








Module 1: Understanding Intercultural Communication

-1.1 Culture & Its Elements

--Culture & Its Elements

-1.2 Characteristics of Culture

--Characteristics of Culture

-1.3 Metaphors of Culture

--Metaphors of Culture

-1.4 Basics of Communication

--Basics of Communication

-1.5 Intercultural Communication

--Intercultural Communication

-课后习题-Understanding Intercultural Communication

-讨论-Understanding Intercultural Communication

-课外延伸-Understanding Intercultural Communication

Module 2: Values and Value Orientations Across Cultures

-2.1 The Kluckhohns and Strodtbeck’s Value Orientations

--The Kluckhohns and Strodtbeck’s Value Orientations

-2.2 Hofstede’s Value Dimensions

--Hofstede’s Value Dimensions

-2.3 Hall’s High-context and Low-context Orientations

--Hall’s High-context and Low-context Orientations

-2.4 Face and Facework

--Face and Facework

-2.5 Dominant Chinese Cultural Patterns

--Dominant Chinese Cultural Patterns

-2.6 Dominant United States Cultural Patterns

--Dominant United States Cultural Patterns

-课后习题-Values and Value Orientations Across Cultures

-讨论-Values and Value Orientations Across Cultures

-课外延伸-Values and Value Orientations Across Cultures

Module 3: Language and Culture

-3.1 The Relationship between Language and Culture

--The Relationship between Language and Culture

-3.2 Cultural differences in Words and their Meaning

--Cultural differences in Words and their Meaning

-3.3 Cultural Differences in Daily Conversations

--Cultural Differences in Daily Conversations

-3.4 Communication Styles

--Communication Styles

-课后习题-Language and Culture

-讨论-Language and Culture

-课外延伸-Language and Culture

Module 4: Nonverbal Communication Across Cultures

-4.1 Basics of Nonverbal Communication

--Basics of Nonverbal Communication

-4.2 Body Language

--Body Language

-4.3 Time


-4.4 Space and Touch

--Space and Touch

-Nonverbal Communication Across Cultures

-讨论-Nonverbal Communication Across Cultures

-课外延伸-Nonverbal Communication Across Cultures

Module 5: Cultural Influences on Various Contexts

-5.1 Cultural Influences on Education

--Cultural Influences on Education

-5.2 Traditional Chinese Medicine Vs. Western Medicine

--Traditional Chinese Medicine Vs. Western Medicine

-5.3 Major Tea Cultures in the World

--Major Tea Cultures in the World

-5.4 Cultural Influences on Politics

--Cultural Influences on Politics

-课后习题-Cultural Influences on Various Contexts

-讨论-Cultural Influences on Various Contexts

-课外延伸-Cultural Influences on Various Contexts

Module 6: Gender and Communication Across Cultures

-6.1 Sex and Gender

--Sex and Gender

-6.2 Gender Roles across Cultures

--Gender Roles across Cultures

-6.3 Sexist Language

--Sexist Language

-6.4 Cross-gender Communication

--Cross-gender Communication

-课后习题-Gender and Communication Across Cultures

-讨论-Gender and Communication Across Cultures

-课外延伸-Gender and Communication Across Cultures

Module 7: Intercultural Communication in Business Setting

-7.1 Business Negotiation across Cultures

--Business Negotiation across Cultures

-7.2 Business Protocols across Cultures

--Business Protocols across Cultures

-7.3 Conflict Management across Cultures

--Conflict Management across Cultures

-7.4 Cultural Impact on Global Marketing

--Cultural Impact on Global Marketing

-7.5 Business Leadership across Cultures

--Business Leadership across Cultures

-课后习题-Intercultural Communication in Business Setting

-讨论-Intercultural Communication in Business Setting

-课外延伸-Intercultural Communication in Business Setting

Module 8: Communication Across “Belt and Road “Countries

-8.1 Introduction to the Belt and Road Initiative

--Introduction to the Belt and Road Initiative

-8.2 The Cultural Foundations of the Belt and Road Initiative

--The Cultural Foundations of the Belt and Road Initiative

-8.3 Globalization and the Belt and Road Initiative

--Globalization and the Belt and Road Initiative

-8.4 Language Communication in the Belt and Road Construction

--Language Communication in the Belt and Road Construction

-课后习题-Communication Across “Belt and Road “Countries

-讨论-Communication Across “Belt and Road “Countries

-课外延伸-Communication Across “Belt and Road “Countries

Module 9: A cross-Cultural Dialogue Toward a Community of Shared Future for Mankind

-9.1 Global Challenges Facing Humankind

--Global Challenges Facing Humankind

-9.2 Stereotyping, Prejudice and Ethnocentrism

--Stereotyping, Prejudice and Ethnocentrism

-9.3 Intercultural Communication Toward a Community of Shared Future

--Intercultural Communication Toward a Community of Shared Future

-课后习题-A cross-Cultural Dialogue Toward a Community of Shared Future for Mankind

-讨论-A cross-Cultural Dialogue Toward a Community of Shared Future for Mankind

-课外延伸-A cross-Cultural Dialogue Toward a Community of Shared Future for Mankind

Module 10: Developing Intercultural Competence as a Global Citizen

-10.1 Cultural Shock

--Cultural Shock

-10.2 Acculturation


-10.3 The Concept of Intercultural Communication Competence

--The Concept of Intercultural Communication Competence

-10.4 The Components of Intercultural Communication Competence

--The Components of Intercultural Communication Competence

-10.5 Improving Intercultural Communication Competence

--Improving Intercultural Communication Competence

-课后习题-Developing Intercultural Competence as a Global Citizen

-讨论-Developing Intercultural Competence as a Global Citizen

-课外延伸-Developing Intercultural Competence as a Global Citizen








主要教授课程《跨文化交际》,《通用英语》,《学术英语》。曾获第第七届“外教社杯”全国高校外语教学 大赛(大学英语组)北京赛区三等奖, 2019年,2020年连续两年荣获外研社“教学之星”大赛全国复赛二等奖。负责第2章、第6章、第8章、第10章的在线课程录制以及相关的课后拓展材料的设计。


  1. 数据统计与分析(2021秋)

  2. 学术英语写作(2021秋)

  3. 宽带接入组网与维护(2021秋)

  4. System Engineering(Round 2)

  5. 设计艺术史论(2021秋)

  6. 基础医学概论(2021秋)

  7. Inorganic Chemistry(Round 2)

  8. 材料物理性能(2021秋)

  9. Tourism Policy and Planning(国际版)(Round 2)

  10. 构造地质学(2021年秋)

  11. 跨文化交际(2021秋)

  12. 现代电路分析与综合(2021秋)

  13. 局部解剖学(2021暑假班)

  14. 医学生理学实验(2021秋)

  15. 油区构造解析(2021秋)

  16. 生活中的化工原理(下)(2021秋)

  17. 数字化学习(2021秋)

  18. 实用英语词汇学(2021秋)

  19. 建筑装饰photoshop(2021秋)

  20. 商务谈判学(2021秋)
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