Year 2020: A Turning Point for University Online Teaching and Learning

This lecture series provides a framework to better understand the development of online education. Through keynotes and presentations by university leadership and online education experts from around the world, we hope to guide learners to rethink the future and new mission of online education beyond the extraordinary year of 2020.


Year 2020: A Turning Point for University Online Teaching and Learning课程:前往报名学习

Year 2020: A Turning Point for University Online Teaching and Learning视频慕课课程简介:

This lecture series provides a framework to better understand the development of online education. Through keynotes and presentations by university leadership and online education experts from around the world, we hope to guide learners to rethink the future and new mission of online education beyond the extraordinary year of 2020.


Year 2020: A Turning Point for University Online Teaching and Learning课程列表:


Three decades of online education development

-Before we start the course ...

-2000-2010: "A Decade of Open Sharing"

-2010-2020: "The MOOC Decade"

-Deep dive and highlight: 2012, 2017, 2020

--2012: "The Year of MOOC"

--2017: "The Year of the Microcredential"

--2020: "The Pandemic Year: School closures, online learning ..."

--To Seize the Opportunity of Transformation and Shape the Future with the Power of Education

-Discussion: learnings after years of online education development?

-2020-2030: The Decade Towards Sustainable Development?

Online education 1.0 (technological development)

-Maximizing the benefits of ICT in education

--Distance Learning Strategies: What do we know about effectiveness?

--Massive Realtime Interactive Online Learning at Tsinghua University

Year 2020: A Turning Point for University Online Teaching and Learning开设学校:清华大学

Year 2020: A Turning Point for University Online Teaching and Learning授课教师:


Ms. Xiaoxiao Wang, Associate Dean of Undergraduate Academic Affairs Office at Tsinghua University; Associate Dean of Office of Lifelong Education Administration at Tsinghua University; and Secretary-General of the Global MOOC Alliance. Wang has been leading initiatives of online education at Tsinghua University since 2013, responsible for the development of MOOC and blended learning on campus. During 2020, she has been working to support the university-wide transition to fully online as well as to hybrid teaching and learning, including organizing dozens of global webinars on online education. She also recently translated “Minds Online: Teaching Effectively with Technology” and had the book published in Chinese. She received her M.A in Economics and Administration of Education and B.S. in Urban and Regional Planning from Peking University, China; and she is an Ed.D. doctoral candidate from Tsinghua University, China.


Mr. Enoch Wong, Senior Development Manager of Office of Lifelong Education Administration at Tsinghua University; and Assistant Secretary-General of the Global MOOC Alliance. During 2020, Wong hosted over 100 hours of global webinars and online meetings with online education experts and practitioners, including the opening session of the Global MOOC Conference on December 11 which attracted over 10 million live attendees. Wong was born in Hong Kong, China, studied in the UK for ten years, and has worked in seven countries across Asia, Europe, and Africa. Before co-founded three educational start-ups, he had a brief tenure at McKinsey’s London office and worked at the world’s largest youth leadership non-for-profit and world’s largest private education company as their Head of B2B Marketing for Asia and coordinated academic research with Harvard, Cambridge and Peking University. As a result, he was selected to represent China at the UN Youth Forum, and as a Global Shaper and the Advisory Council Steering Committee by the World Economic Forum (Davos). He received his Master’s Degree in Global Affairs as a Schwarzman Scholar (full scholarship) with The Outstanding Thesis Award at Tsinghua University, China, and BSc in Mathematics, Operational Research, Statistics and Economics (MORSE) as a Swire Scholar (full scholarship) at University of Warwick, UK.


  1. Web安全实践(2021秋)

  2. 药用植物学(2021秋)

  3. 高职体育与健康(2021秋)

  4. 数值分析(2021秋)

  5. 运动生物力学原理与应用(2021秋)

  6. 毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论(2021秋)

  7. 互联网体系结构(2021秋)

  8. 合同法(2021秋)

  9. 机械原理(2021秋)

  10. 操作系统(2021秋)

  11. Year 2020: A Turning Point for University Online Teaching and Learning(自主模式)

  12. 计算机辅助设计(自主模式)

  13. 信息与通信技术(自主模式)

  14. 新媒体英语(2021春)

  15. 热流体工程(2021春)

  16. 云南旅游文化之行(2021春)

  17. 美好生活“油”此而来:油科学概论(2021春)

  18. 高等数学先修课(自主模式)

  19. Conversational English Skills(Self-Paced)

  20. 民法典时代的典型合同与生活(2021春)
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