Specially Processed Substances

-4.4 DNA Sequencing Technology

--4.4 DNA Sequencing Technology

-Chapter 4 Homework

Chapter 5 Expression of Exogenous Gene

-5.1 Prokaryotic Expression System

--5.1 Prokaryotic Expression System

-5.2 Eukaryotic Expression System

--5.2 Eukaryotic Expression System

-Chapter 5 Homework

Chapter 6 Application of Genetic Engineering

-6.1 Application of Genetic Engineering-Industrial

--6.1.1 Production of Cysteine Through Gene-Edited by Escherichia Coli - Cysteine Could Be Produced by Hair and by Escherichia Coli

--6.1.2 Massive Production of Vitamin C by Genetic Recombination Technology

-6.2 Application of Genetic Engineering-Agriculture

--6.2.1 Golden Rice with Vitamin A - How Do We Produce Golden Rice?

--6.2.2 Bt Toxin Protein of Bacillus Thuringiensis - A Lesson for You to Create A Plant with Insect Resistance

--6.2.3 Transgenic Plants and Herbicide Resistance - A Plant that Prevents Weeds from Growing

-6.3 Application of Genetic Engineering-Medicine

--6.3.1 Recombined Vaccine by Gene Engineering - Hepatitis B Vaccine

--6.3.2 Genetic Engineering Drugs - Herceptin - Microorganism Can Produce Various Drugs for Human Beings

--6.3.3 Gene Therapy - Junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa - Insert Some Genes into Escherichia Coli to Make More Proteins Expressed.

-6.4 Gene Editing - A Technology that Can Treat Diseases

--6.4 Gene Editing - A Technology that Can Treat Diseases

-Chapter 6 Homework

-Unit discussion

Chapter 7 Debating on Genetic Engineering and Biosafety

-7.1 Discussions on Genetic Engineering and Biosecurity - Genetic Engineering Is a Double-Edged Sword

--7.1 Discussions on Genetic Engineering and Biosecurity - Genetic Engineering Is a Double-Edged Sword

-Chapter 7 Homework

Chapter 8 Experiments

-Experiment 1 Extraction and Detection of Genomic DNA of Escherichia Coli

--Experiment 1 Extraction and Detection of Genomic DNA of Escherichia Coli

-Experiment 2 PCR Amplification, Capillary Electrophoresis and Gel Extraction of Chorismate Lyase Gene

--Experiment 3 Cloning, Ligation and Transformation of Genes

-Experiment 3 Cloning, Ligation and Transformation of Genes

--Experiment 3 Cloning, Ligation and Transformation of Genes

-Experiment 4 Plasmid Extraction and Positive Clone Detection

--Experiment 4 Plasmid Extraction and Positive Clone Detection

-Chapter 8 Homework

Genetic Engineering开设学校:昆明理工大学

Genetic Engineering授课教师:








罗义勇,微生物学博士,副教授,已从事本科和研究生教学近10年,具有丰富教学经验。承担本科生《微生物学》、《微生物学实验》和《基因工程 》等本科教学工作以及硕士研究生《基因操作原理和应用》、《应用真菌学》等课程教学任务,获得学生和同事优秀评价。


冯阳 农学博士,担任《生物检测技术》《分子生物学》等课程主讲。


潘卉 遗传学博士,担任《细胞生物学》和《生物化学》课程主讲。


  1. Genetic Engineering(Round 2)

  2. 生物化学(2021秋)

  3. IT行业职场英语(2021秋)

  4. Artistic Textiles(Round 2)

  5. 国际商务(2021秋)

  6. A Beginner’s Guide to Etiquette(Round 2)

  7. 钢琴演奏基础(Fundamentals of Piano Performance)(2021秋)

  8. 人类行为与社会环境(2021秋)

  9. 植物营养学(2021秋)

  10. 药剂学(2021秋)

  11. “做中学”Java程序设计(2021秋)

  12. 纺织导论(2021秋)

  13. 医学SCI论文写作(2021秋)

  14. 市场营销实务(2021秋)

  15. 有限元基础与软件应用(2021秋)

  16. 中国人类学民族学史(2021秋)

  17. 机械制图(2021秋)

  18. 隋唐五代史专题(2021秋)

  19. 中国古代建筑艺术(2021秋)

  20. 成本会计学(2021秋)
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