Global Tourism Development Trends(International Edition)

This course covers‍ the following topics: Global tourism development since the end of World War Ⅱ; Tourism Development in China since its Open Door Policy; China’s Belt and Road Initiative and its implications for the global tourism industry; the sustainability of tourism development, and some current issues in tourism development globally.


Global Tourism Development Trends(International Edition)课程:前往报名学习

Global Tourism Development Trends(International Edition)视频慕课课程简介:

This course covers‍ the following topics: Global tourism development since the end of World War Ⅱ; Tourism Development in China since its Open Door Policy; China’s Belt and Road Initiative and its implications for the global tourism industry; the sustainability of tourism development, and some current issues in tourism development globally.


Global Tourism Development Trends(International Edition)课程列表:



-Development of International Tourism






-Role of Government in Tourism Development



-The Belt and Road Initiative



-Interview: Understanding Tourism Industry






-The Belt and Road Initiative

--Intent of the Belt and Road Initiative

--Impact on the Global Tourism

--The New Pattern of Inbound Tourism in China

-Pakistan as an Example

--Pakistan is Important for “B & R“

--What does Pakistan Offer to Chinese Tourists?

--A Hub of Natural and Cultural Resources

--Ready for the Chinese Tourists

-Interview : Understanding the Implications of the “B&R” Initiative

--The Implications on Tourism Development Globally

--Cooperation to Develop Tourism

--The Development Potential of Tourism



-Development of Inbound Tourism

--Development History of Inbound Tourism

--The Major Inbound Markets

-Domestic Tourism

--Development History of Domestic Tourism

--Development Potential

--Definition of Integrated Tourism

--The Indicators of Integrated Tourism Demonstration Zone

--Cases Study of Integrated Tourism

-Outbound Tourism

--The Development of China's Outbound Tourism

-The Belt and Road Initiative

--Introducing “B & R”

--The Influence of “B & R”

--Tourism and Transportation Advantage

-Interview: the Tourism Future

--What does the BRI mean to the tourism industry in Thailand?

--What stage is the tourism development in Thailand for the Mainland Chinese market?

--What's the Tourism Future?



-Basic Points and Perspectives of Sustainable Tourism Planning




-Basic Planning Principles



-The Basic Points of the Impacts of Tourism



-The Basic Points of the Impacts of Tourism



-Three Models of Residents’ Reaction





-Medical Tourism





-Perception of Risk and Travel Decision





-Smart Tourism








Global Tourism Development Trends(International Edition)开设学校:南开大学

Global Tourism Development Trends(International Edition)授课教师:


邱汉琴教授,英国思克莱德大学(University of Strathclyde)博士,本科和硕士研究生分别毕业于中国南开大学与加拿大滑铁卢大学(University of Waterloo),主要从事国际旅游方面的研究。邱教授为本科, 硕士,及博士研究生讲授旅游规划发展与政策相关的课程。她的研究兴趣包括旅游研究、消费者行为和中国酒店与旅游发展及政策问题。她同时兼任浙江大学,天津商学院,美国俄克拉荷马州立大学客座教授,华南理工大学讲座教授,顺德职业技术学院的荣誉教授,中山大学教学管理顾问。

Carson Lewis Jenkins-Professor-思克莱德大学-

Emeritus professor of international Tourism University of Strathclyde, Glasgow Scotland and Visiting Professor, School of Tourism and Service Management, Nankai University, previously visiting Scholar, School of Professional Education and Executive Development at Hong Kong Polytechnic University Academic membership 1. Elected Fellow of International Academy for the Study of Tourism 2. Visiting Professor Shanghai Institute for Tourism , China (1994); University of Stirling, Scotland (2002); Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management, (Dubai 2003); Chiang Mai University, Thailand (2011-2012) Editorial Appointments 1.Annals of Tourism Research: Resource Editor. 2.Journal of Tourism Economics: Board Member. 3.Anatolia: Board Member. 4. Tourism Recreation Research: Board Member Research interests are in tourism policy and planning and the role of tourism in development developing countries.

Lyu Jiaying-Associate Professor-浙江大学-

Dr. JiayingLyu is an Associate Professor in Tourism Management who is known for her research and publications on leisure and tourism. She has also been involved in a range of research involving leisure travel behavior of the elderly, tourism innovation based on mobile internet, non-profit organizations and protected area governance. Professor Lyu started her academic career with the Zhejiang University in 2011. Her current position is Deputy Director of the Leisure Management Institute in Zhejiang University. Academic Qualification: Doctor of Recreation, Parks, and Tourism, Texas A & M University, USA Master of Arts in Leisure, University of Manitoba, Canada Bachelor of Tourism Management, Zhejiang University, China

Asif Khan-Associate Professor-浙江大学-

Mr. Asif Khan is the head of Tourism and Hospitality, who is known for his efforts in the establishment of tourism and hospitality programmers at degree level in Pakistan. His research area is tourism and wellbeing. He is the National Expert of NAVTTC Prime Minister Secretariat, Islamabad, Pakistan. He is the secretary of tourism’s curriculum development of Higher Education Commission, Islamabad, Pakistan. Mr. Khan started his academic career with Hazara University in 2008. Doctorate in Tourism Management: Zhejiang University, China Master in Marketing of Culture Heritage, Hazara University Pakistan Bachelor of Business Administration, University of Peshawar, Pakistan

John Ap-Associate Professor-Tourism Management-

John Ap is a Professor in Tourism Management who is internationally known for his research and publications on community perceptions of tourism. He has also been involved in a range of consultancy projects involving tourism and recreation planning studies, theme park studies, and market research surveys. Professor Ap started his academic career with the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 1992. He joined Stenden University Qatar in September 2013 and commenced his current position as a Visiting Professor at the Institute for Tourism Studies, Macao in January 2016. Prior to becoming an academic he had worked 11½ years as certified town planner in Australia where he specialised in recreation and tourism planning. His main areas of expertise are in tourism planning, theme parks and attractions, and research methods.

Peter P. Yuen-Professor and Dean-PolyU’s Department of Management and Marketing-

Professor Yuen is a Professor of PolyU’s Department of Management and Marketing. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Cellular and Molecular Biology and Master in Business Administration degree from the State University of New York at Buffalo, USA, and his Doctor of Philosophy degree in Health Economics from the University of Birmingham, UK. Prior to his appointment as the Dean of CPCE, Prof. Yuen held a number of management positions at PolyU, including Associate Vice-President (Management), Director of the Public Policy Research Institute, and Head of the Department of Management. He was also the founding Director of the Doctor of Business Administration programme in the Faculty of Business. Prof. Yuen’s research mainly focuses on public policy formulation and evaluation, and health services management.

Pimtong Tavitiyaman-Senior Lecturer-学堂在线-

Dr Pimtong Tavitiyaman is a Senior Lecturer of PolyU SPEED and Program Leader in the academic discipline of Hospitality Management. She was the recipient of the 2011/12 CPCE Award for Superior Research-Scholarly Performance and CPCE Outstanding Teaching Performance/ Achievement Award 2014/15. Dr Tavitiyaman received her Bachelor of Liberal Arts from Thammasat University, Thailand, and Master of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Administration and Doctor of Philosophy in Human Environmental Sciences from Oklahoma State University, USA. In terms of professional experiences, she worked at a the five-star hotel in Bangkok, Thailand and many university dining outlets and restaurants in Virginia and Oklahoma, USA. Dr Tavitiyaman teaches courses in the areas of hospitality and tourism such as Research Methods, Legal and Ethical Issues in Hospitality and Tourism Industry, Contemporary Issues in Hospitality and Tourism Industry, and Hotel Planning and Development.


Nopasit Chakpitak is Dean of the International College of Digital Innovation in Chiang Mai University. His academic research area are knowledge engineering, and the application of artificial intelligence in the power industry. Previous Jobs: 2011-2014 Assistant to the President, academic and international affairs, Chiang Mai University 2004-2011 Dean, College of Arts, Media and Technology, Chiang Mai University 1998-2001 NECTEC IT Program Coordinator for NSTDA (National Science and Technology Development Agency) Northern Network : 1998-2001 HRD Consultant, Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand Consultant 1987-1992 Power Plant Engineer, Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand : 1986-1987 Project Engineer, Mass Communication Organization of Thailand.


  1. Global Tourism Development Trends(国际版)(Round 2)

  2. 井巷工程(2021秋)

  3. 预防医学(2021秋)

  4. 园林简史(2021暑假班)

  5. Hydraulic Power(Round 2)

  6. 临床药物治疗学(2021秋)

  7. EDA技术(2021秋)

  8. 高级语言程序设计(2021秋)

  9. International Business Management(Round 2)

  10. Plant Landscape Planning and Design(Round 2)

  11. 新时代大学生恋爱与婚姻(2021秋)

  12. 软件理论与工程(2021秋)

  13. 电工电子技术(2021秋)

  14. 软件开发实训--动态网站开发(2021秋)

  15. 农产品加工学-粮油加工(2021暑假班)

  16. 常见肿瘤的诊断和综合治疗(2021秋)

  17. 最优化方法(2021秋)

  18. 工业企业消防安全(2021秋)

  19. 乒乓球入门与提高(2021秋)

  20. 中国戏曲文化(2021秋)
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