Introduction To Sustainable Development

This course is to enable students to understand the conceptual frameworks for Sustainable Development (SD), as well as its environmental, political and economic dimensions. This course highlights the conflicts associated with the concept of SD on the national and the global scales.


Introduction To Sustainable Development课程:前往报名学习

Introduction To Sustainable Development视频慕课课程简介:

This course is to enable students to understand the conceptual frameworks for Sustainable Development (SD), as well as its environmental, political and economic dimensions. This course highlights the conflicts associated with the concept of SD on the national and the global scales.


Introduction To Sustainable Development课程列表:


Lecture 1 Introduction

-Icebreaking: Build a Tower

-Demonstration and Discussion

-TED Talk: Build A Tower, Build A Team by Tom Wujec

-The tragedy of the Commons

-Student Homework: Where Does Sustainable Development Come From

-Discussion: Has the consensus for SD been reached

-Complicated World, Complicated SD

-Quiz 1

Lecture 2 Definitions, Debates and Dilemmas

-The Tragedy of Commons: Lack of Sanction

-Stockholm Conference, 1972

-Brundtland Report, 1987

-Economic Development and Sustainable Development

-Sustainable Development: Hard to Define

-Case Study: Ivory in Africa

-Student Presentation: The Politics of the Environment & Energy

-Discussion: Is Sustainable Development A New Paradigm?

-Discussion: Is Sustainable Development A New Paradigm? (cont.)

-Quiz 2

Lecture 3 Conceptual Frameworks

-Recap The Definition of SD

-From MDG to SDG

-The Two-Sides of SDGs

-TED Talk: How To Build A Prosperous And Sustainable World by Johan Rockström

-Discussion: What kind of SDGs are we looking for?

-The Typology of the Sustainable Development

-The Ladder of Sustainable Development

-Quiz 3

Lecture 4 Politics of Sustainable Development

-Recap: Understanding SD in Two Ways

-Different Views of Sustainable Development

-Discussion: the Classification from Susan Baker

-Critique to Sustainable Development from Dick Richardson

-A Short Summary

-Discussion: the Politics of Sustainable Development

-Homework: Watching the Film 'Keke Xili'

-Quiz 4

Lecture 5 Case Study: Keke Xili

-Discussion: the Film 'Keke Xili'

-Discussion: the Challenge and Choice of Ecological Conservation

-Discussion: Buying Leads to Killing

-Discussion: SD Calls for a Change in Values

-Student Presentation: Ecological Modernization

-Discussion: Exploring in Compromise and Balance


-Quiz 5

Lecture 6 Environmental Capital & Environmental Space

-Recap: Ecological Modernization and Sustainable Development Model

-From Ideal Concept to Realistic Model

-Environmental Capital Model

-Discussion: Environmental Capital Model

-Environmental Space Model

-Discussion: Comparison of Two Models

-Discussion: Challenge and Thinking in Practice


-Quiz 6

Lecture 7 Global Sustainable Development Governance

-The Evolution of the Concept of Governance

-Global Environmental Governance

-Global Environmental Regime

-Discussion: Are We in the "Golden age"

-What is Happening in Reality

-TED Talk: The Global Goals We've Made Progress on - and Ones We Haven't by Michael Green

-Discussion: How Is My Country Doing


-Quiz 7

Lecture 8 SD & High Consumption Societies

-Consumption and Consumerism

-Trace to the Source of Consumerism

-Consumption and Environment

-Dealing with Unsustainable Consumption

-Critique on the Individualization of Responsibility

-Student Presentation: Unsustainable Consumption - Individualizing Responsibility

-Student Presentation: the Swiss Case

-Student Discussion: What Can We Do?


-Quiz 8

Lecture 9 SD in Developing Countries

-SD and Developing Countries

-Challenges for Developing Countries

-Conditions for Sustainable Development

-Finance Sustainability: Public Finance and Environmental aid

-Finance Sustainability: Debt-for-Nature Swaps and Payment for Ecosystem Services

-Discussion: Global Financial System

-Student Presentation: Sustainable Development in Lesotho

-Discussion: The Realistic Choices for Lesotho


-Quiz 9

Lecture 10 SD in China

-SD in China: A Billion Chinese Dreams Part I

-SD in China: A Billion Chinese Dreams Part II

-SD in China: A Billion Chinese Dreams Part III

-Discussion: China's Efforts on SD

-A Brief Introduction to China

-China towards SD

-The Chinese Way towards SD: Adaptive Governance

-Student Presentation: China's Sustainable Development

-Quiz 10

Lecture 11 Case Study: SD in Yuxi

-Students Presentation: SD in Yuxi, China - Case Background

-Discussion: Situation and Solution

-Discussion: Situation and Solution (cont.)

-Students Presentation: SD in Yuxi, China - Strategy Analysis

-Discussion: Evaluation of Realistic Strategies

-Discussion: Evaluation of Realistic Strategies (cont.)

Lecture 12 Climate Change in US

-Recap: Sustainable Development in Yuxi, China

-Discussion: Climate Denial Movement

-Discussion: Climate Denial Movement (cont.)

-Understanding the Environmental Policy of the US

-Student Presentation: Politics in Environmental Issues

-Discussion: Environmental Politics in Our Countries

-Quiz 12

Seminar 13 Student Presentation I

-Student Presentation: SD in Oman

-Student Presentation: SD in Oman (cont.)

-Discussion: SD Practice in Oman

-Student Presentation: SD in Lesotho - Conditions and Countermeasures

-Student Presentation: SD in Lesotho - Analysis and Discussion

-Student Presentation: SD in Tanzania

-Student Presentation: SD in Scandinavian Countries

-Discussion: SD Practices in Scandinavian Countries

Seminar 14 Student Presentation II

-Student Presentation: SD in South Sudan

-Discussion: Opportunities and Challenges of South Sudan

-Students Presentation: Gender Equality in Rwanda

-Discussion: Rwanda Case

-Student Presentation: Sustainable Urban Development in Vienna

-Student Presentation: SD in Third World Countries

-Discussion: Sustainable Urban Issues

Final Exam and Discussion


Introduction To Sustainable Development开设学校:清华大学

Introduction To Sustainable Development授课教师:


潘洁教授在美国罗格斯大学取得政治学学士学位,在哥伦比亚大学取得国际事务硕士学位,并在香港中文大学取得政治学及公共管理博士学位。她曾在香港城市大学及香港理工大学担任研究员、助理教授及访问学者。在2005-2008年期间,她曾在香港特别行政区政府中央政策组担任职务。2008-2012年,她被委任为香港环境局副局长。 潘洁教授于2018年加入清华大学公共政策与管理学院。她也是清华大学可持续发展目标研究所的核心研究人员。她开设了包括可持续发展概论(3学分)和中国可持续发展(3学分)在内的研究生课程。


  1. Introduction To Sustainable Development(2021秋)

  2. 昆虫.意象.哲学(2021秋)

  3. 基础护理学(2021秋)

  4. 传感器技术及应用(2021秋)

  5. 道路交通环境保护(2021秋)

  6. 自然科学概论(2021秋)

  7. 疾病的奥秘-病理学(2021秋)

  8. 给水排水管道工程(2021秋)

  9. 线性代数(2021秋)

  10. 计算机绘图(2021秋)

  11. 各家学说(2021秋)

  12. 家庭理财(2021秋)

  13. 英语电影与文化(2021秋)

  14. 高等反应工程(2021秋)

  15. 逻辑、计算和博弈(2021秋)

  16. 青少年创客与全球名校申请(2021秋)

  17. 中国现当代文学名著欣赏(2021秋)

  18. 知识产权法律及实务(2021秋)

  19. 马克思主义基本原理(2021秋)

  20. 习近平总书记关于教育的重要论述研究(2021秋)
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