Davood Gozli 於2015年在多倫多大學獲取試驗心理學博士學位。之後在荷蘭萊頓大學作了短暫的博士後研究。2016年,Gozli加入澳門大學成爲社會科學院助理教授。他研究领域廣泛,但主要感興趣的是運用試驗心理學在一個大的参考框架中作爲一種理解自己的方式去解讀自己。 Davood Gozli received his PhD in Experimental Psychology at the University of Toronto. After a brief postdoctoral fellowship at Leiden University, he moved to the University of Macau, where he is currently an Assistant Professor (since 2016). He has a wide range of interests, but he is primarily interested in making sense of experimental psychology, within a larger frame of reference, and as a way of understanding ourselves.