Oriental Wisdom—Caigentan

Those who gain success learn it will realize the impermanence in life; Those who face frustrated situation that learn it will be rejuvenated; The rich ones who learn it will understand vanity is illusory; The poor ones who learn it won’t fall Albatron ambition.


Oriental Wisdom—Caigentan课程:前往报名学习

Oriental Wisdom—Caigentan视频慕课课程简介:

Those who gain success learn it will realize the impermanence in life; Those who face frustrated situation that learn it will be rejuvenated; The rich ones who learn it will understand vanity is illusory; The poor ones who learn it won’t fall Albatron ambition.


Oriental Wisdom—Caigentan课程列表:


Prologue Introduction

-0.1 《Can Gen Tan》The crystallization of great wisdom of traditional

Chapter 1 Be virtuous and sincere, a kind man is bound to be blessed.

-1.1 Virtue, master of ability. Ability, slave of virtue.

-1.1 Chapter assignment

-1.2 The man who have made contributions are mostly modesty and harmony.

-1.2 Chapter assignment

-1.3 Good reputation and honor should not be owned exclusively by oneself.

-1.3 Chapter assignment

-1.4 It’s noble to keep distances from power, influence and acquisitiveness.

-1.4 Chapter assignment

-1.5 It’s better to leave adequate leeway.

-1.5 Chapter assignment

-1.6 Happiness can’t be forced, positive attitude is basic for blessing.

-1.6 Chapter assignment

-1.7 There is no need to claim credit, faultless is a kind of achievement.

-1.7 Chapter assignment

-1.8 Frugality is morality, excessive frugality is begrudge.

-1.8 Chapter assignment

-1.9 We should hold in awe and veneration to great man, so that we won’t overindulge ourselves.

-1.9 Chapter assignment

-1.10 All things on earth will have it’s moments, spirituality need to be stimulated.

-1.10 Chapter assignment

-1.11 A gentleman will accept adverse situation and be prepared for danger in times of safety.

-1.11 Chapter assignment

-1.12 A gentlemen with high morality will still be clam and peace after he deal with crisis.

-1.12 Chapter assignment

-1.13 One should keep his house clean and tidy even in poverty.

-1.13 Chapter assignment

-1.14 One should aware of straitened and humble circumstances even in wealth and rank.

-1.14 Chapter assignment

-1.15 It's better to think of potential problems in times of peace.

-1.15 Chapter assignment

-1.16 We can only realize the importance of health after disease.

-1.16 Chapter assignment

-1.17 It’s better to enjoy life when you are abstemious.

-1.17 Chapter assignment

-1.18 Flavor of strong,spicy,rich and sweet are not the real taste.

-1.18 Chapter assignment

-1.19 Wealth and reputation can only be permanent if they are built on one’s morality.

-1.19 Chapter assignment

-1.20 A man can only be free when there is no strings on him.

-1.20 Chapter assignment

-1.21 The one who talked about the beauty of mountains are not necessary getting the beauty of the mountains.

-1.21 Chapter assignment

-1.22 It’s nice to walk on the grassland leisurely without shoes on the spur of the moment.

-1.22 Chapter assignment

-1.23 The ones who are generous and charitable will have the best luck in his life.

-1.23 Chapter assignment

-Chapter 1 test

Chapter 2 To Find a Certain Self in the Uncertain World

-2.1 If I do not boast of my beauty, how can anyone call me ugly?

-2.1 Chapter assignment

-2.2 Joy can often be found in fulfilling a painstaking job.

-2.2 Chapter assignment

-2.3 If everyone think everything as flawless,everything in the world would naturally become perfect.

-2.3 Chapter assignment

-2.4 Love, if taken to extremes, can arouse enmity, while no deep affection is required to generate great satisfaction.

-2.4 Chapter assignment

-2.5 Tasty foods are like poison that perforates your intestines and erodes your bones.

-2.5 Chapter assignment

-2.6 You should adopt an attitude of forgiveness for the faults of others, and you cannot forgive if the mistake is in yourself.

-2.6 Chapter assignment

-2.7 We frequently hear of what we do not want to hear, and ponder of what troubles the mind.

-2.7 Chapter assignment

-2.8 Self-cultivation requires a mind impervious to outside allurements.

-2.8 Chapter assignment

-2.9 The universe lasts forever, but a man cannot live through all eternity.

-2.9 Chapter assignment

-2.10 When I was rich, others flattered me. Actually,they flattered the tall hats and luxurious clothes on me.

-2.10 Chapter assignment

-2.11 When you are busy, you should also try to spare some free time to stretch your body and mind, plan what you need to do in advance, and master the main points.

-2.11 Chapter assignment

-2.12 When the sun is about to set, the sunset glow in the sky radiates brilliant brilliance.

-2.12 Chapter assignment

-2.13 When the eagle stands, its eyes are half-open and half-closed as if in sleep, while the tiger is lazy and weak when walking, as if in a sick state.

-2.13 Chapter assignment

-2.14 Where there is a happy state, there is an unhappy counterpart.

-2.14 Chapter assignment

-2.15 Simplicity not only produces better essays, it also makes self-cultivation successful.

-2.15 Chapter assignment

-2.16 When you use your own powers to manipulate things outside yourself, you neither feel pleased when you accomplish something, nor do you feel downcast when you fail.

-2.16 Chapter assignment

-2.17 If life is too leisurely, extraneous notions cannot help but spring up and multiply.

-2.17 Chapter assignment

-2.18 If a man’s thoughts are bright and clear, even if he is in a dark place his heart will be as shiny as daylight.

-2.18 Chapter assignment

-2.19 The tranquility in a quiet environment is not really tranquility.

-2.19 Chapter assignment

-2.20 When a piece of writing reaches the acme of perfection, it is not because it contains some miraculous ingredients.

-2.20 Chapter assignment

-2.21 Man is basically just like Heaven. When he is happy, he is like Heaven when the auspicious star and clouds of good fortune appear.

-2.21 Chapter assignment

-2.22 When worldly plotting and striving for advantage are banished from the heart, you will appreciate the beauty of the bright and clear moonlight and spring breeze.

-2.22 Chapter assignment

-2.23 A man walks alone with a staff through the pine-covered gully.

-2.23 Chapter assignment

-2.24 Mountains and forests are places of beautiful scenery, but once people flock to them, they will turn into market places.

-2.24 Chapter assignment

-2.25 He who studies without appreciating the insights of the wise men of old is no more than a copyist.

-2.25 Chapter assignment

-2.26 When you are hungry, eat; when you are tired, sleep.

-2.26 Chapter assignment

-2.27 Time is boundless in its essence. But the busy and harassed people still feel the pressure caused by lack of time.

-2.27 Chapter assignment

-2.28 Do not be disturbed whether you are in favour or out of favour with your superiors, watch the flowers as they bloom and droop outside your door.

-2.28 Chapter assignment

-Chapter 2 test

Chapter 3 People in higher level,moments will be more interesting.

-3.1 Chapter assignment

-3.1 One should be heroic with his friends.

-3.2 The flow between heaven and earth will bring life when it’s warm yet kill them when it’s cold.

-3.2 Chapter assignment

-3.3 It’s better not be fastidious.

-3.3 Chapter assignment

-3.4 It's better to find a tactful way of helping others with demerit.

-3.4 Chapter assignment

-3.5 It’s better not to giving everything to someone who is concealing his real feelings.

-3.5 Chapter assignment

-3.6 Don’t mean harm to others, do protect oneself from others.

-3.6 Chapter assignment

-3.7 Don’t be harsh towards others, or else the ones who would serve you will leave you.

-3.7 Chapter assignment

-3.8 Don’t make promise in fits and starts.

-3.8 Chapter assignment

-3.9 Don’t fight for wealth and position in front of others.

-3.9 Chapter assignment

-3.10 Don’t say about someone’s cunning even when you notice it.

-3.10 Chapter assignment

-3.11 It’s better to self-contained, but not lofty.

-3.11 Chapter assignment

-3.12 You can never satisfy someone greedy.

-3.12 Chapter assignment

-3.13 When suffer distress, it’s better to recall your ambition.

-3.13 Chapter assignment

-3.14 The ones who is peaceful will not arouse sympathy with extravagant ones.

-3.14 Chapter assignment

-3.15 Observe people level-headed, hear people dispassionately.

-3.15 Chapter assignment

-3.16 Ascend a height to enjoy a distant view and feel refresh, close to a stream to enjoy a far--reaching conception.

-3.16 Chapter assignment

-3.17 With the growth of tolerance,morality will improve;with the growth of insight, ability will improve.

-3.17 Chapter assignment

-Chapter 3 test

Chapter 4 She therefore not sophisticated is the most kind and mature.

-4.1 In an era of peace, one needs to be “square”, which means being strict and upright.

-4.1 Chapter assignment

-4.2 Human relationships are fickle and the road of life is full of ups and downs.

-4.2 Chapter assignment

-4.3 On a narrow path, step aside one pace so that others may pass.

-4.3 Chapter assignment

-4.4 Exerting yourself to do a good job is a fine moral trait. But if you make yourself too miserable in the process, your own ease of mind will become impossible.

-4.4 Chapter assignment

-4.5 It is better to incur hatred by one’s upright conduct than to please others by perverting your morals.

-4.5 Chapter assignment

-4.6 When a man meets a person who is struggling with difficulties, he should say the right words to solve his problems. This is boundless beneficence.

-4.6 Chapter assignment

-4.7 Do not incur the enmity of people of low character; they have their own foes.

-4.7 Chapter assignment

-4.8 A man should prefer the distrust and slander of the unworthy to their flattery.

-4.8 Chapter assignment

-4.9 A man gets more happiness than he deserves and receives unearned bounty.

-4.9 Chapter assignment

-4.10 Trying to curry favour with individual is not as good as promoting public morality.

-4.10 Chapter assignment

-4.11 A mantis stalks a cicada, only to fall prey to the unseen finch following.

-4.11 Chapter assignment

-4.12 When conducting yourself in society, it is wise to be ready to make concessions. To treat others with kindness is part of your own happiness.

-4.12 Chapter assignment

-4.13 With time, a rope can saw through a block of wood, and dripping water can bore a hole in a rock.

-4.13. Chapter assignment

-4.14When you face trying circumstances, everything that you encounter has the effect of bitter medicinal herbs.

-4.14 Chapter assignment

-4.15 A man who engages in self-reflection turns everything he comes into contact with into a good tonic which keeps him alert.

-4.15 Chapter assignment

-4.16 The mouth is the doorway of the heart. If it is not closely guarded, your true motives and intentions will sill out.

-4.16 Chapter assignment

-4.17 A man who can shuffle off the commonplace is an outstanding person.

-4.17 Chapter assignment

-4.18 Repeatedly tempering oneself through the interchange of weal and woe.

-4.18 Chapter assignment

-4.19 The way to transcend the mean world is to temper oneself in the course of dealing with people.

-4.19 Chapter assignment

-4.20 It is better for the upright man to preserve the plainness of his inborn nature than to take pains to acquire worldly wisdom.

-4.20 Chapter assignment

-Chapter 4 test

Oriental Wisdom—Caigentan开设学校:陕西工商职业学院

Oriental Wisdom—Caigentan授课教师:


王家春,教授,哲理中国画创始人。陕西工商职业学院院学术委员会主任、陕西省社科联学术咨询委员会委员,西安交通大学、西北大学、陕西科技大学、中国延安干部学院、澳门城市大学兼职教授。曾获陕西省第二届最具文化影响力十大杰出成就人物、陕西省2012十大慈善之星、人民美术出版社2018年度“人美年度艺术家”等称号。 王家春长期从事马克思主义艺术哲学研究和哲理中国画创作,曾出版《普通宣传学》《公共关系理论与实践》《农村思想政治工作学》《挂在墙上的养生艺术——哲理中国画》《打开心窗——让幸福飞到你身旁》《活个明白》《艺术正能量——王家春哲理中国画》《画说<菜根谭>》等多部著作及作品集,在《人民日报》《经济日报》《美术报》等重要刊物上发表文艺批评文章30多篇。其专著在香港和台湾受到了普遍欢迎,《打开心窗》在香港中华书局出版后,连续六周名列中华书局畅销书排行榜第一,哲理小说《活个明白》在香港也进入畅销行列,花城出版社出版的哲理小说《活个明白》入选国家新闻出版广电局、全国老龄工作委员会首届向全国老年人推荐优秀出版物,台湾读者对《打开心窗》给予高度评价。《画说<菜根谭>》获中国美术出版总社2018年度“十本好书”,并获得2019年度陕西高等学校人文社王家春创作的“哲理中国画”独辟蹊径,将丰子恺的意境、齐白石的童趣有机结合,致力于推动中国优秀传统文化的创造性转化和创新性发展,被誉为中国画版本的“心灵鸡汤”和挂在墙上的“心灵动力”。所独创的哲理漫画被《新周刊》等学术刊物作为封面采用,并发表于《读者》香港《镜报》《新周刊》《美术报》《中国书画》《上海艺术家》《陕西日报》《荣宝斋》《诗刊》《大河美术报》《文化艺术报》等几十家重要刊物,同时被北京地铁、武汉地铁、杭州地铁、南京地铁及很多学校、工厂等公共艺术空间,作为公益绘画广泛使用,宣传社会主义核心价值观。中央电视台书画频道三次对其哲理漫画进行专题报道。会科学研究优秀成果二等奖。


  1. Oriental Wisdom—Caigentan(Round 2)

  2. 职业卫生与职业医学(2021秋)

  3. Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery(Round 2)

  4. java程序设计(2021秋)

  5. 广告设计(2021秋)

  6. Auditing(Round 2)

  7. 交替传译(2021秋)

  8. 数字测图技术(2021秋)

  9. Social Welfare Theories and Practice(Round 2)

  10. Chinese Literature(Round 2)

  11. 高等数学精讲(下)(2021秋)

  12. 体内药物与毒物分析(2021秋)

  13. 质性研究方法(2021秋)

  14. 商务形象设计(2021秋)

  15. 中医英语进阶(2021秋)

  16. 巴蜀文化(2021秋)

  17. 数字超大规模集成电路设计(2021秋)

  18. 大学计算机(2021秋)

  19. 国民经济管理学(2021秋)

  20. 结构力学(1)(2021秋)
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