Software Engineering

Can I become a software person? YES, you can! Everyone can become a software person. So, welcome to Software Engineering!


Software Engineering课程:前往报名学习

Software Engineering视频慕课课程简介:

Can I become a software person? YES, you can! Everyone can become a software person. So, welcome to Software Engineering!


Software Engineering课程列表:


Chapter 1 Introduction to Software Engineering

-1.1 Software History

--Video : 1.1 Software History

--PPT : 1.1 Software History

-1.2 Software Concept

--Video : 1.2 Software Concept

--PPT : 1.2 Software Concept

-Homework: 1.2 Software Concept

-1.3 Software Crisis

--Video : 1.3 Software Crisis

--PPT: 1.3 Software Crisis

-1.4 Software Engineering vs. Computer Science

--Video : 1.4 Software Engineering vs. Computer Science

--PPT:1.4 Software Engineering vs. Computer Science

-1.5 Software Ethics

--Video: 1.5 Software Ethics

--PPT: 1.5 Software Ethics

-Homework: 1.5 Software Ethics

-1.6 Software Terminology

--Video: 1.6 Software Terminology

Chapter 2 Software Process

-2.1 Software Lifecycle Phases

--Video: 2.1 Software Lifecycle Phases

--PPT: 2.1 Software Process

-Homework: 2.1 SW Process

-2.2 Software Team

--Video: 2.2 Software Team

-2.3 Software Testing

--Video: 2.3 Software Testing

--PPT: 2.3 Software Testing

-Homework:2.2 Software Testing

Chapter 3 Requirements

-3.1 Requirements Concept

--Video: 3.1 Requirements Concept

--PPT: Req. Concept

-Homework: 3.1 Req. Concept

-3.2 Achieve Requiements

--Video: 3.2 Achieve Requiements

--PPT: 3.2 Achieve Req.

--Requirements Template

-Homework: 3.2 Achieve Req.

-3.3 Rapid Prototype

--Video: 3.3 Rapid Prototype

--PPT: 3.3 Rapid Prototype

-3.4 Requirements Challenges

--Video: 3.4 Requirements Challenges

--PPT: 3.4 Requirements Challenge

-3.5 Requirements Cases

--A Failed Project

--The changing Requirements

Chapter 4 Introduction to OO

-4.1 Cohesion

--Video: 4.1 Cohesion

--PPT: 4.1 Conhesion

-4.1 内聚--作业

-4.2 Coupling

--Video: 4.2 Coupling

--PPT: 4.2 Coupling

-Homework:4.2 Coupling

-4.3 Data Encapsulation

--Video: 4.3 Data Encapsulation

--PPT: 4.3 Data Encapsulation

-Homework: 4.3 Data Encapsulation

-4.4 Information Hiding

--Video: 4.4 Information Hiding

--PPT: 4.4 Information Hiding

-4.5 Inheritence

--Video: 4.5 Inheritence

--PPT: 4.5 Inheritence

-Homework: 4.5 Inheritance

-4.6 Aggregation

--Video: 4.6 Aggregation

--PPT: 4.6 Aggregation

-4.7 Association

--Video: 4.7 Association

--PPT: 4.7 Association

-Homework: 4.7 Association

-4.8 Polymorphysm and Dynamic Binding

--Video: 4.8 Polymorphysm and Dynamic Binding

--PPT: 4.8 Polymorphysm and Dynamic Binding

-Homework: 4.8 Polymorphysm and Dynamic Binding

-4.9 OO Paradigm

--Video: 4.9 OO Paradigm

--PPT: 4.9 OO Paradigm

-Homework: 4.9 OO Paradigm

-4.10 UML

--Video: 4.10 UML

--PPT: 4.10 UML

Chapter 5 Object-Oriented Analysis

-5.1 Use Case Modeling

--Video: 5.1 Use Case Modeling

--PPT: 5.1 Use Case Modeling

--Animation: From Req. to Use Case Diagram

-homework:5.1 Use Case Modeling --1

-homework:5.1 Use Case Modeling --2

-5.2 Class Modeling

--Video: 5.2 Class Modeling

--PPT: 5.2 Class Modeling

--Animation of Class Modeling

-5.3 Dynamic Modeling

--Video: 5.3 Dynamic Modeling

--PPT: 5.3 Dynamic Modeling

-Homework: 5.4 Dynamic Modeling

-5.4 Testing during OOA

--Video: 5.4 Testing during OOA

--PPT: 5.4 Testing during OOA

-Homework: 5.4 Testing OOA

Chapter 6 Object-Oriented Design

-6.1 Architecture Design

--Video: 6.1 Architecture Design

--PPT: 6.1 Architecture Design

-Homework: 6.1 Software System Design

-6.2 Sequence Diagram

--Video: 6.2 Sequence Diagram

--PPT: 6.2 Sequence Diagram

-6.3 Detailed Design

--Video: 6.3 Detailed Design

--PPT: 6.3 Detailed Design

-Howmework: 6.2 OO Design

Chapter 7 Implementation and Integration

-7.1 Programming Languages

--Video: 7.1 Programming Languages

--PPT: 7.1 Programming Languages

-Homework: 7.1 Programming Languages

-7.2 Good Programming Practice

--Video: 7.2 Programming Practice

--PPT: 7.2 Good Programming Practice

-Homework: 7.2 Programming Practice

-7.3 Implementation and Integration

--Video: 7.3 Implementation and Integration

--PPT: 7.3 Implementation and Integration

-Homework: 7.3 Implementation and Integration

Chapter 8 Maintenance

-8.1 Maintenance is Necessary

--Video: 8.1 Maintenance is Necessary

--PPT: 8.1 Maintenance is Necessary

-Homework: 8.1 Maintenance is Necessary

-8.2 Maintenance Programmer

--Video: 8.2 Maintenance Programmer

--PPT: 8.2 Maintenance Programmer

-Homework: 8.2 Maintenance Programmer

Chapter 9 Software Lifecycle Models

-9.1 Software Lifecycle Models

--Video: 9.1 Software Lifecycle Models

--PPT: 9.1 Software Lifecycle Models

-Homework: chapter 9 Software Lifecycle Models

Software Engineering开设学校:东北大学

Software Engineering授课教师:


张爽老师,国家精品在线开放课程“软件工程”负责人与主讲教师,辽宁省精品资源共享课“软件工程”负责人与主讲教师,博士,东北大学软件学院副教授,星级教师。 1995年3月始在东北大学任教至今。从教二十多年来,对教学倾注了大量的热忱和执着,受到学生们的衷心爱戴与欢迎,并取得了多项教学成果,发表了一系列的教学论文。 近年的教学成果主要有:主讲的课程《软件工程》获得2018国家精品在线开放课程,2018年辽宁省普通高等教育教学成果一等奖,2014年教育软件大赛辽宁省优秀奖,2012年省级精品资源共享课辽宁省二等奖、2013年首届全国高校微课教学比赛获得辽宁省省级二等奖、多次获得东北大学教学成果奖、东北大学优秀网络课程校级一等奖、优秀教学课件等奖项。 负责并主持了多个教学项目:2017年教育部-华为产学合作创新创业项目《基于华为DevCloud的Java Web程序设计实践课程建设》,2018年辽宁省普通高等教育本科教学改革研究项目--优质教学资源建设与共享项目“课程《软件工程》跨校修读、考核与学分互认的教学模式研究与实践”,2012年辽宁省级精品资源共享课建设、2013年面向国际化办学的软件工程课程全英文教学模式研究与实践、2014年软件工程网络化考试二期试点项目等等。 张爽老师的主要研究方向为软件工程、人工智能、大数据、社交云等。作为项目负责人和主要参加人完成了国家级、省级自然科学基金项目、军工项目、高校教师业绩考核系统、机房自动巡检监控及设备管理信息系统开发、生产设备实时管理平台软件开发、生物特征识别等多项纵、横向项目。公开发表60多篇科研论文并检索。 指导学生获得2012年英特尔杯全国大学生软件创新大赛三等奖、辽宁省大学生计算机设计等比赛中获得二等奖及优秀指导教师、数模比赛辽宁省一等奖,并获得创新创业优秀指导教师称号。


  1. Software Engineering(Round 2)

  2. 过程装备制造工艺(2021秋)

  3. 无机元素化学(2021秋)

  4. 药理学(2021秋)

  5. Culture and Tourism(国际版)(Round 2)

  6. 无机化学(2021秋)

  7. 临床免疫学检验(2021秋)

  8. 书法鉴赏(2021秋)

  9. Acupuncture and moxibustion(Round 2)

  10. Clinical Physiology(Round 2)

  11. Business Correspondence for International Trade(Round 2)

  12. 有机化学(2021秋)

  13. 大学生心理健康教育(2021秋)

  14. 机械制造技术基础(2021秋)

  15. 土地资源学(2021秋)

  16. 分子生物学(2021秋)

  17. Principles of Microeconomics(Round 2)

  18. 分子影像学进展(2021秋)

  19. 生物药剂学(2021秋)

  20. Flavor Chemistry and Analysis(Round 2)
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