
Our psychologists, scholars, and artists will lead you through a challenging but interesting journey, transforming you into extraordinary learners.




Our psychologists, scholars, and artists will lead you through a challenging but interesting journey, transforming you into extraordinary learners.







Module One: What is Creativity (I)

-Creative Moments

--Creative Moments

-Creative Moments

-Creative Elements

--Creative Elements

-Creative Elements

-Forum Module One: What is Creativity (I)

Module Two: What is Creativity (II)

-Creative Principles (I)

--Creative Principles (I)

-Creative Principles (I)

-Creative Principles (II)

--Creative Principles (II)

-Creative Principles (II)

-Forum Module Two: What is Creativity (II)

Module Three: Creative Thoughts and Words

-Key Concepts of Story-telling

--Key Concepts of Story-telling

-Key Concepts of Story-telling

-Creative Writing -- Sentence

--Creative Writing -- Sentence

-Creative Writing -- Sentence

-Forum Module Three: Creative Thoughts and Words (I)

-Forum Module Three: Creative Thoughts and Words (I)

Module Four: Creative Thoughts and Words (II)

-Creative Writing -- Prose

--Creative Writing -- Prose

-Creative Writing -- Prose

-Creative Writing -- Short Scene

--Creative Writing -- Short Scene

-Creative Writing -- Short Scene

Module Five: Creative Journey (I)

-Creative Frame

--Creative Frame

-Creative Frame

-Habits and Novelty

--Habits and Novelty

-Habits and Novelty

Module Six: Creative Journey (II)

-Exploring and Evaluating

--Exploring and Evaluating

-Exploring and Evaluating

-Creative Application

--Creative Application

-Creative Application

Module Seven: Free your Creativity

-Creative Integration (I)

--Creative Integration (I)

-Creative Integration (I)

-Creative Integration (II)

--Creative Integration (II)

-Creative Integration (II)

Module Eight: Creative You

-Creative You

--Creative You

-Creative You


-Part ( I )

--Part ( I )

-Part ( II )

--Part ( II )

Creative sharing

-Creativity sharing




曾任职于北美多间大学和教育局,现任香港演艺学院助理副校长,副教授,同时在澳门大学讲授《舞蹈创意》课程。他热衷于艺术与科技, 教与学方面的研究,在线上教学和智慧教学改革方面有诸多的实践经验,曾获“2019年亚洲卓越教学金奖”。


王嘉祺(英國利玆大學英國文學博士)是澳門大學教與學優化中心主任、英文系副教授。研究領域包括劇場與音樂、英國文藝復興戲劇、莎士比亞戲劇。其個人著作包括頂尖學術期刊文章、《文藝復興時期英國戲劇中的音樂與性別》,合編有《澳門 — 文化互動和文學表現》等,並擔任戴定澄著作《20世紀澳門天主教音樂 - 獨特歷史背景下的作曲者與作品》英文版責任編輯。最近被邀著專題文章,討論莎士比亞性別與音樂以及莎士比亞在亞洲的題目,將由牛津大學出版社出版。王嘉祺亦為歌唱家,任澳門嚶鳴合唱團指揮。 Katrine K. Wong is the Director of Centre for Teaching and Learning Enhancement and Associate Professor of English at University of Macau. With a PhD in English Literary Studies from the University of Leeds, her research interests include music in English Renaissance drama, Shakespearean theatre, and life narratives. She is the author of "Music and Gender in English Renaissance Drama (Routledge)" as well as articles in top-tiered journals such as Adaptation and Early Theatre, and co-editor of Macao – Cultural Interaction and Literary Representations (Routledge). She also edited the English edition of Dai Ding Cheng’s "Catholic Music in Macao in the Twentieth Century: Music Writers and their Works in a Unique Historical Context (Instituto Cultural)".

Davood Gozli-助理教授-澳门大学-

Davood Gozli 於2015年在多倫多大學獲取試驗心理學博士學位。之後在荷蘭萊頓大學作了短暫的博士後研究。2016年,Gozli加入澳門大學成爲社會科學院助理教授。他研究领域廣泛,但主要感興趣的是運用試驗心理學在一個大的参考框架中作爲一種理解自己的方式去解讀自己。 Davood Gozli received his PhD in Experimental Psychology at the University of Toronto. After a brief postdoctoral fellowship at Leiden University, he moved to the University of Macau, where he is currently an Assistant Professor (since 2016). He has a wide range of interests, but he is primarily interested in making sense of experimental psychology, within a larger frame of reference, and as a way of understanding ourselves.


  1. 数理统计(2021秋)

  2. 品读经典:《诗经》《老子》《庄子》选粹(2021秋)

  3. 汉字书写(2021秋)

  4. 媒体大数据挖掘与案例实战(2021秋)

  5. 正常人体解剖学(2021秋)

  6. 民族健身操赏析与实操(2021秋)

  7. 道路工程材料(2021秋)

  8. 化工系统工程(2021秋)

  9. 人体骨与关节解剖学(2021秋)

  10. 微生物学检验(2021秋)

  11. Creativity(Self-Paced)

  12. Shifting Your Teaching Online(Self-Paced)

  13. Digital Integrated Circuit Analysis and Design(Self-Paced)

  14. VR Experience and Panoramic Video Creation(Round 1)

  15. Teach Me Trade Simulation(Round 1)

  16. Principles of Electric Circuits(Self-Paced)

  17. Forensic Medicine(Round 1)

  18. Soil Mechanics(Round 1)

  19. Communication of Chinese Costume Art(Round 1)

  20. International Economics(Round 1)
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