Conversational English Skills

Do you want to use English to communicate with friends from all over the world? Let's take you on a different English learning trip!


Conversational English Skills课程:前往报名学习

Conversational English Skills视频慕课课程简介:

Do you want to use English to communicate with friends from all over the world? Let's take you on a different English learning trip!


Conversational English Skills课程列表:


Unit 1 You Say, I Say

-1. Introduction


-2. Text: Greeting in Different Cultures


-4. Greeting


--Unit 1 You Say, I Say--4. Greeting

-5.First Impression

--First Impression

-6. Personal Information


--Unit 1 You Say, I Say--6. Personal Inform

-7. Cultural Focus: Meeting Someone New

--Cultural Focus

--Unit 1 You Say, I Say--7. Cultural Focus:

-8. Office hour

--Office hour

--Unit 1 You Say, I Say--8. Office hour

-9. Summary


-10. Exercise

--Unit 1 You Say, I Say--10. Exercise

-11. Discussion

--Unit 1 Topic for discussion

Unit 2 The People in Your Life

-1. Introduction


-2. Text: My Mother is My Best Friend

-- Text: My Mother is My Best Friend

-4. Families, Friends and Idols

--Families, Friends and Idols

--Unit 2--4

-5. Describe People’s Appearance and Character

--Describe People’s Appearance and Character

--Unit 2--5

-6.How to Communicate with Other People

--How to Communicate with Other People

--Unit 2--6

-7. Friend Relationships

--Friend Relationships

--Unit 2 --7

-8. Cultural Focus: Family and Friend Relationships

--Cultural Focus

--Unit 2--8

-9.Office hour

--Office hour

--Unit 2--9




--Unit 2--11

-12 Discussion

--Unit 2 Topic for discussion

Unit 3 Eating in and Eating out

-1. Introduction


-2.Text:Food in Different Cultures

--2.Text:Food in Different Cultures

-4.Food in Different Cultures

--4.Food in Different Cultures

--Unit 3--4

-5.Chinese Meals

--5.Chinese Meals

--Unit 3--5

-6.Cultural Focus: Different Customs Related to Food in Different Countries

--6.Cultural Focus: Different Customs Related to Food in Different Countries

--Unit 3--6

-7.Eating out

--7.Eating out

--Unit 3--7

-8. Office Hour

--8. Talk Show

--Unit 3--8




--Unit 3--10

-11. Discussion

--Unit 3 Topic for discussion

Unit 4 Why Do You Want to Learn English

-1. Introduction

--1. Introduction

-2. Text: Why Do You Learn English?

--2. Text: Why Do You Learn English?

-4.Reasons for Learning English

--4.Reasons for Learning English

--Unit 4--4

-5. How to Learn English

--5. How to Learn English

--Unit 4--5

-6. Cultural Focus: the United Kingdom

--6. Cultural Focus: the United Kingdom

--Unit 4--6

-7. British and American English

-- 7. British and American English

- 8. Office Hour

-- 8. Office Hour

--Unit 4--8



-10. Exercise

--Unit 4--10

-11. Discussion

--Unit 4 Topic for discussion

Unit 5 Good Times and Bad Times

-1. Introduction

--1. Introduction

-2. Text: Good Times, Hard Times, but Never Bad Times

--2. Text: Good Times, Hard Times, but Never Bad Times

-4. Good and Bad Experiences

--4. Good and Bad Experiences

--Unit 5--4

-5. Free-time Activities

--5. Free-time Activities

--Unit 5--5

-6. Cultural Focus: Popular Travel Spots in North America

--6. Cultural Focus: Popular Travel Spots in North America

--Unit 5--6

-7. Festival

--7. Festival

--Unit 5--7

-8. Office Hour

--8. Office Hour

--Unit 5--8

-9. Talk Show (Glenn and David)

--9. Talk Show (Glenn and David)

-10. Summary

--10. Summary

-11. Exercise

--Unit 5--11

-12. Discussion

--Unit 5 Topic for discussion

Unit 6 Hobbies

-1. Introduction

--1. Introduction

-2. Text: Hobbies of My Family Members

--2. Text: Hobbies of My Family Members

-4. What Are Your hobbies

--4. What Are Your Hobbies

--Unit 6--4

-5. What Do You Get from Hobbies

--5. What Do You Get from Hobbies

--Unit 6--5

-6. How to Cultivate Your Hobbies

--6.How to Cultivate Your Hobbies

--Unit 6--6

-7. Cultural Focus: People’s Preferences for Hobbies in Different Countries

--7. Cultural Focus: People’s Preferences for Hobbies in Different Countries

--Unit 6--7

-8. Hobbies in Different Countries

--8. Hobbies in Different Countries

-9. Office Hour

--9. Office Hour

--Unit 6--9

-10. Summary

--10. Summary

-11. Exercise

--Unit 6--11

-12. Discussion

--Unit 6 Topic for discussion

Unit 7 Feeling

-1. Introduction

--1. Introduction

-2. Text: Sharing Your Feelings

--2. Text: Sharing Your Feelings

-4. Explore and Discuss Feelings and Emotions

--4. Explore and Discuss Feelings and Emotions

--Unit 7--4

-5. Letting off Steam

--5. Letting off Steam

--Unit 7--5

-6. Emotion Management

--6. Emotion Management

--Unit 7--6

-7. Cultural Focus: Students’ Stress

--7. Cultural Focus: Students’ Stress

--Unit 7--7

- 8. Office Hour

--8. Office Hour

--Unit 7-- 8

- 9. Talk Show (Glenn and Conor)

--9. Talk Show (Glenn and Conor)

-10. Summary

--10. Summary

-11. Exercise

--Unit 7--11

-12. Discussion

--Unit 7 Topic for discussion

Unit 8 Staying Healthy

-1. Introduction

--1. Introduction

-2. Text: Keep Healthy

--2. Text: Keep Healthy

-4. Talking about One's Health

--4. Talking about One's Health

--Unit 8--4

-5. A Healthy Lifestyle

--5. A Healthy Lifestyle

--Unit 8--5

-6. How to Stay Healthy

--6. How to Stay Healthy

--Unit 8--6

-7. Cultural Focus: Ways of Keeping Healthy

--7. Cultural Focus: Ways of Keeping Healthy

--Unit 8--7

-8. Office Hour

--8. Office Hour

-9. Summary

--9. Summary

-10. Exercise

--Unit 8--10

-11. Discussion

--Unit 8 Topic for discussion

Final Exam

-Final Exam

Conversational English Skills开设学校:清华大学

Conversational English Skills授课教师:


张文霞,清华大学外国语言文学系教授、博士生导师。自1987年工作至今,一直承担量大面广的公外本、硕、博的英语课程和英语专业硕、博研究生的课程教学。其主要研究方向为应用语言学和语言测试学,在国内外学术期刊上发表论文40余篇,出版专著2部,主编教材4部。其中包括专著《中国学生英语应试作文篇章特点及中外阅卷人员的评判研究》、教材《新时代交互英语-读写译》与《写作实践》以及论文“World Englishes: issues in and from writing assessment”等。目前,张教授担任清华大学人文学院党委副书记、外文系党总支书记、教育部高等学校大学外语教学指导委员会副主任委员、北京市大学英语研究会理事长、Assessing Writing Journal 和“中国应用语言学”等期刊编委,以及多所高校的客座教授。她讲授的《生活英语听说》慕课已在学堂在线和edX两个教学平台有近50万学生注册学习。


杨芳,清华大学语言教学中心副教授,学术研究领域涉及应用语言学及网络教学。 剑桥大学和贝勒大学访问学者。生活英语系列慕课负责人。 目前,生活英语系列MOOC已经上线学习强国、edX, Coursera, 学堂在线、军职在线等平台,国内外选课人数已突破140万人。 《生活英语听说》和《生活英语读写》均为“国家精品在线开放课程”。《生活英语进阶》为清华大学优秀慕课。


  1. 工程财务与经济(2021秋)

  2. 临床科研实验技能(2021秋)

  3. 植物生物化学(2021秋)

  4. 虚幻引擎(UE4)技术基础(2021秋)

  5. 8位嵌入式电子产品开发(2021暑假班)

  6. 中国古典舞身韵(2021秋)

  7. 国际新闻比较与分析(2021秋)

  8. 计算思维(2021秋)

  9. 社交礼仪(2021秋)

  10. 高级管理学(2021秋)

  11. Conversational English Skills(Self-Paced)

  12. 民法典时代的典型合同与生活(2021春)

  13. 嵌入式系统(自主模式)

  14. 微机电系统技术及应用(2021春)

  15. 柴油机构造与使用(2021春)

  16. 平面广告设计(2021春)

  17. 应用随机过程(2021春)

  18. 大学英语口语进阶(2021春)

  19. 电磁暂态分析(2021春)

  20. 电磁兼容(2021春)
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